FBI agents endorse ex-Rep. Mike Rogers for director

You can blame me all you want but my vote didn't hurt Clinton at all, I know you like to throw blame at others rather than accept responsibility but my state voted Clinton by a good margin. Again, she was terrible, Trump was terrible and we got a terrible President.

Hope your party learned its lesson but I doubt it.

Uh, first, guy, I'm a registered Republican. I just want to back to a point where the party isn't run by plutocrats and religious nuts.

Secondly, yes, the Third Party Turds did hurt Mrs. Clinton, because it gave people like you the luxury of not making a choice.

You are a liberal, that makes you a Democrat whether you are smart enough to figure it out isn't my issue.

I had a choice, I decided to vote for a candidate that agreed with most of my values and politics, the GOP and the Democratic Party offered nothing that suited my politics both were repulsive candidates and I simply couldn't vote for either. What I find amusing is Trump supporters claimed I hurt their candidate. So I must of done good if I hurt both candidates.
Yep, you sure did, you marched out a huge loser and you lost, the Republicans put out a huge loser and won, maybe next time you will make a better choice in the primaries instead of the Democratic Party picking your loser. The GOP also screwed up, they didn't handle Trump correctly right out of the gate.

No, you see, The Democrats ran a bad candidate, who was perfectly capable of running the country.

The Republicans ran a mentally ill narcissist who had no business running the country, and the Russians helped him cheat because they wanted to get back at us for losing the Cold War.

Most Americans GOT IT RIGHT. Hillary got the most votes. THE SYSTEM failed. The purpose of the electoral college is to keep exactly what happened from happening.

You got it right Democrats ran a bad candidate and the Republicans ran a bad candidate.
I have shitloads of evidence. Why was Comey even giving a press conference about the Hillary email scandals but nothing about an imaginary investigation of Trump himself? Because he took on the role of Attorney General, which he has no right to, he was breaking several rules of conduct. Any lawyer would tell you his job is to investigate and recommend charges, not to unilaterally clear Hillary of all charges. This is not his job.

Except the charges were bullshit.

The real problem was Comey tried to please all sides. Yes, Hillary did bad, but it wasn't criminal. It was of course, bullshit, and he knew damned well he'd never get a DC Jury of mostly black people to indict Mrs. Clinton on this bullshit. But he wanted to look like he was doing a thorough job.

Trump's actions, however, clearly fall into outright obstruction of justice. Asking Comey to drop an investigation and then firing him when he doesn't. This is what Nixon did.
You are a liberal, that makes you a Democrat whether you are smart enough to figure it out isn't my issue.

No, man, I'm a pragmatist. You see, there was a time that Republicans supported civil rights and working people. There's a time when they understood there was a clear line between Church and State.

That was before the Crazies took over the party. Eisenhower wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. That's the problem.
You got it right Democrats ran a bad candidate and the Republicans ran a bad candidate.

No, stupid. Democrats ran a candidate who didn't appeal to misogynists and racists, Republicans ran one who did. And even though America rejected racism and misogyny, our awful system let them win.

Already with your name calling, not my fault they two very bad candidates, had there been better candidates they would have gotten many more votes. Sorry you lost. It has been fun watching all you liberals go nuts, it is very entertaining.
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Already with your name calling, not my fault they two very bad candidates, had there been better candidates they would have gotten many more votes. Sorry you lost. It has been fun watching all you liberals go nuts, it is very entertaining.

Duly noted you hate "liberals" more than you love America.

No stupid, but nice try but I didn't riot the next day, I went to work. I didn't protest over nothing but you haters got to hate. I find you loser very mentally unhinged. Next time run a better candidate.
No stupid, but nice try but I didn't riot the next day, I went to work. I didn't protest over nothing but you haters got to hate. I find you loser very mentally unhinged. Next time run a better candidate.

No, we to impeach the g uy in there now because he's not legitimate.

Special Prosecutor, Baby. your boy is going DOWN!!!!

Not my guy, I would rather have Pence a better choice than Trump or Clinton, so I am good with whatever happens.
Not my guy, I would rather have Pence a better choice than Trump or Clinton, so I am good with whatever happens.

Except you didn't allow Pence to win, you allowed Trump to win. Because again, you hate liberals more than you love America.

I didn't allow or not allow anything, you are one ignorant hater. I don't hate liberals, I didn't like Hillary, you LWNJs think not liking Clinton is hating liberals? That is really stupid thinking process you have there. I told you nuts a long time ago, had Bernie gone up against Trump, I would have voted for Bernie, but you LWNJs wanted Clinton and you got her. Congrats on choosing so poorly.
I didn't allow or not allow anything, you are one ignorant hater. I don't hate liberals, I didn't like Hillary, you LWNJs think not liking Clinton is hating liberals? That is really stupid thinking process you have there. I told you nuts a long time ago, had Bernie gone up against Trump, I would have voted for Bernie, but you LWNJs wanted Clinton and you got her. Congrats on choosing so poorly.

I think that when you are willing to allow a complete nutjob like Trump to become president because you hate Hillary so much, it really indicates you have a problem.
I didn't allow or not allow anything, you are one ignorant hater. I don't hate liberals, I didn't like Hillary, you LWNJs think not liking Clinton is hating liberals? That is really stupid thinking process you have there. I told you nuts a long time ago, had Bernie gone up against Trump, I would have voted for Bernie, but you LWNJs wanted Clinton and you got her. Congrats on choosing so poorly.

I think that when you are willing to allow a complete nutjob like Trump to become president because you hate Hillary so much, it really indicates you have a problem.

No, that isn't the way it works but hey, idiots like you that think they know better than everyone else will keep America mired in career politicians who take their money from the 1% and write the laws that favor the 1%. Congrats you got exactly what you voted for.
No, that isn't the way it works but hey, idiots like you that think they know better than everyone else will keep America mired in career politicians who take their money from the 1% and write the laws that favor the 1%. Congrats you got exactly what you voted for.

Hey, guy, I want career politicians to do politics.
I want career doctors to do medicine.
I want career lawyers to do law.
I want career pilots to fly airplanes.

But dumb clucks like you who see something like Trump come along, where we aren't even four months in and already we are talking impeachment, and you pat yourself on the back and say, "Good job!"
No, that isn't the way it works but hey, idiots like you that think they know better than everyone else will keep America mired in career politicians who take their money from the 1% and write the laws that favor the 1%. Congrats you got exactly what you voted for.

Hey, guy, I want career politicians to do politics.
I want career doctors to do medicine.
I want career lawyers to do law.
I want career pilots to fly airplanes.

But dumb clucks like you who see something like Trump come along, where we aren't even four months in and already we are talking impeachment, and you pat yourself on the back and say, "Good job!"

I voted for someone else in the caucus, so I did my part, if you voted for Sanders you did your part. So if you don't like who is elected, then look at who you nominated and that is the problem. So good job of allowing Trump to be your commander. Love what you assholes gave us no choices.
I voted for someone else in the caucus, so I did my part, if you voted for Sanders you did your part. So if you don't like who is elected, then look at who you nominated and that is the problem. So good job of allowing Trump to be your commander. Love what you assholes gave us no choices.

I didn't vote for Sanders, who is a commie nutjob. I voted for Kasich. And when the rest of the party was too gutless to stop a Nazi from getting the nomination, I voted for the ONLY OTHER VIABLE ALTERNATIVE.

You on the other hand, are totally cool with the Nazi getting in, because, hey, it upsets liberals. Again, sad that you hate liberals more than you love America.
I voted for someone else in the caucus, so I did my part, if you voted for Sanders you did your part. So if you don't like who is elected, then look at who you nominated and that is the problem. So good job of allowing Trump to be your commander. Love what you assholes gave us no choices.

I didn't vote for Sanders, who is a commie nutjob. I voted for Kasich. And when the rest of the party was too gutless to stop a Nazi from getting the nomination, I voted for the ONLY OTHER VIABLE ALTERNATIVE.

You on the other hand, are totally cool with the Nazi getting in, because, hey, it upsets liberals. Again, sad that you hate liberals more than you love America.

I voted Kasich but I would not vote for pieces of crap, if you have low enough standards I guess nuts like you will vote for anything. Congrats, you voted for shit and you got shit.

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