Fauci Flu Scamdemic-1984 How governments fool humanity


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Question to the government: How is it that someone falls ill after the first vaccination dose? Answer: He has received only one vaccination dose.

Question to the government: What if one gets sick after both vaccinations as well? Answer: Two weeks have not passed for the vaccination to take effect.

Question to the government: What if the vaccinated person still falls ill after two weeks? Answer: The vaccination protects against a severe course.

Question to the government: But what is the use of the vaccination if a severe course of the disease still occurs? Answer: Vaccination protects against death.

Question to the government: And what if you do die? Answer: Vaccination never protects 100 percent.

Question to the government: But what purpose does vaccination serve? Answer: We hope the virus will not kill you.

Question to the government: If the virus does not kill you, statistically speaking (99.7 percent survival rate), why should you get vaccinated? Answer: To protect others.

Question to the government: If vaccination protects others, why can it still infect others? Answer: Vaccination does not stop infectious transmission.

Question to the government: If vaccination does not stop infectious transmission to others, how do the others get infected? Answer: They didn't get vaccinated and got infected somewhere else.

Question to the government: How long does the vaccination protection last? Answer: No one knows. All Covid vaccines are still in the experimental testing phase.

Question to the government: Are you sure that one will not suffer permanent damage from this vaccination? Answer: In principle, yes, but we are still in the testing phase.

Question to the government: If one suffers serious, undesirable side effects or late effects after the vaccination or accidentally dies because of the vaccination, will the survivors receive compensation from the manufacturer or the government? Answer: No, neither manufacturer nor government can take responsibility for an experimental vaccine.

Question to the government: If you get vaccinated, can you stop wearing the mask? Answer: In principle, yes, but it still protects and therefore must remain.

Question to the government: If masks still protect, why keep a prescribed distance? Answer: To be on the safe side.

Question to government: If mask and spacing protect, why lockdown? Answer: Because people are afraid.

Question to the government: If masking, spacing and lockdown eliminate fear, then why vaccinate? Answer: Because many believe in it and want to be one hundred percent safe.

Question to government: if vaccinating is safe enough, why a disclaimer for vaccine injury or death? Answer: Because the vaccines are still being tested.

Question to the government: If my parents, grandparents and I get vaccinated, can we hug again? Answer: In principle yes, but let it love remain.
It never fails to amaze me that people will waste endless amounts of time trying to justify asking questions that have already been answered.

This one makes me laugh the most.
Question to government: If mask and spacing protect, why lockdown? Answer: Because people are afraid.

Who is locked down? Red states, blue states. Businesses are open and taking customers. Why do these lies keep circulating?
It never fails to amaze me that people will waste endless amounts of time trying to justify asking questions that have already been answered.

This one makes me laugh the most.
Question to government: If mask and spacing protect, why lockdown? Answer: Because people are afraid.

Who is locked down? Red states, blue states. Businesses are open and taking customers. Why do these lies keep circulating?

There are many countries in the world which impose lockdowns now.
And of course new lockdowns will come to the US, be sure.
There are many countries in the world which impose lockdowns now.
And of course new lockdowns will come to the US, be sure.
Which means nothing to me unless I need to travel to them.
There are no lockdowns in the United States. And unless this
virus morphs into Captain Tripps, there won't be either.


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