Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
Something like this?

Parkland student arrested for threats, two classmates cuffed for bringing knives to school where 17 were killed

This would be attempted murder.....

Two students were arrested later in the day after they pulled knives on their classmates in two separate incidents. One of the students took out a blade she had kept hidden in her bra druing a lunchtime brawl, according to an arrest report. The other student displayed a knife on board a bus the day before and was cuffed Tuesday.
Huh? You think kids should be arrested for attempted murder for having a knife on them? How does that play out. How long would you lock them up for?

How does ...

One of the students took out a blade she had kept hidden in her bra druing a lunchtime brawl, according to an arrest report.

become simply having a knife on them? The knife was pulled in the middle of a fight....which meant they had intent to use it on the other individual.....a knife in a school, pulled out to use on another student...
Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
True but I asked if all dems were going after all guns. You either avoided answering that question or you lied. Even the wingers that are talking about confiscation are only talking about assault weapons. Not all guns. It’s also only a faction of the party that is supporting this. These are obvious answers, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to say. Try being a bit more objective. More people will take you seriously.

You are throwing that word "Lie" around pretty easily....we have been able to have a polite conversation so far....keep using that word and that can change.
I agree we were having a good convo and I’d like to keep going. I won’t use the word lie of that is triggering you, but when I ask very simply if you think all dems are trying to ban all guns. The simple answer is no. You said dem leadership was trying to do that. That just is not true. Maybe your not lying maybe you are just wrong or confused. If you really think all dems are going after all guns then please show a link or statement that is proposing such things. Note that banning assault weapons is not banning all guns.

And if you use "triggering" in that crap way, we still have a problem..... You asked if I thought all democrats and I told you, no, only the ones in the leadership position... That is the truthful answer. I'm not wrong or confused, you are skating on being just another left winger taking shots....

Banning rifles that operate the same way as every other semi-automatic rifle, pistol and shotgun is either based on ignorance or part of a step by step move to ban all those other guns too..... I am granting the anti-gun democrats with intelligence....

Gilroy....3 killed with a rifle...semi-auto rifle...

Virginia Tech...32 killed with semi-auto pistols......

So no, you don't understand the issue......if you can ban the AR-15 because of the way it operates, you can come back and demand all the other semi-autos too....since they are the same weapon....
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
Beto is coming for my AR15s and AK47s.
This means I will still have my M1s, M14s and AR10s.
Sadly, they know this....and they aren't pretending anymore....
I wonder how long before someone suicides young master Bobby.

Yeah...... he actually is the "Fredo" of the democrat party.....or is he acting like "Sonny," letting people outside of the party know what they are actually thinking?

Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.

The County was a bunch of Democrats and Democrat employees that were following their Democrat policies of not busting people. It's happening all over Democrat jurisdictions. Get a clue. The gun laws didn't fail, their policies did.

Take the gun away, the shooter was committed to executing violence on innocents at the school and would have used other means. Liberals are too fixated on the means. Why aren’t they looking at the culture within the school and community that drove this guy? In most cases, shooters have been bullied. Schools need to intervene on any suspected bullying; physical or social. On the flip side, if the individual misconstrues communities not doing what they want for “bullying”, they need to be set straight that that is not how the word works. In both cases, it is about personal accountability.

Bullies have been around just as long as children. I could tell you about bullies in my school, so could my 88 year old father, and my grandfather told me stories of the same.

The difference between the generations is how they were raised. More recent generations were raised to be shielded from shame and humiliation. Then when they grow older and have to confront those uncomfortable feelings as adults, they get a gun and kill everybody at work.

Most of these school shootings are middle to upper-middle class schools. Take note how they never happen in lower income schools. Why? Because lower income people raise their children the way we were raised. If you get out of hand, you get whacked on the ass, even in public. If you do something wrong, you will get yelled at at the top of the parents lungs.

In suburbia, children don't get hit. We don't hit children, because hitting children promotes violence. You are not grounded. Grounded is such a negative word, you have time out instead. Never say no to a child. No is a very negative word. Do you know how many times some children hear the word "no?" We don't play dodge ball in gym class. Less popular students are deliberately singled out, and being the target of many other students leaves them growing up with insecurity problems.

So we are not raising young adults, we are raising egg shells. When one of those shells break because some football player push the kid into the lockers passing him in the hallway, it's more humiliation than that kid can take. He wasn't raised to deal with negative emotions.

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