Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
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Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.
Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.
Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.
Next bullshit story.

The area is a BLUE Democrat controlled area. Broward County

Don't give me that "it's a Republican state" Horseshit crap.
Just as we have a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.....are ALL States run by republicans, fool?
States are like a small USA, broken into counties instead of states. Get it?

"Even All of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit"..............yeah right...like you talked to ALL of them :rolleyes:.....lying POS.

ALL these mass shootings are caused by Democrats/Progressives/Liberals and America knows it.

I'd love to see you talk that BS in front of this grieving father.
You know what you can do.
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If citizens worldwide had kept their guns in the 20th century, the world would not have seen governments kill 100 million+ of their own people.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.

It's bullshit? Ever hear of the Promise Program? You know, the program created by DumBama that kept this nut out of authorities sight so they couldn't take proactive measures?
Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.
Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.
Next bullshit story.

The area is a BLUE Democrat controlled area. Broward County

Don't give me that "it's a Republican state" Horseshit crap.
Just as we have a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.....are ALL States run by republicans, fool?
States are like a small USA, broken into counties instead of states. Get it?

"Even All of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit"..............yeah right...like you talked to ALL of them :rolleyes:.....lying POS.

ALL these mass shootings are caused by Democrats/Progressives/Liberals and America knows it.

I'd love to see you talk that BS in front of this grieving father.
You know what you can do.

Broward county does not make state or federal gun laws.
Broward county does not make state or federal gun laws.

Are you really that stupid? Seriously?
What are Democrat POLICIES?

In general they.....
- Go soft on criminals....light sentences, early release, avoid capital punishment
- Obstruct family units
- Empower government obstruction into private lives
- Over tax business and persons so much so that they flee to states like Florida (2.8 million Leftist have fled NewYork and Newjersey and now vote for the exact same policies in florida they ran from. The de-facto DEFINITION of stupidity.)
- Create Social Justice programs that are discriminatory
- Encourage welfare to create government dependency and remove personal responsibility
- Encourage drug addition problems by going soft on borders and giving guns to cartels

These things create irresponsible young people who go out and take out their misguided anger on society.

I can't believe how absolutely ignorant so many people on the Left are.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
The rise in "mass shootings" is directly proportional to the rise in Democrat/Leftist influence in society.


I agree with that up to a point. The rise in mass shootings is also proportional to the decline in religion and God in this country. Every poll that's been taken the last 20 years shows a decreasing interest in religion and an increasing percentage of secular or atheists.

If you don't believe in God, then you have nothing to fear upon death. Death to a person who doesn't believe in the afterlife is everything going blank, just like before you were born.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

He is correct.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Read the rest of the posts. I stated that the Promise Program likely played a huge part in this. The Promise Program was one created by DumBama that showed reporting of a decline in illegalities by minors, especially those of minority status.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Read the rest of the posts. I stated that the Promise Program likely played a huge part in this. The Promise Program was one created by DumBama that showed reporting of a decline in illegalities by minors, especially those of minority status.
So connect the dots. How did the promise program lead to these deaths?
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.

The County was a bunch of Democrats and Democrat employees that were following their Democrat policies of not busting people. It's happening all over Democrat jurisdictions. Get a clue. The gun laws didn't fail, their policies did.
Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.
Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.
Next bullshit story.

The area is a BLUE Democrat controlled area. Broward County

Don't give me that "it's a Republican state" Horseshit crap.
Just as we have a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.....are ALL States run by republicans, fool?
States are like a small USA, broken into counties instead of states. Get it?

"Even All of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit"..............yeah right...like you talked to ALL of them :rolleyes:.....lying POS.

ALL these mass shootings are caused by Democrats/Progressives/Liberals and America knows it.

I'd love to see you talk that BS in front of this grieving father.
You know what you can do.

Broward county does not make state or federal gun laws.

They make lax policy on crime and problem kids. Gun laws were NOT the issue. He broke a bunch of gun laws, and other laws. You sound moronic.

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