Father Of Newtown Victim Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Neil Heslin, Father Of Newtown Victim, Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists

Neil Heslin, the father of a 6-year-old boy who was slain in the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, stoically faced down pro-gun activists last night.

More than 1,000 people attended a hearing before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Monday to share their views on gun control, USA Today reported. Among them was Heslin, who held a large framed picture of himself and his son Jesse as he urged officials to consider strengthening gun laws in Connecticut.

But as he gave his emotional testimony, pleading with lawmakers to improve mental health options and to ban assault weapons like the one Adam Lanza used to murder his child and 25 other people, his speech was interrupted by dozens of audience members, The Connecticut Post reported.

More and more, these "activists" come off like NAMBLA demanding their Freedom of Expression.

No one heckled the father of a slain student. No one. This is a lie started by MSNBC and repeated throughout the rest of the media as though it were true. Here is what really happened: the father made the following comment which was actually in the form of a question:

“I ask if there is anyone who is in this room that can give me one reason or challenge this question: Why anybody in this room needs to have done of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips?” He then looked to his left where people were seated. He paused, and getting no response he then said, “Not one person can answer the question.”

At this point several people in the room then gave a very brief response to the question.

No heckling. None. Just a polite answer to a question which they had been directly asked.

The problem is that MSNBC edited out the father's question, which made it appear like heckling.

There is no doubt that MSNBC knowingly misrepresented the facts to smear gun owners.

The actual complete video can be seen at the following link.

MSNBC Caught Selectively Editing Another Clip ? This Time of Sandy Hook Victim?s Father | Video | TheBlaze.com
Neil Heslin, Father Of Newtown Victim, Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists

Neil Heslin, the father of a 6-year-old boy who was slain in the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, stoically faced down pro-gun activists last night.

More than 1,000 people attended a hearing before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Monday to share their views on gun control, USA Today reported. Among them was Heslin, who held a large framed picture of himself and his son Jesse as he urged officials to consider strengthening gun laws in Connecticut.

But as he gave his emotional testimony, pleading with lawmakers to improve mental health options and to ban assault weapons like the one Adam Lanza used to murder his child and 25 other people, his speech was interrupted by dozens of audience members, The Connecticut Post reported.

More and more, these "activists" come off like NAMBLA demanding their Freedom of Expression.


If true, this is dreadful and amazingly crass.
This has already been debunked. Anderson Cooper had tweeted this and quickly removed it when he found out it wasn't true. I guess not everyone has received the memo.
Neil Heslin, Father Of Newtown Victim, Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists

Neil Heslin, the father of a 6-year-old boy who was slain in the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, stoically faced down pro-gun activists last night.

More than 1,000 people attended a hearing before the Gun Violence Prevention Working Group at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Monday to share their views on gun control, USA Today reported. Among them was Heslin, who held a large framed picture of himself and his son Jesse as he urged officials to consider strengthening gun laws in Connecticut.

But as he gave his emotional testimony, pleading with lawmakers to improve mental health options and to ban assault weapons like the one Adam Lanza used to murder his child and 25 other people, his speech was interrupted by dozens of audience members, The Connecticut Post reported.
More and more, these "activists" come off like NAMBLA demanding their Freedom of Expression.


I was wondering who would be stupid enough to post this. Interestingly enough, even Piers Morgan admits the guy was not heckled. I wonder of you can be half as honest as the **** from England.

Shock: A few lefty outlets acknowledge media were wrong about Newtown ?heckling?; Piers Morgan ?apologizes,? sort of | Twitchy

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