Fascism spreading


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
One of the traits of fascism is that the government will tell a lie and force the people to repeat that lie. That is what we are seeing around the world - including in the U.S. (New York) and Canada. Forcing people to call a man "she" or a woman "he" is forcing people to perpetuate a lie. It's also the pure type of science denial we continue to see from the left.

Canadians Could Be Jailed or Fined for Using Incorrect Gender Pronouns
Poodle lies again.

Bill C-16 – No, its Not about Criminalizing Pronoun Misuse — Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies

Similarly, it’s hard to see the refusal to use the appropriate pronoun –without something else – rising to the threshold of hate speech. Hate speech laws in Canada have only been used- and only can be used – against extreme forms of speech – explicitly and extreme forms of homophobic, anti-Semitic or racist speech. Moreover, prosecution needs the approval of the Attorney General.

It is entirely appropriate for gender identity and expression to be added to the list of identifiable groups. Hate speech directed at trans and gender non binary individuals should be treated the same as hate speech on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation. But, being treated equally means that the speech will have to be extreme and the Attorney General will have to approve the prosecution. These are not run of the mill prosecutions against professors who refuse proper pronoun usage. Offensive, sure. But criminal? Not unless it was accompanied by some other really nasty speech that promoted hatred towards trans and gender non-binary folks.
All Canada did was add Gender Identity to existing law. Queue right wing freakout. It happens anytime anything LGBTQ is added to existing law.
This is unadulterated fascism in its purest form. It's amazing how you attempt to minimize that.

The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

If the right passed a law that said an LBGT person was not a person, but instead a form of electrical impulses, you would completely lose your shit. You would want to talk about the science. But because you view this as advantageous to "your people" - you're willing to ignore (and even encourage) this pure form of fascism.
Nothing pisses fascists off worse than equal protection under the law.
Nothing pisses fascists off worse than equal protection under the law.
And nothing gets fascists more excited than government being able to force people to deny science and perpetuate lies. No wonder you're so excited right now.
All Canada did was add Gender Identity to existing law.

Queue right wing freakout. It happens anytime anything LGBTQ is added to existing law.

It's still curtailing freedom of speech. No physical harm done. Not sure this is fascism, but it's certainly not freedom.
All Canada did was add Gender Identity to existing law. Queue right wing freakout. It happens anytime anything LGBTQ is added to existing law.
This is unadulterated fascism in its purest form. It's amazing how you attempt to minimize that.

The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

If the right passed a law that said an LBGT person was not a person, but instead a form of electrical impulses, you would completely lose your shit. You would want to talk about the science. But because you view this as advantageous to "your people" - you're willing to ignore (and even encourage) this pure form of fascism.

So we can find threads of you freaking out about this "fascism" before they added gender identity to existing law? Yeah, didn't think so.
All Canada did was add Gender Identity to existing law. Queue right wing freakout. It happens anytime anything LGBTQ is added to existing law.
This is unadulterated fascism in its purest form. It's amazing how you attempt to minimize that.

The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

If the right passed a law that said an LBGT person was not a person, but instead a form of electrical impulses, you would completely lose your shit. You would want to talk about the science. But because you view this as advantageous to "your people" - you're willing to ignore (and even encourage) this pure form of fascism.

So we can find threads of you freaking out about this "fascism" before they added gender identity to existing law? Yeah, didn't think so.
Did the "existing law" force citizens to deny science and perpetuate a lie? No? Thanks for playing snowflake!
Poodle lies again.

Bill C-16 – No, its Not about Criminalizing Pronoun Misuse — Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies

Similarly, it’s hard to see the refusal to use the appropriate pronoun –without something else – rising to the threshold of hate speech. Hate speech laws in Canada have only been used- and only can be used – against extreme forms of speech – explicitly and extreme forms of homophobic, anti-Semitic or racist speech. Moreover, prosecution needs the approval of the Attorney General.

It is entirely appropriate for gender identity and expression to be added to the list of identifiable groups. Hate speech directed at trans and gender non binary individuals should be treated the same as hate speech on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation. But, being treated equally means that the speech will have to be extreme and the Attorney General will have to approve the prosecution. These are not run of the mill prosecutions against professors who refuse proper pronoun usage. Offensive, sure. But criminal? Not unless it was accompanied by some other really nasty speech that promoted hatred towards trans and gender non-binary folks.
You might want to look at the experience of Prof Jordan Peterson in regards to this. At one point there was a push to have him brought up on human rights violations for refusing to use made up pronouns. The problem with the whole "hate speech" idea is that it is subjective. If you listen to some of the nonsense going on at college campuses citing statistical facts can be considered hate speech.
The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

I'm not seeing why that is "egregious" Egregious is you claiming to be smart, Poodle, because you repeat some shit you heard on Hate Radio like it was an original idea.
The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

I'm not seeing why that is "egregious" Egregious is you claiming to be smart, Poodle, because you repeat some shit you heard on Hate Radio like it was an original idea.
Did you get out of your mothers basement again?
You might want to look at the experience of Prof Jordan Peterson in regards to this. At one point there was a push to have him brought up on human rights violations for refusing to use made up pronouns. The problem with the whole "hate speech" idea is that it is subjective. If you listen to some of the nonsense going on at college campuses citing statistical facts can be considered hate speech.

Well, as Disraeli said, there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

But this Peterson sounds like a real weirdo.
Glad I don't live in a socialist shit hole like Canada… LOL
You might want to look at the experience of Prof Jordan Peterson in regards to this. At one point there was a push to have him brought up on human rights violations for refusing to use made up pronouns. The problem with the whole "hate speech" idea is that it is subjective. If you listen to some of the nonsense going on at college campuses citing statistical facts can be considered hate speech.

Well, as Disraeli said, there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

But this Peterson sounds like a real weirdo.
How so? He doesn't buy into the nonsense and has made a stand. I've listened to him speak a number of times, he's well reasoned, sincere and polite.
One of the traits of fascism is that the government will tell a lie and force the people to repeat that lie. That is what we are seeing around the world - including in the U.S. (New York) and Canada. Forcing people to call a man "she" or a woman "he" is forcing people to perpetuate a lie. It's also the pure type of science denial we continue to see from the left.

Canadians Could Be Jailed or Fined for Using Incorrect Gender Pronouns
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Daniel 7:23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. 24 The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. 25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.

By invoking the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” the 56 signers of the Declaration incorporated a legal standard of freedom into the forms of government that would follow. The theory of freedom adopted was simply that God’s law was supreme and gave freedom. The phrase “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” referred to the laws that God in his capacity as the Creator of the universe had established for the governance of people, nations and nature. These laws are variously described as the laws of Creation, God’s Creation laws or as the framers elected to refer to them, as the laws of nature and of nature’s God. This body of law, whatever it is called, can be ascertained by people through an examination of God’s creation, the text of the Bible, and to a certain degree, instinct or reason. The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God: The True Foundation of American Law
One of the traits of fascism is that the government will tell a lie and force the people to repeat that lie. That is what we are seeing around the world - including in the U.S. (New York) and Canada. Forcing people to call a man "she" or a woman "he" is forcing people to perpetuate a lie. It's also the pure type of science denial we continue to see from the left.

Canadians Could Be Jailed or Fined for Using Incorrect Gender Pronouns
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
That's exactly what the left has been doing for the past 15 years or so. Disturbing as hell. They support and celebrate all things evil and condemn all things decent.
The government of Canada is forcing their citizens to perpetuate an egregious lie. The science of X and Y chromosomes dictates the gender of a person. Yet the Canadian government is forcing their citizens to deny that scientific fact and instead perpetuate a lie.

I'm not seeing why that is "egregious"
Not surprising considering you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. It's "egregious" because there is simply no denying gender. And yet the government is forcing people to deny science/gender and instead support any lie created by a mentally disturbed left-wing sexual deviant.

Leave it to the left to deny actual science in favor of the position of the mentally disturbed.
How so? He doesn't buy into the nonsense and has made a stand. I've listened to him speak a number of times, he's well reasoned, sincere and polite.

He's a guy who dresses up his bigotry in a nice suit.

Not surprising considering you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. It's "egregious" because there is simply no denying gender. And yet the government is forcing people to deny science/gender and instead support any lie created by a mentally disturbed left-wing sexual deviant.

Leave it to the left to deny actual science in favor of the position of the mentally disturbed.

Again, i keep asking you, how does this effect your life in any way? I mean other than this is one of the last few bigotries you can enjoy, now that racism and homophobia are firing offences.

Or that you live in mortal fear of picking one up in a bar.

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