‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds

A very interesting study. It supports what many of us have known all along and that is that children will do better coming from functional homes. It's best to have two married parents, though single parents can be good, especially if they have a good support system from family and friends.

In Baltimore, there are simply more black children in single parent households than there are whites so many made the assumption that race was the biggest factor. The odds of committing crimes and dropping out of school is about the same for white and black children who come from dysfunctional homes.

Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed. It's a vicious cycle for some because they grew up in dysfunctional homes and are parenting the same way their parents did. If we want change, rioting in the streets isn't the answer. It starts at home. If more children were growing up with parents who were actually raising them, those young people wouldn't be out on the streets committing crimes and having run-ins with police.

‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds

Not interesting actually, just more ideology:

"MARRI -- The Marriage and Religion Research Institute is dedicated to making available the social science data and research on the impact of marriage and religious practice on the lives of children and the future of the nation. We contribute with our own original research as well, and strive to make all this research accessible to the lay reader.

We are motivated by the insight (so far repeatedly upheld by the data) that the intact married family that worships weekly is the greatest generator of human and social positive outcomes and thus it is the core strength of the United States and of all other countries where the data are available."
Let's us White folk ruminate some more on black culture.

Why not? It's not like blacks hesitate to offer their opinions on white culture.

All races are affected the same by being raised in dysfunctional homes. While black children are more likely to be raised in single parent homes, there are plenty of whites in the same boat.

If we don't address the problem by talking honestly about the cause of problems, things won't improve.

Government seems to have stepped in for the role of baby daddy in too many cases. They have failed. Time to go back to the drawing board and examine other solutions. Since schools are so insistent on taking over the role of parenting, maybe they should teach young people why having babies and going on welfare is the worst thing they could do. Show students the statistics and give them a picture of what their future will look like. Then the left can stop encouraging people to place blame on others when they wind up in misery. If people continue to blame society for their woes, they don't take action or acknowledge that they are responsible for making the decisions they did. Instead, they wait and wait for government to right the perceived wrongs that got them to the dead end road.

Also, instead of picking on the religious aspect of the article, look at why worship is a positive thing. It simply causes people to believe that wrong is wrong, even if you never get caught. Those who believe in God understand that there is an ultimate price to pay for wrong doing. Knock it all you want, but believing that it's important to be the best person you can be and treat others kindly is what is sorely lacking today.
A very interesting study. It supports what many of us have known all along and that is that children will do better coming from functional homes. It's best to have two married parents, though single parents can be good, especially if they have a good support system from family and friends.

In Baltimore, there are simply more black children in single parent households than there are whites so many made the assumption that race was the biggest factor. The odds of committing crimes and dropping out of school is about the same for white and black children who come from dysfunctional homes.

Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed. It's a vicious cycle for some because they grew up in dysfunctional homes and are parenting the same way their parents did. If we want change, rioting in the streets isn't the answer. It starts at home. If more children were growing up with parents who were actually raising them, those young people wouldn't be out on the streets committing crimes and having run-ins with police.

‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds


So you're making a case for our society to embrace the forming of 'intact families' by gay couples?
A very interesting study. It supports what many of us have known all along and that is that children will do better coming from functional homes. It's best to have two married parents, though single parents can be good, especially if they have a good support system from family and friends.

In Baltimore, there are simply more black children in single parent households than there are whites so many made the assumption that race was the biggest factor. The odds of committing crimes and dropping out of school is about the same for white and black children who come from dysfunctional homes.

Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed. It's a vicious cycle for some because they grew up in dysfunctional homes and are parenting the same way their parents did. If we want change, rioting in the streets isn't the answer. It starts at home. If more children were growing up with parents who were actually raising them, those young people wouldn't be out on the streets committing crimes and having run-ins with police.

‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds


That's exactly why LBJ's Great Society targeted the black family for destruction. Since Democrats and LBJ decided to replace the black male head of household with a government check, 2 parent black families declined from 75% down to 33%
So you're making a case for our society to embrace the forming of 'intact families' by gay couples?

You must have missed many of my posts. I support marriage. Period. I attended my nieces wedding to her girlfriend. I supported them as they adopted my niece's half-sister since they have a loser of a mom who believes drugs should be a priority over family.

The important thing for any family is that it is functional. Even single parents have done well when they take their job seriously and lead by example. Children need to see their parents trying hard to make something of themselves. Too many welfare recipients are women who dropped out of school and never did anything constructive. It's sad that too many blame other people for their poor decisions. Making them more comfortable in welfare has made the problem worse. Too many rely on schools to teach everything to their children and they rely on government for everything else. More need to step up and make better decisions. How are children going to learn if they never see their parents, or even grandparents, set examples.
The only family the right-wingers approve of...

This doesn't count because it's icky...
I want to ask liberals if they are ready to address the main issue here, which is black families being more apt to have single parents. I can only assume that the liberal politicians prefer to have minorities dependent on government since they refuse to tackle the real problem and will continue to impugn anyone who does want to deal with it. If we keep pushing the victimhood mentality and keep preaching to people that they are entitled to be subsidized, they will never improve. I believe that liberal politicians don't want to talk honestly about this because it would be a wake up call to their base and because independent people are not going to run to nanny government.
I want to ask liberals if they are ready to address the main issue here, which is black families being more apt to have single parents. I can only assume that the liberal politicians prefer to have minorities dependent on government since they refuse to tackle the real problem and will continue to impugn anyone who does want to deal with it. If we keep pushing the victimhood mentality and keep preaching to people that they are entitled to be subsidized, they will never improve. I believe that liberal politicians don't want to talk honestly about this because it would be a wake up call to their base and because independent people are not going to run to nanny government.

More whites are on government assistance than blacks.

Try not to blame color for EVERYTHING bad in the world.
I want to ask liberals if they are ready to address the main issue here, which is black families being more apt to have single parents. I can only assume that the liberal politicians prefer to have minorities dependent on government since they refuse to tackle the real problem and will continue to impugn anyone who does want to deal with it. If we keep pushing the victimhood mentality and keep preaching to people that they are entitled to be subsidized, they will never improve. I believe that liberal politicians don't want to talk honestly about this because it would be a wake up call to their base and because independent people are not going to run to nanny government.

More whites are on government assistance than blacks.

Try not to blame color for EVERYTHING bad in the world.

That's because there are more whites. Looking at percentages, it's alarming. Blacks are more likely to come from single parent homes. And because of that are likely to be on welfare.

Your response is exactly the problem. You immediately accuse anyone of citing facts as racists who blame blacks for all the problems. I blame the left's policies and I blame the right for not doing more to get the message out.

You sound like a typical leftie and the minorities tend to listen to the left and it's easy to see that they have been getting the wrong message for decades. Liberals want them dependent and ridicule anyone who suggests that they can do better on their own. Because liberals have no faith in minorities and want them to stay on the liberal plantation, they aren't about to encourage them to succeed. When someone points out the damage that years of liberal rhetoric have had on peoples' lives, the racist accusations flow.

Government has taken the role of daddy and young people (who aren't equipped to make the best decisions) buy into the hype that government cares and will do right by them. The young people often give up trying to succeed on their own early on, knowing that they are entitled as "victims." It's nothing but mind games to keep liberals elected. That is why they always try to scare people by saying the mean ole Republicans will take away their welfare and make them work. Somehow, the left has convinced people that it would be wrong to leave the plantation.
So race determines family intactness...gotcha lol.
Democrats have seen to that. Without a father in the home, the mother gets more welfare, and the more kids she has the more money she gets.

In the private sector you do not get a raise just cuz you have another child. Forcing people to keep their families affordable size.
That fellow in Arkanass that's on da TV what has them thar 20 kidz, he must be makin' like a million dollars a year...
And the left is fighting to kick the father out. So they're fighting for the downfall of this country. How can we have infrastructure, science, r&d and education without a well raised next generation?

This study - no link to the survey itself or the methodology, so take it with a grain of salt - doesn't distinguish between same-sex marriages and traditional marriages. Be careful about reading stuff in that just ain't there.
Couple of posters have knocked schools for trying to fill the vacuum. Nothing frustrates the educators i've talked to more than having to take classroom time to address issues that should be covered at home.

And I believe the "sexual revolution" had more to do with the surge in single - family homes than LBJ.
I want to ask liberals if they are ready to address the main issue here, which is black families being more apt to have single parents. I can only assume that the liberal politicians prefer to have minorities dependent on government since they refuse to tackle the real problem and will continue to impugn anyone who does want to deal with it. If we keep pushing the victimhood mentality and keep preaching to people that they are entitled to be subsidized, they will never improve. I believe that liberal politicians don't want to talk honestly about this because it would be a wake up call to their base and because independent people are not going to run to nanny government.

More whites are on government assistance than blacks.

Try not to blame color for EVERYTHING bad in the world.

That's because there are more whites. Looking at percentages, it's alarming. Blacks are more likely to come from single parent homes.

Yes, racism has some alarming consequences.
or the Vietnam War and the drug revolution etc etc. Giving the country a safety net is hardly wrecking the family unit. RW nonsense.
They won't be happy till they are begging in the streets so they can turn them away and exemplify their righteousness to tell the beggars to get a job...
Yes, racism has some alarming consequences.

You're just going to keep blaming racism instead of actually wanting to help people. That is why we have more poor today. People like you encourage blaming other people instead of taking real action. You don't want to encourage people to spend more time improving themselves, you just want them to point at other people and blame racism for holding them back. Got it. The left needs dependents. Angry dependents are more likely to vote. So keep them down, in need and angry at the wrong people.
Yes, racism has some alarming consequences.

You're just going to keep blaming racism instead of actually wanting to help people. That is why we have more poor today. People like you encourage blaming other people instead of taking real action. You don't want to encourage people to spend more time improving themselves, you just want them to point at other people and blame racism for holding them back. Got it. The left needs dependents. Angry dependents are more likely to vote. So keep them down, in need and angry at the wrong people.

Your racist reputation has preceded you.
Zip code has more to do with success than just about any other factor.

That is another factor. I see people doing well across the country, but cost of living and availability of jobs are things to consider. Schools vary across the country. Funny that many have similar standards, but are so different. I think good teachers combined with involved parents can make a huge difference.

It still comes down to parenting. I used to volunteer at my kids' schools. The one in Fort Walton Beach, FL was pretty good. I did see some children from the poorer neighborhoods. One little girl kept her lunch money, which was two coins, in her mouth until lunch time. The teacher explained that she lived in a rough neighborhood and feared her money would be stolen so she refused to take it out of her mouth. She was being raised by her grandmother because her mom was in jail. Very sad and she couldn't talk until after lunch time and even then didn't say much. She never did homework. There were a lot of other children living in the home and the grandmother wasn't helpful in getting them to take school seriously. It's almost impossible for teachers to turn things around. If parents and teachers aren't working together, the child suffers.

There was another girl who refused to pronounce words correctly and I think it was ebonics that she spoke. I could never understand her, though the teacher could some of the time. Again, it was because that is how the parents talked and they weren't inclined to help her with homework or help her improve her communication skills. Parents either don't realize or don't care that they are sabotaging their child's future by teaching them certain things or not helping them with homework. Some parents didn't even make their children do their homework. Seeing some parents (all races) on the parent-teacher conference day was an eye opener. While no one is perfect, some of them just had a deer in the headlight look when the teacher offered suggestions on what they could do to help their child improve.

For the record, there are whites that speak ebonics. It began with "poor white trash" in the south.

You'd think most would want what is best for their child, but some are frighteningly ignorant.

I always wondered why some didn't move out of rough neighborhoods for the sake of their children. Getting away from the gangs is always good. Of course, if that is how parents grew up, then it's all normal to them.

How would you suggest enlightening people who don't seem to think they are making poor choices?
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Yes, racism has some alarming consequences.

You're just going to keep blaming racism instead of actually wanting to help people. That is why we have more poor today. People like you encourage blaming other people instead of taking real action. You don't want to encourage people to spend more time improving themselves, you just want them to point at other people and blame racism for holding them back. Got it. The left needs dependents. Angry dependents are more likely to vote. So keep them down, in need and angry at the wrong people.

Your racist reputation has preceded you.

You are so far off base. And many of my fellow blacks agree with me.

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