FALLUJAH murder pictures...GRAPHIC(democrats and whiney-assed liberals beware)

Spillmiind, we are not going to agree on much of anything. It was apparant that you did not believe in God from what I have read. That is your right. Forgive me if I am wrong. I submit that you take what I say in a convoluted way. I do not think you answer my questions directly but by twisting the intent of my question or you do not see the connection I make at all. Oh, I 'm sure you will say I'm wacked and make no sense, so be it. Sadly I don't think we are really communicating, although I am still willing to try.
Let's try one more time. I asked you what would you do if somone threatened your wife with death ((by the way, I think those things happened once or twice in Iraq), what would you do? Well, what would you do? Do you get the connection? It refers to the fact that there are situations where someone is going to die, you or them, choose!
Do you blame the U.S.A. for the pain and suffering of this world? Are we the cause of all the problems? If you believe this, I ask you again, what do you suggest?
KC, I agree with you. You bring up some great points. I wrote a similiar post concerning the draft. Keep strong!
Payback? We got our butts kicked in this last attack!. I believe we must attack from the air as I stated previously. I think that the polititians may be pressing the field commanders to limit their actions to prevent too much collateral damage. If this is the case the "collateral" damage will be on our side. If this keeps going like this it will be a battle of attrition, the terrorists will win this one by sheer numbers. In my opinion we had better try soething different, but they won't. I have a real bad feeling about this very critical point in the war on terror.
I understand that during the war we did not "secure" Fallujah. Is it possible that Saddam planned this, had his fighters group here, save their weapons, manpower and plan until the time is right? They set the trap, we fall in and now we are caught.
I want us to win, I want the innocent Iraqis to be spared, I want the Iraqis to have their country back as a peaceful nation. I feel the potential for an all out civil war. If that happens we will have to either put them down hard or back out, completely!
I hope I am wrong. O.K. Spillmind, tell me how wacked I am. Oh, just for you; there are more nations there than just us and British. I believe there are something like 50-60 nations helping. Not nough for you?
Bloody Joss! I can't believe the number of intellectually challenged, grammatically challenged, and emotionally disturbed people around here this afternoon.

I'm speechless. I read your posts several times, but I couldn't figure out whether you are stoned or have recently suffered a severe head injury. If it's the latter, I am sorry & wish you well.

Remember- See the comma, touch the comma, BE...... THE COMMA!


"We are as bad as the highjackers?"
Look, I know you are pissed that the Dean blog is gone, but I am sure that things will get better. I feel sad that you really believe that garbage. However, this is the reason you guys are losing the war of ideas....because you HAVE none. Well, except for extreme, fringe slogans. I guess you feel that we shouldn't have even gone into Afghanistan to defend ourselves, right?

Hey, I know what would get you behind us killing terrorists:

Instead of saying we "killed" the terrorists," we'll just say we performed "post-birth abortion procedures" on them. Maybe, we can even get NARAL to contribute to the effort.


Ummm, the short bus is leaving...........Run, little fella, RUUUUUUN!


Actually, I did once back a liberal into the "would you kill an intruder to save your family from rape & murder" corner. Even I was blown away when he said, "No, I would let all of us die."
They would much rather we just take attack after attack, never defending ourselves, just as they would watch their daughters & wives raped & have their throats slit. As I told him, you are a disgrace to both manhood AND humanity.

Oh, and for all of these people who say that maybe we should look inside and figure out why the terrorists hate us in the first place.

WE DON'T GIVE A FU*K! All that we care about is killing every single one of them before they kill us.

See, kiddies, these people are lunatics & thugs, nothing more. They only cloak themselves in a religious ideology in order to try & fool people into buying that their violence & mass murder are somehow justified. That their hatred of America is easily rationalized. You, my friends, simply bought their lies because you are idiotic suckers for ANY & ALL reasoning for hating America & its culture.

The draft should NEVER be brought back! Christ, does the military want some of THESE crazy fu*ks with guns? They would probably start shooting our real soldiers in their backs.

Also, about members of the military: Liberals believe that they are cogs in some machine. Well, they're right....THE MACHINE WHICH ALLOWS YOU PUNK-ASS BITCHES TO WHINE, PROTEST, AND SLEEP SAFELY AT NIGHT!
You WANT them on that wall! You NEED them on that wall.

I love how liberals love to call Bush dumb.

First off, I love the "new" word "strategery," and I have even gotten others to start using it. I mean, if Al Gore can lie about creating the Internet, discovering Love Canal, being the inspiration for "Love Story," and, even above communism- when it wasn't a punchline- & terrorism, insist that the greatest threat to the world is a Saturn, then I believe that W. can invent a new word. Also, when you guys call Bush dumb, please, just preface your slurs by admitting that Bush is more intelligent than either Bill Bradley or Al Gore. Whether it be college entrance exams or the actual college grades, Bush is either their equal or superior. And don't forget how Bush bitchslapped Gore in their debates. I know you guys are still sore that your attempt to steal Florida didn't work- after THREE attempts- but you must move on.

Now, liberals move on to say that tens of thousands- or hundreds of thousands- of innocent Iraqis have & will die. As always, they never source because their stats are a complete fraud. It's just that liberals are never questioned about their numbers & facts by their cohorts in the liberal mass media, explaining why they get so hysterical & incredulous when WE question them over their stats, and, even more, when we ask them to source.

In 1998, the Clinton administration & Congress passed a resolution calling for regime change in Iraq, yet they were never willing to back it up with any force, thus proving that liberals believe in symbolism over substance, intent over results. When Bush finally called "Time Up" on Iraq, after SEVENTEEN U.N. Resolutions, they screamed," Hey! How dare you! We didn't mean to ACTUALLY change Sadam's Iraq regime, we just wanted to feel better about ourselves!" LMFAO
Ah, silly liberals.

By following their "too many soldiers & Iraqis have died and we must leave" diatribe to its illogical conclusion, we would have never defeated the Japanese & Nazis, being that it took several YEARS & hundreds of thousands of American/allied lives to accomplish this epic task.

Liberals are very bitter, petty people. They live on hatred & clear their throats with epithets, lies, & slurs.

All we TRUE Americans can do is hope that, one fine day soon, they choke on their hate!

I have a feeling that their day of demise will be November 2nd, 2004.
I haven't a clue how this is going to end up in Iraq. I do know it's not a Vietnam, though I doubt it's post D-day Germany. Shit to tell, it's a mess, not a quagmire, but nonetheless a mess.

Think we need to take out the Sadr guy, yet let the remaining Iraqis decide their fate. ? Shit.
I hope Rummy and Co. have some grand plan that we aren't aware of........

Fallujah: Why didn't we cut off the power, water, food supply, etc and tell these f**kers to give up the a-holes and disarm in 24 hours or we're going to rain hell down upon them. A couple of MOAB's and a few AC-130's maybe? It just seems that we are so concerned about "collateral damage".... All that Thou shalt not Kill stuff? Sorry I'd rather kill then be killed. Same goes for our troops. They are there now and they need to be able to fight with both hands.

Al-Sadr: It would be nice if the Shia's would give him up to us on their own. If this doesn't happen we need to take him out, but expect the firestorm of shit that's going to follow, and be ready to
put his fanatic followers down, once and for all.

My Opinion (I know everyones got one:D ):

The case has undoubtably been made as to why we should have invaded Iraq on paper (300+ resolutions, history, etc) In the big picture it makes sense. Unfortunatley, there are serious questions that need answered.

Saddam had WMD's. Where are they now? Can he possibly have hid them that well? Personally I think they are in Syria. There is no way Clinton took them all out in 1998. The whole arguement that the libs and Bush haters make on this subject is bogus. They've already decided that they didn't/don't exist and all they can say is "He lied, He lied, He lied" blah blah blah. It is a known fact that they do in fact exist, but the "where" question needs to be answered.

The whole bring in the UN debate is pointless. They have proven to be spineless and corrupt. (Its a shame that the American media is so biased that they do not report on the absolutley scandalous Oil for Food program) What do they bring to the table in getting Iraq on its feet? Expertise? Look at how well they have handled the various situations in Africa in the last decade. Can you say Rawaanda? Somalia? Sudan? Congo? Their record is pathetic.

We need to take the gloves off. If the polls are to be believed, the Iraqis know they are better off then they were under Hussein & co. The majority seem to be optimistic about the future. But how long will that last if we can't get past the current situation decisivley (sp?)?

The US government doesn't give us (the general population) enough credit. We know war is hell. Whether you agree on the need to be in Iraq or not is a moot point now. I would rather the world shake its head at us for killing too many people then letting this insurgency BS going on much longer. We invaded, we need to conquer. Period. If all we (the general public) see and hear is how bad things are going, people will begin to lose sight of what our goals are. It seems like the people I talk to want this over with, but as a victory. We need to attain that at all costs. At this point I really don't care how the French or the Egyptians or anybody else feels.

Who are we handing the country over to in 2 months? Is there really a plan in place or are we going to just "wing it" like we seem to be doing with so many other things?

I would just hate to think that we are going about this 1/2 assed. There is no turning back. War was declared on us. We win or we die.

Thanks for letting me rant....
don't worry as long as Bush is in office this war will continue and no matter the costs we will win. Because we can, and becasue we must!!!!!
We must know though it is more than Bush! Bush is doing a great job of fighting it and he's doing a great job for writing the strategy for it, but it'll continue in 2009. It'll continue after Iraq is free. It'll continue after Osama's captured.

It will end with the slow change from radicalism to tolerance and democracy.

But we must fight it! With or without Bush!
Keep the Republicans in office and will win this thing. This war cannot be won by a playcatting UN. It will be won by force then diplomacy.
You have it right! Great points and for supporting what is right. It is true, we will never get through to the liberals. I believe that we have a greater capacity to look at problems from several points of view and come up with the most logical and compassionate solution. Oh I know I will get pounded for saying that we are compassionate but they can't see the big picture.
Keep up the great work you two!

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