Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation — And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation

And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!

2 Nov 2021
Tucker Carlson released his three part series on the Jan. 6 protests and storming of the US Capitol this week.
And the FOX News host has the left in a frenzy as their lies about this protest and set-up begin to unravel. Grabien put together a collage of the left-wing meltdown.
Note: Not a single one of these fake news hacks have even seen the entire production. Anyone who trusts the mainstream media at this point is just not paying attention.

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The Quisling Media appears to be mindless drone parasites sucking on the masses of their murdering cult leaders. Notice how they have no counter to anything, just ‘HES a terrorist!’ When they say all of this before they see one second of Tucker's Part 1 segment clearly Tucker is over the "Target". Ya Gotta love it!
Odd isn't it, the same group of so-called news journOlists that told us for over a four that Trump was a Russian asset, are hell bent of making fools of themselves yet again.
Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie clown show is falling a part. The truth is out and that is why Joey Xi Bai Dung gets booed, jeered, and given the middle finger wherever he goes. The PM/DSA Dem left knows the truth is out but they continue running their desperate sham and cover up. No matter they are still shattered by the freight train that is turning into a tsunami that is going to swamp them and pulverize them into sand
Everyone knows the Jan 6th protest has become a lie of the PM/DSA Dem Commies. We have a Marxist Socialist regime in DC, A Washington bureaucracy that needs to be scraped to the hard pan and rebuilt from the ground up.
We don't need a Fundamental Transformation of America. We need to through out those that would destroy us and reinforce our commitments to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it's Amendments.
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Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation — And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!​

2 Nov 2021
Tucker Carlson released his three part series on the Jan. 6 protests and storming of the US Capitol this week.
And the FOX News host has the left in a frenzy as their lies about this protest and set-up begin to unravel. Grabien put together a collage of the left-wing meltdown.
Note: Not a single one of these fake news hacks have even seen the entire production. Anyone who trusts the mainstream media at this point is just not paying attention.

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The Quisling Media appears to be mindless drone parasites sucking on the masses of their murdering cult leaders. Notice how they have no counter to anything, just ‘HES a terrorist!’ When they say all of this before they see one second of Tucker's Part 1 segment clearly Tucker is over the "Target". Ya Gotta love it!
Odd isn't it, the same group of so-called news journOlists that told us for over a four that Trump was a Russian asset, are hell bent of making fools of themselves yet again.
Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie clown show is falling a part. The truth is out and that is why Joey Xi Bai Dung gets booed, jeered, and given the middle finger wherever he goes. The PM/DSA Dem left knows the truth is out but they continue running their desperate sham and cover up. No matter they are still shattered by the freight train that is turning into a tsunami that is going to swamp them and pulverize them into sand
Everyone knows the Jan 6th protest has become a lie of the PM/DSA Dem Commies. We have a Marxist Socialist regime in DC, A Washington bureaucracy that needs to be scraped to the hard pan and rebuilt from the ground up.
We don't need a Fundamental Transformation of America. We need to through out those that would destroy us and reinforce our commitments to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it's Amendments.

They gotta do damage control before the damage is done!!!! Welcome to politics 101........ :lol:

Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation — And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!​

2 Nov 2021
Tucker Carlson released his three part series on the Jan. 6 protests and storming of the US Capitol this week.
And the FOX News host has the left in a frenzy as their lies about this protest and set-up begin to unravel. Grabien put together a collage of the left-wing meltdown.
Note: Not a single one of these fake news hacks have even seen the entire production. Anyone who trusts the mainstream media at this point is just not paying attention.

Source link

The Quisling Media appears to be mindless drone parasites sucking on the masses of their murdering cult leaders. Notice how they have no counter to anything, just ‘HES a terrorist!’ When they say all of this before they see one second of Tucker's Part 1 segment clearly Tucker is over the "Target". Ya Gotta love it!
Odd isn't it, the same group of so-called news journOlists that told us for over a four that Trump was a Russian asset, are hell bent of making fools of themselves yet again.
Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie clown show is falling a part. The truth is out and that is why Joey Xi Bai Dung gets booed, jeered, and given the middle finger wherever he goes. The PM/DSA Dem left knows the truth is out but they continue running their desperate sham and cover up. No matter they are still shattered by the freight train that is turning into a tsunami that is going to swamp them and pulverize them into sand
Everyone knows the Jan 6th protest has become a lie of the PM/DSA Dem Commies. We have a Marxist Socialist regime in DC, A Washington bureaucracy that needs to be scraped to the hard pan and rebuilt from the ground up.
We don't need a Fundamental Transformation of America. We need to through out those that would destroy us and reinforce our commitments to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it's Amendments.

Picture says a 1000 words. How is this fake?


Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation

And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!

2 Nov 2021
Tucker Carlson released his three part series on the Jan. 6 protests and storming of the US Capitol this week.
And the FOX News host has the left in a frenzy as their lies about this protest and set-up begin to unravel. Grabien put together a collage of the left-wing meltdown.
Note: Not a single one of these fake news hacks have even seen the entire production. Anyone who trusts the mainstream media at this point is just not paying attention.

Source link

The Quisling Media appears to be mindless drone parasites sucking on the masses of their murdering cult leaders. Notice how they have no counter to anything, just ‘HES a terrorist!’ When they say all of this before they see one second of Tucker's Part 1 segment clearly Tucker is over the "Target". Ya Gotta love it!
Odd isn't it, the same group of so-called news journOlists that told us for over a four that Trump was a Russian asset, are hell bent of making fools of themselves yet again.
Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie clown show is falling a part. The truth is out and that is why Joey Xi Bai Dung gets booed, jeered, and given the middle finger wherever he goes. The PM/DSA Dem left knows the truth is out but they continue running their desperate sham and cover up. No matter they are still shattered by the freight train that is turning into a tsunami that is going to swamp them and pulverize them into sand
Everyone knows the Jan 6th protest has become a lie of the PM/DSA Dem Commies. We have a Marxist Socialist regime in DC, A Washington bureaucracy that needs to be scraped to the hard pan and rebuilt from the ground up.
We don't need a Fundamental Transformation of America. We need to through out those that would destroy us and reinforce our commitments to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it's Amendments.

Only silver lining for this is hardly anyone watches these lying SOBs anyway.
Did you know Carlson is from an extreme left family?

His rich grandad is like CEO of PBS TV.

Yeah? So? It is common for grandkids to abandon the failed politics of their forbears. That's why we no longer have slavery, as a for instance.

Funny how you supposedly elected a KNOWN historical slave owner.

Talk about being a fool.
Tucker has been sued several times for lying and lost he should include those cases as a basis for his truth.
I've seen the first two episodes.

It isn't surprising why the media is freaking out.

He provides evidence of their complicity in a pysops against the political opposition of the Democrats.

He also provide profound footage and evidence that the Jan. 6th protest was not an insurection.
If it could ever be proven that Pelosi used the FBI to encourage a riot and the "invasion" of the capitol and then she took that event and used it to impeach a president she would spend the rest of her life behind bars.....there was a time when people would hang for doing that....
They gotta do damage control before the damage is done!!!! Welcome to politics 101........ :lol:

The RINO's are complaining before Carlson's releasing the investigative video.... in an attempt to soothe their Progressive masters. Going with the false mantra of the Left that Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered, when in truth he died of natural causes as confirmed by the medial autopsy.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger Incite Liberal Meltdown Over Tucker Carlson Doc Exposing Dark Truth Behind 1/6


Of course, Cheney herself has spread plenty of actual lies about January 6. Back on January the 8th, Liz blindly repeated the lie that Brian Sicknick was murdered by a violent MAGA mob.

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The RINO's are complaining before Carlson's releasing the investigative video.... in an attempt to soothe their Progressive masters. Going with the false mantra of the Left that Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered, when in truth he died of natural causes as confirmed by the medial autopsy.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger Incite Liberal Meltdown Over Tucker Carlson Doc Exposing Dark Truth Behind 1/6


Of course, Cheney herself has spread plenty of actual lies about January 6. Back on January the 8th, Liz blindly repeated the lie that Brian Sicknick was murdered by a violent MAGA mob.

It is very interesting in that Carlson provides video of the woman being shot by Capital police and her death. He also shows footage that there were instigators (implied that the FBI was infiltrated into the movement) that egged on an already emotionally charged rally.

Something that people who do this for a living in other countries have had great success in. In fact, he provides interviews with a guy who managed to get a fight to break out at a world peace summit that was sponsored by Russia.

In all of it, you see protesters who are condemning and trying to stop people from breaking into the Captial building. What insurrectionist would do such a thing?

More importantly, many of those who breached the Capital were doing so when Trump was still speaking, proving the lie by the corporate media that Trump encouraged this.

Yeah, the corporate media is in full blown spin to stop this.
Was Ray Epps working for the FBI as an informant and instigator? Who is Ray Epps....?
Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

There's too much evidence that Ray Epps is central to the January 6, mob episode.
This is the most incredibly important investigation and reporting by Revolver. Bravo!
Not just interesting but is clearly making a real-life difference.
The question is, why has the DOJ, FBI and the Congressional Select Commission ignored and refused to investigate this man and his key role in the "insurrection"?
“For all of its recent gesticulations about Mark Meadows’s benign text messages, the Commission has yet to express even a basic interest in Ray Epps or his communications leading up to and on January 6.”
What is out gov't hiding?
"This man remains unindicted. In fact, the FBI does not even appear to even be looking for him. He is wholly absent from the FBI Capitol “Most Wanted List.” There is no reward for information leading to his arrest."
It's obvious that all this evidence has been buried by both the FBI and the Quisling Media Complex.
As far as the Congressional Commission is concerned these things are not relevant to their investigation because it proves that the FBI and the Mayor of D.C. were directly involved in the instigation of mob violence.

Fake News FREAKS OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Jan.6 Investigation

And They Haven’t Even Seen It Yet!

2 Nov 2021
Tucker Carlson released his three part series on the Jan. 6 protests and storming of the US Capitol this week.
And the FOX News host has the left in a frenzy as their lies about this protest and set-up begin to unravel. Grabien put together a collage of the left-wing meltdown.
Note: Not a single one of these fake news hacks have even seen the entire production. Anyone who trusts the mainstream media at this point is just not paying attention.

Source link

The Quisling Media appears to be mindless drone parasites sucking on the masses of their murdering cult leaders. Notice how they have no counter to anything, just ‘HES a terrorist!’ When they say all of this before they see one second of Tucker's Part 1 segment clearly Tucker is over the "Target". Ya Gotta love it!
Odd isn't it, the same group of so-called news journOlists that told us for over a four that Trump was a Russian asset, are hell bent of making fools of themselves yet again.
Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie clown show is falling a part. The truth is out and that is why Joey Xi Bai Dung gets booed, jeered, and given the middle finger wherever he goes. The PM/DSA Dem left knows the truth is out but they continue running their desperate sham and cover up. No matter they are still shattered by the freight train that is turning into a tsunami that is going to swamp them and pulverize them into sand
Everyone knows the Jan 6th protest has become a lie of the PM/DSA Dem Commies. We have a Marxist Socialist regime in DC, A Washington bureaucracy that needs to be scraped to the hard pan and rebuilt from the ground up.
We don't need a Fundamental Transformation of America. We need to through out those that would destroy us and reinforce our commitments to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and it's Amendments.

There was nothing fake about republicans attempting to destroy democracy. You supporters are nothing but parasites on a strong democracy and un American. Yet here you are again supporting a right wing extremist ratbag like Tucker with his pseudo investigation.
Have a look at you. All jumping with glee that it will be dissolved and go no further.
People died at your hands and some gone to jail but no, it wasn't an insurrection. trump was not responsible and it's those villainous democrats who orchestrated it to make repubmicans look bad.

You'll all shit yourselves when trump gets dragged before the courts.

Who Really Benefitted from the Jan 6 Protests? One Reader Shares Their Observations

A reader provides some observations on the real beneficiaries of the Jan 6 Capitol protests.

I’ve been looking at a CSpan video (“Joint Session of Congress for Counting of Electoral College Ballots”) from Jan 6 of what was actually going on in Congress when the incursion took place. This 11 hour and 55-minute video is history. It agrees with my memory of what was happening at the time: that the Trump supporters in Congress had fulfilled a requirement that at least one congressman and one senator be willing to debate the validity of the election results in the six states in contention. And this is what they started doing that morning, the first day of the new session of Congress.
You may recall that they’d been provided up to two hours for each of the 6 contended states, which means that this debate could have gone on for days.
Because the lying media had blocked all discussion of how Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution had been violated in these states (which was later admitted to in Molly Ball’s Time Magazine article), and those facts had been censored on social media, this debate would have put the issue before the American people.

The corrupt and cowardly politicians in DC have used the Jan 6 protests to cover for the stolen elections ever since.

The incident and mob action of January 6th was instigated by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Cabal just as Charlottesville.
There was no "Insurrection" on January 6th. Stop the lies. The riots took place all during 2020 and were all conducted by PM/DSA Dem Commie funded Antifa/BLM.
Irrefutable evidence has exposed FBI informants were working the crowd to go inside congress, thus congress could stop and say they are being sought after, to be shot and killed and must vacate the debate and congress, diversional tactics by the PM/SA Dems to gain power. power over the people they so crave.
The evidence continues as shown by the unlawful incarceration of those that have been arrested and in the DC jail for more than 300 days without the access to legal recourse or Habeas Corpus.

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