FairyTales of Global Warming..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
So what do you do if you are NBC News and the segment you shot on Global Warming tales of horror don't look good in the edit booth? You make shit up.. Because the propaganda must go on...

Vermont Maple Syrup Producer Complains: NBC Edited My Remarks to Support ?Global Warming? | NewsBusters

While hyping the alleged effects on climate change, NBC’s May 6 “Nightly News” tried to localize the impact by citing a different problem in each region. The broadcast played a clip of Burr Morse, a seventh-generation maple syrup producer from Montpelier, Vermont, stating that this season’s weather had been too warm. Contrary to this clip’s implications, Morse told the MRC’s Business and Media Institute that cold weather actually did more to harm this year’s maple syrup season.

Morse complained that NBC had selected a short sample of his full remarks to “support their point which was global warming.” Morse said he didn’t want “to be the cause of any hysteria,” emphasizing that he is confident in the future of the maple syrup industry and its ability to “circumvent the weather with technology.”

NBC White House Correspondent Peter Alexander told “Nightly News” that “Short winters are already harming Vermont maple syrup famer Burr Morse.” Then, NBC played a clip of Morse saying “It didn’t quite get cold enough at night.”

Anybody who spent the 2013/14 winter on the East Coast should immediately have become suspicious as the winter remained cold through March, incidentally when the maple syrup harvest typically begins.

In fact, Morse claimed that winter “hung on a month longer than it usually does.” Because of this lingering cold, Morse started tapping his maple trees in April instead of March. By April, however, the nights were slightly too warm for the ideal 20 degree temperature, hence the actual context for NBC’s excerpt.

Rather than suffering from the heat, Morse described this season’s primary hardship as cold, saying a “big part of the season was that it was too cold.”

For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..
Well the dinosaurs could prevent climate change, I doubt we'll do any better. When will God step in and correct the problem. He's slower than Oblama...
U.S. Co2 emissions are at a 20 year low thanks to increased use of natural gas, the price of which has plummeted thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

So what's a President to do? Keep locked away millions and millions of potentially productive acres, and slap the industry with over $40 billion in new taxes.

Atta boy, Obama! :thup:
Too warm, too cold, too wet, too dry, flood, drought, feast or famine, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. It is all the fault of the disruptive climate hoosifudge! :lol:

There are lies -- then there is fraud.. And it's becoming monumental when News Services are manufacturing fairy tales.. The fish rots from the head, and when you have Obama passing off whoppers like ---

“You know, as you know, Mark, we can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change. What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.

That's a go sign for creativity and fantasy creation for the obliging media..
I'm sure they will be amply rewarded with favors and access for their efforts..
“You know, as you know, Mark, we can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change. What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.
But, but...

The temperature has not been increasing for at least 15 years.

How can it then be increasing faster than predicted, when it has not been increasing, and who are making those predictions?
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So what do you do if you are NBC News and the segment you shot on Global Warming tales of horror don't look good in the edit booth? You make shit up.. Because the propaganda must go on...

Vermont Maple Syrup Producer Complains: NBC Edited My Remarks to Support ?Global Warming? | NewsBusters

While hyping the alleged effects on climate change, NBC’s May 6 “Nightly News” tried to localize the impact by citing a different problem in each region. The broadcast played a clip of Burr Morse, a seventh-generation maple syrup producer from Montpelier, Vermont, stating that this season’s weather had been too warm. Contrary to this clip’s implications, Morse told the MRC’s Business and Media Institute that cold weather actually did more to harm this year’s maple syrup season.

Morse complained that NBC had selected a short sample of his full remarks to “support their point which was global warming.” Morse said he didn’t want “to be the cause of any hysteria,” emphasizing that he is confident in the future of the maple syrup industry and its ability to “circumvent the weather with technology.”

NBC White House Correspondent Peter Alexander told “Nightly News” that “Short winters are already harming Vermont maple syrup famer Burr Morse.” Then, NBC played a clip of Morse saying “It didn’t quite get cold enough at night.”

Anybody who spent the 2013/14 winter on the East Coast should immediately have become suspicious as the winter remained cold through March, incidentally when the maple syrup harvest typically begins.

In fact, Morse claimed that winter “hung on a month longer than it usually does.” Because of this lingering cold, Morse started tapping his maple trees in April instead of March. By April, however, the nights were slightly too warm for the ideal 20 degree temperature, hence the actual context for NBC’s excerpt.

Rather than suffering from the heat, Morse described this season’s primary hardship as cold, saying a “big part of the season was that it was too cold.”

For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..

Look what you've come down to. This isn't a straw to be clutched, it's a wisp of nothing.
Interesting thing, that report being about the effects of climate change in the US. At long last, NOAA has released data from the climate reference network (CRN). Not much has been mentioned after the implementation of this network for obvious reasons. The CRN is a state of the art, data gathering network designed to eliminate the argument regarding arguments over the accuracy of adjusted data.

The CRN consists, as I said of state of the art, triple redundant, completely reliable equipment placed meticulously on pristine environments. As a result, no adjustment, whatsoever, of the data gathered by CRN is necessary.

Here ares some of the requirements for a location to be chosen as a CRN siteL:

  • Regional and spatial representation: Major nodes of regional climate variability are captured while taking into account large-scale regional topographic factors.
  • Sensitivity to the measurement of climate variability and trends: Locations should be representative of the climate of the region, and not heavily influenced by unique local topographic features and mesoscale or microscale factors.
  • Long term site stability: Consideration is given to whether the area surrounding the site is likely to experience major change within 50 to 100 years. The risk of man made encroachments over time and the chance the site will close due to the sale of the land or other factors are evaluated. Federal, state, and local government land and granted or deeded land with use restrictions (such as that found at colleges) often provide a high stability factor. Population growth patterns are also considered.
  • Naturally occurring risks and variability:
  • Flood plains and locations in the vicinity of orographically induced winds like the Santa Ana and the Chinook are avoided.
  • Locations with above average tornado frequency or having persistent periods of extreme snow depths are avoided.
  • Enclosed locations that may trap air and create unusually high incidents of fog or cold air drainage are avoided.
  • Complex meteorological zones, such as those adjacent to an ocean or to other large bodies of water are avoided.
  • Proximity:
  • Locations near existing or former observing sites with long records of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature are desirable.
  • Locations near similar observing systems operated and maintained by personnel with an understanding of the purpose of climate observing systems are desirable.
  • Endangered species habitats and sensitive historical locations are avoided.
  • A nearby source of power is required. AC power is desirable, but, in some cases, solar panels may be an alternative.
  • Access: Relatively easy year round access by vehicle for installation and periodic maintenance is desirable.

It gives us a look at what a pristine surface record that doesn't require adjustment would show....it was designed to give us a definitive answer as to what the climate over our land mass is doing...and what does it show? It shows what us skeptics have been saying all along in response to the hysterics of warmist wackos. And it shows that the UHSCN is warmer for all seasons combined than its "gold standard" counterpart.


Of course, this just covers the US, but as one looks at the globe, seeing the "hot spots" that push up the global mean, one can't help but notice, if one is a thinking person, that the warmest spots on earth are spots with the least coverage and the most opportunity for infilling the grid with whatever climate pseudoscientists care to fill it in with.
Look what you've come down to. This isn't a straw to be clutched, it's a wisp of nothing.

If you call a consistent campaign of misinformation nothing. I am sure that goebbels would...it is interesting that you would to abe.
Great thread FlaCal.......these people will say and do anything to perpetuate this hoax....but it doesn't matter. Nobody cares about this shit as evidenced two weeks ago by the head of CNN saying that nobody cares about stories on climate change. And the people get it too......they've seen years and years of these meatheads screwing with the data and know the fix is in......which is also why every single poll out there on peoples concerns about "climate change" it comes in last or second to last on a list of 21 or 22 concerns. They're attitude is, "So maybe the climate is changing.....what the fcuk am I going to do about it?"
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Interesting thing, that report being about the effects of climate change in the US. At long last, NOAA has released data from the climate reference network (CRN). Not much has been mentioned after the implementation of this network for obvious reasons. The CRN is a state of the art, data gathering network designed to eliminate the argument regarding arguments over the accuracy of adjusted data.

The CRN consists, as I said of state of the art, triple redundant, completely reliable equipment placed meticulously on pristine environments. As a result, no adjustment, whatsoever, of the data gathered by CRN is necessary.

Here ares some of the requirements for a location to be chosen as a CRN siteL:

  • Regional and spatial representation: Major nodes of regional climate variability are captured while taking into account large-scale regional topographic factors.
  • Sensitivity to the measurement of climate variability and trends: Locations should be representative of the climate of the region, and not heavily influenced by unique local topographic features and mesoscale or microscale factors.
  • Long term site stability: Consideration is given to whether the area surrounding the site is likely to experience major change within 50 to 100 years. The risk of man made encroachments over time and the chance the site will close due to the sale of the land or other factors are evaluated. Federal, state, and local government land and granted or deeded land with use restrictions (such as that found at colleges) often provide a high stability factor. Population growth patterns are also considered.
  • Naturally occurring risks and variability:
  • Flood plains and locations in the vicinity of orographically induced winds like the Santa Ana and the Chinook are avoided.
  • Locations with above average tornado frequency or having persistent periods of extreme snow depths are avoided.
  • Enclosed locations that may trap air and create unusually high incidents of fog or cold air drainage are avoided.
  • Complex meteorological zones, such as those adjacent to an ocean or to other large bodies of water are avoided.
  • Proximity:
  • Locations near existing or former observing sites with long records of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature are desirable.
  • Locations near similar observing systems operated and maintained by personnel with an understanding of the purpose of climate observing systems are desirable.
  • Endangered species habitats and sensitive historical locations are avoided.
  • A nearby source of power is required. AC power is desirable, but, in some cases, solar panels may be an alternative.
  • Access: Relatively easy year round access by vehicle for installation and periodic maintenance is desirable.

It gives us a look at what a pristine surface record that doesn't require adjustment would show....it was designed to give us a definitive answer as to what the climate over our land mass is doing...and what does it show? It shows what us skeptics have been saying all along in response to the hysterics of warmist wackos. And it shows that the UHSCN is warmer for all seasons combined than its "gold standard" counterpart.


Of course, this just covers the US, but as one looks at the globe, seeing the "hot spots" that push up the global mean, one can't help but notice, if one is a thinking person, that the warmest spots on earth are spots with the least coverage and the most opportunity for infilling the grid with whatever climate pseudoscientists care to fill it in with.

OK -- good first step in verifying measurements. But to be fair -- it's over a period where WE KNOW the temperature should be flat.. Let's see when they STOP posting data from this Data Reference.. :badgrin:
Look what you've come down to. This isn't a straw to be clutched, it's a wisp of nothing.

Only the most Holy of the Disciples could dismiss the EPIC lying and fraud being condoned and perpetrated for the cause.. When CBS posts a graphic showing the Oceans reaching 212 deg F (true story) and NBC LIES about the CURRENT effects attributed to Global Warming ----

REASONABLE people whose brains have not been hijacked would conclude the straw grasping is on the other side.. Making statements like that one Crick -- is a bad move.. You should have just walked away rather then BECOME part of the deception and lying yourself.. Not smart..
Look what you've come down to. This isn't a straw to be clutched, it's a wisp of nothing.

Only the most Holy of the Disciples could dismiss the EPIC lying and fraud being condoned and perpetrated for the cause.. When CBS posts a graphic showing the Oceans reaching 212 deg F (true story) and NBC LIES about the CURRENT effects attributed to Global Warming ----

REASONABLE people whose brains have not been hijacked would conclude the straw grasping is on the other side.. Making statements like that one Crick -- is a bad move.. You should have just walked away rather then BECOME part of the deception and lying yourself.. Not smart..

He lies every time he posts under the name crick...lying is part of his psychological make up. Liar is who he is.
The disruptive climate hoosifudge ate my babby! :lol:

Actually we're gonna find that the hoosifudge just sucks a bit of brain matter at a time and the baby eventually can't find their way home from school anymore.. (Where of course they spent the day watching Global Warming newsclips from NBC and CBS and listening to the Prez tell them how they are gonna be progressives or die.
For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..

How come you guys believe the bible fairy tale but not our global warming fairy tales? At least we have evidence our claims are true. What proof do you have the Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith or the Mohammad story is true?
For being a valuable team player in the Fraud of Global Warming Hype and Fiction -- NBC takes a richochet to the head..

How come you guys believe the bible fairy tale but not our global warming fairy tales? At least we have evidence our claims are true. What proof do you have the Jesus, Moses, Joseph Smith or the Mohammad story is true?

Dont know. I have nothing against faith or folks who believe in fairytales. But I am a scientist and even there, have to accept incredible stories like the Big Bang with a couple strong shots of faith myself. Anyone who conceive of all the energy and matter in the universe fitting on the head of a pin WITHOUT FAITH is lying.

So I guess with your analogy, NBC Nightly News is no longer equivalent to the word of God. And that doesnt bother you a bit? Why did they lie? And why was it NECCESSARY if everything is going their way? The fraud is doomed --- and NBC are the last Jap soldiers on a deserted sinking island..

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