Facts About Judaism

You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.

poor Luke never spoke with Jesus and, likely, never met him.
He was Greek, He may have known some Latin
Well, you do seem to be especially drawn
to every thread that has to do with Judaism.

What's the motivation?
To understand your beliefs about God. For instance, it has been argued on these boards that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. I have argued that’s not how the Jews of the OT saw it. Unfortunately I have yet to find a Jew who is willing to discuss anything on this subject.
Already explained that.
Nice dodge. I didn’t think you could discuss it, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to say so.
Did you really ask a question?
So you go from you already answered it to did I ask a question?

But you aren’t scared, right?

Oh dingy dingy,
you've quoted 2 of my questions,
and none of yours.

Definitely NASA material...
I’m good with that as long as you don’t explain why your predecessors believed God is loving.

Actually I will win either way. ;)

My predecessors knew the words of G-d's prophets
and His commandments that speak of love.
Interesting. So you have no idea that Moses recorded in writing the history that all Jews already knew? You do realize that the account of Genesis was passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before Moses recorded it, right?

Or were you taught that God revealed to Moses the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that no one ever knew of that history until Moses revealed it?

But putting that aside, you have skipped thousands of years where your prophets had no name. Or are you suggesting that your people did not know God is loving before Moses?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he condemned mankind to suffer?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he brought forth a flood to kill mankind?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he made Moses wander in the desert for 40 years?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he gave the command to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan?

so if I am to understand you, your only basis in believing that your people believed God is loving is because your prophets told you so? That doesn’t sound like knowledge. That sounds like you are blindly parroting what you were told. sounds like you are what Rosie would call a child of society.

How do you believe the prophets knew God was loving? What was their basis for that belief?

I know.

Seriously ding,
it doesn't matter what I would answer,
You just totally neglect it, and reserve to dumping strawman fallacies.

All these leading talking points You get from the church,
are simple questions dealt with when children study the Humash.

All I can suggest, is try actually reading the book, slowly and carefully,
and refer You to Rashi - because otherwise it's just meaningless waste of time.

dingbat should do some JUMAH things in a mosque-----he can
get a whole bunch more moronic talking points from the weekly
khutbah jumaat feces fling
By the way, have You heard about the abbreviations in the beginning of several chapter in the Quran, and because they make no sense in Arabic, therefore Muslims believe will be explained with the arrival of Mahdi - yet can be read in Hebrew?

That sense of humor Ka'ab had...

what abbreviations?
Indeed kindergarten level...

Before WISDOM - Reading comprehension 101:

Memorizing Torah doesn't mean you understood it.

I might as well, have no problem with that whatsoever.
That's actually one of the main purposes of Jewish education - turn kids into grown up teachers.

That kid taught you to memorize Torah by hearth. Follow your teacher and please don't try to reason in this discussion because you have not been taught to understand what you read... but only to memorize it.

One of our forefathers' name is Yitzhak - meaning "he will laugh".

At this moment he might be laughing of Judaism as well.

Be careful, strong contempt has the potential to drive one crazy,
to the point of inability to string coherent sentences.

Advice is always welcomed.

So listen carefully, you are a new generation and you have in front of you the same Scriptures the former rabbis had centuries ago. Your job is not to insert their insight as the sole interpretation but your responsibility if for you yourself to acquire wisdom directly from Torah, Prophets and Scriptures.

Let YHWH talk to you and you understand the meaning of those words.

Up to the 60's, even in universities, in classes of medicine, the words of Aristotle still had great respect if not importance. But knowledge in this branch of science grew up and the words of the Greek philosopher caused only smiles a decade later, and today he is not even mentioned at all.

Judaism is Aristotle.

That's why G-d chose Mosheh Rabbenu A"H to be the shepherd of His nation in the first place. Exactly the wisdom You bang about so much, yet slipping between Your fingers.

Moses understood only one thing: he was not in control, he was not the shepherd, but YHWH was. When he forgot his place in the story, that is the moment when he lost all privileges.

Abraham Avinu A"H argued with G-d,
Mosheh Rabbenu A"H argued with G-d.

All is fine, all according to the plan.

A "plan".

You know, you are saying that the "plan" started with Adam. A "plan".

Lets play it hard.

IF, conditional, if Adam never disobeyed, then, can you be so kind to explain what was the "plan" then?

(You don't need to answer, it will be vain from your part trying to justify the "plan" idea.)

You see if G-d wanted someone to simply nod in a robot-like manner, He'd make angels his "people", instead of creating the world for humanity to experience freedom of choice, and Israel as the pinnacle of creation - exactly because Israel are capable of staying sincere in the midst of a conversation with G-d. A people who are capable of remaining REAL when G-d talks.

Israel ask questions, argue - that's in our name, its meaning.

While on the other hand, other nations just instantly become religious, and fall into blind faith,
what interest is in such an interaction?

But, after your prayers the virus still coming inside people's bodies. If Israel prayed (had a sincere conversation with YHWH) and the virus still traveling even when the current transportation restrictions, then YHWH is not listening to Israel, His "budy", His chosen one, His selected sons.

How long for you to accept it?

No, not in secret.
It's just that the world has to reach to a certain point before knowing G-d's Name.
You see, You still of the impression that by merely knowing 4 letters is knowledge of that name.

The knowing of the Name is in its pronunciation, and is not Jehovah, nor Yaweh (Yahweh) and others.

Same as well, several passages of Tanach are obscure and even erroneous because the "traditional pronunciation" of some words are incorrect and have been inherited that way. Even Yeshu (Jesus) used the correct pronunciation to understand Torah the proper way.

But that's not what KNOWING one's name really is,
You've yet even penetrated the surface, that's not even knowing what the Name means.
You'll eventually get there, not sure to what level of intimacy, but we're infinitely optimistic.

Oxygen alone won't define air. Defining air by finding the characteristic of each element will show details of its composition, not so its behavior as a whole. An airplane is not defined by the parts used to build it.

Use this analogy and you will go further in this topic.
Is it the source of that insecurity,
the urge to try and force everyone to be like You?

What happened then with your "plan" with free will and no robots obeying a fixed old knowledge acquired centuries ago?

Judaism means "This is it", "don't go forward".

Encouraging to go forward to increase knowledge and understanding is even what the prophets oratory was. As a simple, humble, unknown human being, am I prohibited to encourage others -including you- to go forward? Do you want me to charge you for it thru a expensive book so you will consider my words as "worthy" because you paid for them?

Has nothing to do with what Israel may or may not think.

Torah is the 'manufacturer's guide', the plan.
according to which the world itself was created.

In past century, the electric code was totally different in several aspects. The main purpose of "safety" was included, but with low voltage used, the regulations were according to the power of the electricity. In classes, electricians learned to recognize voltage in cables not with a voltmeter but using the tongue. They learned the "flavor" of 5 volts compared to 9 volts.

Today you won't use your tongue to recognize 110 volts from 220 volts. Today, the electric code is different to the one from past centuries.

We are just living in accord to the last edition of the teaching of YHWH for humanity. This last edition was published after the depart of Israel from Egypt.

Or- You can simply learn Torah.
And better in its original form and language.
Might as well help You grow out of that infantile state of mind.

So, you admire that child memorizing Torah by heart and accept he can be a great "teacher", but call infantile the act of learning and consulting Torah with understanding.

I think you better take some classes of pedagogy.

Torah is not "based"..
What it is, is the word of G-d, a communication.
And as I've mentioned above - the plan of the creation.

Simple as that,
yet infinitely complex.

So "Be it". ;)

You are fine: communication.

The teacher instructing and the students learning.

It is an "interactive" class where teacher and students participate.

The ones who understand the most go and help the one who is behind classes.
You do realize that everyone except Moshe had to take it for granted that Moshe wasn't pulling the wool over their eyes.
And that everyone who didn't experience prophecy at all had to take it for granted that the prophets weren't pulling the wool over their eyes.
And yet you take it for granted that everything you know about history and current events is true even when you see the media lying to you every single moment of the day,
Well, you do seem to be especially drawn
to every thread that has to do with Judaism.

What's the motivation?
To understand your beliefs about God. For instance, it has been argued on these boards that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. I have argued that’s not how the Jews of the OT saw it. Unfortunately I have yet to find a Jew who is willing to discuss anything on this subject.
Already explained that.
Nice dodge. I didn’t think you could discuss it, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to say so.
Did you really ask a question?
So you go from you already answered it to did I ask a question?

But you aren’t scared, right?

Oh dingy dingy,
you've quoted 2 of my questions,
and none of yours.

Definitely NASA material...
I’m good with that as long as you don’t explain why your predecessors believed God is loving.

Actually I will win either way. ;)

My predecessors knew the words of G-d's prophets
and His commandments that speak of love.
Interesting. So you have no idea that Moses recorded in writing the history that all Jews already knew? You do realize that the account of Genesis was passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before Moses recorded it, right?

Or were you taught that God revealed to Moses the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that no one ever knew of that history until Moses revealed it?

But putting that aside, you have skipped thousands of years where your prophets had no name. Or are you suggesting that your people did not know God is loving before Moses?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he condemned mankind to suffer?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he brought forth a flood to kill mankind?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he made Moses wander in the desert for 40 years?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he gave the command to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan?

so if I am to understand you, your only basis in believing that your people believed God is loving is because your prophets told you so? That doesn’t sound like knowledge. That sounds like you are blindly parroting what you were told. sounds like you are what Rosie would call a child of society.

How do you believe the prophets knew God was loving? What was their basis for that belief?

I know.

Seriously ding,
it doesn't matter what I would answer,
You just totally neglect it, and reserve to dumping strawman fallacies.

All these leading talking points You get from the church,
are simple questions dealt with when children study the Humash.

All I can suggest, is try actually reading the book, slowly and carefully,
and refer You to Rashi - because otherwise it's just meaningless waste of time.

dingbat should do some JUMAH things in a mosque-----he can
get a whole bunch more moronic talking points from the weekly
khutbah jumaat feces fling
By the way, have You heard about the abbreviations in the beginning of several chapter in the Quran, and because they make no sense in Arabic, therefore Muslims believe will be explained with the arrival of Mahdi - yet can be read in Hebrew?

That sense of humor Ka'ab had...
Alim...Aine Low Machshahva...None of this makes sense.
Indeed kindergarten level...

Before WISDOM - Reading comprehension 101:
Memorizing Torah doesn't mean you understood it.

Indeed, but its one of the first steps,
in order to navigate and give answers from that huge body of knowledge.

I might as well, have no problem with that whatsoever.
That's actually one of the main purposes of Jewish education - turn kids into grown up teachers.
That kid taught you to memorize Torah by hearth. Follow your teacher and please don't try to reason in this discussion because you have not been taught to understand what you read... but only to memorize it.

Well, that's already much more than You have.
Step at a time, each on his level.

For You - the first step is learning the alphabet.

One of our forefathers' name is Yitzhak - meaning "he will laugh".

At this moment he might be laughing of Judaism as well.

And You know what?
We might as well have the opportunity to ask him personally.

But I think it has more to do with the lentil and all...
Something about Your forefather being a joker rings a bell?

Be careful, strong contempt has the potential to drive one crazy,
to the point of inability to string coherent sentences.

Advice is always welcomed.

So listen carefully, you are a new generation and you have in front of you the same Scriptures the former rabbis had centuries ago. Your job is not to insert their insight as the sole interpretation but your responsibility if for you yourself to acquire wisdom directly from Torah, Prophets and Scriptures.

Let YHWH talk to you and you understand the meaning of those words.

Up to the 60's, even in universities, in classes of medicine, the words of Aristotle still had great respect if not importance. But knowledge in this branch of science grew up and the words of the Greek philosopher caused only smiles a decade later, and today he is not even mentioned at all.

Judaism is Aristotle.

Well, Aristotle was correct about some and wrong about other.
I suggest You read the "Guide For The Perplexed" written by Maimonides.

That's why G-d chose Mosheh Rabbenu A"H to be the shepherd of His nation in the first place. Exactly the wisdom You bang about so much, yet slipping between Your fingers.

Moses understood only one thing: he was not in control, he was not the shepherd, but YHWH was. When he forgot his place in the story, that is the moment when he lost all privileges.

Is that the none sense they teach You in church?
I guess for one track minds, one track conclusions.

Abraham Avinu A"H argued with G-d,
Mosheh Rabbenu A"H argued with G-d.

All is fine, all according to the plan.

A "plan".

You know, you are saying that the "plan" started with Adam. A "plan".

Lets play it hard.

IF, conditional, if Adam never disobeyed, then, can you be so kind to explain what was the "plan" then?

(You don't need to answer, it will be vain from your part trying to justify the "plan" idea.)

You call this 'playing hard'? :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is...wait for it....wait for it...

For Eve to choose whether humanity eats free bread,
or give her children the opportunity to become righteous.

You see if G-d wanted someone to simply nod in a robot-like manner, He'd make angels his "people", instead of creating the world for humanity to experience freedom of choice, and Israel as the pinnacle of creation - exactly because Israel are capable of staying sincere in the midst of a conversation with G-d. A people who are capable of remaining REAL when G-d talks.

Israel ask questions, argue - that's in our name, its meaning.

While on the other hand, other nations just instantly become religious, and fall into blind faith,
what interest is in such an interaction?

But, after your prayers the virus still coming inside people's bodies. If Israel prayed (had a sincere conversation with YHWH) and the virus still traveling even when the current transportation restrictions, then YHWH is not listening to Israel, His "budy", His chosen one, His selected sons.

How long for you to accept it?

You simply don't understand what is prayer.
I've already explained that to You in very simple terms.

Beyond that, I can only suggest "Reading Comprehension 101".

No, not in secret.
It's just that the world has to reach to a certain point before knowing G-d's Name.
You see, You still of the impression that by merely knowing 4 letters is knowledge of that name.

The knowing of the Name is in its pronunciation, and is not Jehovah, nor Yaweh (Yahweh) and others.

Same as well, several passages of Tanach are obscure and even erroneous because the "traditional pronunciation" of some words are incorrect and have been inherited that way. Even Yeshu (Jesus) used the correct pronunciation to understand Torah the proper way.
Does it mean that by merely pronouncing "Mike",
I automatically get to know all the Mikes on planet earth?

But that's not what KNOWING one's name really is,
You've yet even penetrated the surface, that's not even knowing what the Name means.
You'll eventually get there, not sure to what level of intimacy, but we're infinitely optimistic.

Oxygen alone won't define air. Defining air by finding the characteristic of each element will show details of its composition, not so its behavior as a whole. An airplane is not defined by the parts used to build it.

Use this analogy and you will go further in this topic.

That confirms my answer above,
which means that You actually do learn, and there's hope.

Is it the source of that insecurity,
the urge to try and force everyone to be like You?

What happened then with your "plan" with free will and no robots obeying a fixed old knowledge acquired centuries ago?

Judaism means "This is it", "don't go forward".

Encouraging to go forward to increase knowledge and understanding is even what the prophets oratory was. As a simple, humble, unknown human being, am I prohibited to encourage others -including you- to go forward? Do you want me to charge you for it thru a expensive book so you will consider my words as "worthy" because you paid for them?

Well, for what does it likens?
To a 16y.o. teenager with a fresh license selling the Rally driver
an automatic transmission, because he's totally convinced that's"progress".

Has nothing to do with what Israel may or may not think.

Torah is the 'manufacturer's guide', the plan.
according to which the world itself was created.

In past century, the electric code was totally different in several aspects. The main purpose of "safety" was included, but with low voltage used, the regulations were according to the power of the electricity. In classes, electricians learned to recognize voltage in cables not with a voltmeter but using the tongue. They learned the "flavor" of 5 volts compared to 9 volts.

Today you won't use your tongue to recognize 110 volts from 220 volts. Today, the electric code is different to the one from past centuries.

We are just living in accord to the last edition of the teaching of YHWH for humanity. This last edition was published after the depart of Israel from Egypt.

You're confusing getting late to a show,
to actually knowing the plot.

Or- You can simply learn Torah.
And better in its original form and language.
Might as well help You grow out of that infantile state of mind.

So, you admire that child memorizing Torah by heart and accept he can be a great "teacher", but call infantile the act of learning and consulting Torah with understanding.

I think you better take some classes of pedagogy.

No, I admire the discipline of a prodigy.
What have You left aside from reserving to oversimplification?

Torah is not "based"..
What it is, is the word of G-d, a communication.
And as I've mentioned above - the plan of the creation.

Simple as that,
yet infinitely complex.

So "Be it". ;)

You are fine: communication.

The teacher instructing and the students learning.

It is an "interactive" class where teacher and students participate.

The ones who understand the most go and help the one who is behind classes.

Happy to help ;)
Indeed kindergarten level...

Before WISDOM - Reading comprehension 101:
Memorizing Torah doesn't mean you understood it.

Indeed, but its one of the first steps,
in order to navigate and give answers from that huge body of knowledge.

I might as well, have no problem with that whatsoever.
That's actually one of the main purposes of Jewish education - turn kids into grown up teachers.
That kid taught you to memorize Torah by hearth. Follow your teacher and please don't try to reason in this discussion because you have not been taught to understand what you read... but only to memorize it.

Well, that's already much more than You have.
Step at a time, each on his level.

For You - the first step is learning the alphabet.

One of our forefathers' name is Yitzhak - meaning "he will laugh".

At this moment he might be laughing of Judaism as well.

And You know what?
We might as well have the opportunity to ask him personally.

But I think it has more to do with the lentil and all...
Something about Your forefather being a joker rings a bell?

Be careful, strong contempt has the potential to drive one crazy,
to the point of inability to string coherent sentences.

Advice is always welcomed.

So listen carefully, you are a new generation and you have in front of you the same Scriptures the former rabbis had centuries ago. Your job is not to insert their insight as the sole interpretation but your responsibility if for you yourself to acquire wisdom directly from Torah, Prophets and Scriptures.

Let YHWH talk to you and you understand the meaning of those words.

Up to the 60's, even in universities, in classes of medicine, the words of Aristotle still had great respect if not importance. But knowledge in this branch of science grew up and the words of the Greek philosopher caused only smiles a decade later, and today he is not even mentioned at all.

Judaism is Aristotle.

Well, Aristotle was correct about some and wrong about other.
I suggest You read the "Guide For The Perplexed" written by Maimonides.

That's why G-d chose Mosheh Rabbenu A"H to be the shepherd of His nation in the first place. Exactly the wisdom You bang about so much, yet slipping between Your fingers.

Moses understood only one thing: he was not in control, he was not the shepherd, but YHWH was. When he forgot his place in the story, that is the moment when he lost all privileges.

Is that the none sense they teach You in church?
I guess for one track minds, one track conclusions.

Abraham Avinu A"H argued with G-d,
Mosheh Rabbenu A"H argued with G-d.

All is fine, all according to the plan.

A "plan".

You know, you are saying that the "plan" started with Adam. A "plan".

Lets play it hard.

IF, conditional, if Adam never disobeyed, then, can you be so kind to explain what was the "plan" then?

(You don't need to answer, it will be vain from your part trying to justify the "plan" idea.)

You call this 'playing hard'? :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is...wait for it....wait for it...

For Eve to choose whether humanity eats free bread,
or give her children the opportunity to become righteous.

You see if G-d wanted someone to simply nod in a robot-like manner, He'd make angels his "people", instead of creating the world for humanity to experience freedom of choice, and Israel as the pinnacle of creation - exactly because Israel are capable of staying sincere in the midst of a conversation with G-d. A people who are capable of remaining REAL when G-d talks.

Israel ask questions, argue - that's in our name, its meaning.

While on the other hand, other nations just instantly become religious, and fall into blind faith,
what interest is in such an interaction?

But, after your prayers the virus still coming inside people's bodies. If Israel prayed (had a sincere conversation with YHWH) and the virus still traveling even when the current transportation restrictions, then YHWH is not listening to Israel, His "budy", His chosen one, His selected sons.

How long for you to accept it?

You simply don't understand what is prayer.
I've already explained that to You in very simple terms.

Beyond that, I can only suggest "Reading Comprehension 101".

No, not in secret.
It's just that the world has to reach to a certain point before knowing G-d's Name.
You see, You still of the impression that by merely knowing 4 letters is knowledge of that name.

The knowing of the Name is in its pronunciation, and is not Jehovah, nor Yaweh (Yahweh) and others.

Same as well, several passages of Tanach are obscure and even erroneous because the "traditional pronunciation" of some words are incorrect and have been inherited that way. Even Yeshu (Jesus) used the correct pronunciation to understand Torah the proper way.
Does it mean that by merely pronouncing "Mike",
I automatically get to know all the Mikes on planet earth?

But that's not what KNOWING one's name really is,
You've yet even penetrated the surface, that's not even knowing what the Name means.
You'll eventually get there, not sure to what level of intimacy, but we're infinitely optimistic.

Oxygen alone won't define air. Defining air by finding the characteristic of each element will show details of its composition, not so its behavior as a whole. An airplane is not defined by the parts used to build it.

Use this analogy and you will go further in this topic.

That confirms my answer above,
which means that You actually do learn, and there's hope.

Is it the source of that insecurity,
the urge to try and force everyone to be like You?

What happened then with your "plan" with free will and no robots obeying a fixed old knowledge acquired centuries ago?

Judaism means "This is it", "don't go forward".

Encouraging to go forward to increase knowledge and understanding is even what the prophets oratory was. As a simple, humble, unknown human being, am I prohibited to encourage others -including you- to go forward? Do you want me to charge you for it thru a expensive book so you will consider my words as "worthy" because you paid for them?

Well, for what does it likens?
To a 16y.o. teenager with a fresh license selling the Rally driver
an automatic transmission, because he's totally convinced that's"progress".

Has nothing to do with what Israel may or may not think.

Torah is the 'manufacturer's guide', the plan.
according to which the world itself was created.

In past century, the electric code was totally different in several aspects. The main purpose of "safety" was included, but with low voltage used, the regulations were according to the power of the electricity. In classes, electricians learned to recognize voltage in cables not with a voltmeter but using the tongue. They learned the "flavor" of 5 volts compared to 9 volts.

Today you won't use your tongue to recognize 110 volts from 220 volts. Today, the electric code is different to the one from past centuries.

We are just living in accord to the last edition of the teaching of YHWH for humanity. This last edition was published after the depart of Israel from Egypt.

You're confusing getting late to a show,
to actually knowing the plot.

Or- You can simply learn Torah.
And better in its original form and language.
Might as well help You grow out of that infantile state of mind.

So, you admire that child memorizing Torah by heart and accept he can be a great "teacher", but call infantile the act of learning and consulting Torah with understanding.

I think you better take some classes of pedagogy.

No, I admire the discipline of a prodigy.
What have You left aside from reserving to oversimplification?

Torah is not "based"..
What it is, is the word of G-d, a communication.
And as I've mentioned above - the plan of the creation.

Simple as that,
yet infinitely complex.

So "Be it". ;)

You are fine: communication.

The teacher instructing and the students learning.

It is an "interactive" class where teacher and students participate.

The ones who understand the most go and help the one who is behind classes.

Happy to help ;)

for the record-----the OJB is a Christian perversion in which
some idiot tries to impress jews by adding in simple Hebrew words
and sometimes even yiddishisms Reading that crap is annoying.
I was impressing upon whomever is interested that indeed Joseph and Mary discovered Jesus at age 12 somewhere in THE TEMPLE complex at JERUSALEM, and not at some synagogue according to the earliest existing text on this matter. You may find reading explicit Hebrew highlights annoying; however, I find it most intriguing ---- and I'm not even Jewish.
You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.
In find that there are many funny things recorded in the entire Bible. God obviously has a sense of humor.
for the record-----the OJB is a Christian perversion in which
some idiot tries to impress jews by adding in simple Hebrew words
and sometimes even yiddishisms Reading that crap is annoying.
I was impressing upon whomever is interested that indeed Joseph and Mary discovered Jesus at age 12 somewhere in THE TEMPLE complex at JERUSALEM, and not at some synagogue according to the earliest existing text on this matter. You may find reading explicit Hebrew highlights annoying; however, I find it most intriguing ---- and I'm not even Jewish.

"in the temple complex" is not much of an issue------in fact, not
much more exciting than being in a synagogue somewhere.. You
got a citation on that "early text"-------and if you do-----what does it
matter? I like reading the original Hebrew because translations
are TYPICALLY a real mess. BTW who was the author of that
"early text"?
Well, you do seem to be especially drawn
to every thread that has to do with Judaism.

What's the motivation?
To understand your beliefs about God. For instance, it has been argued on these boards that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. I have argued that’s not how the Jews of the OT saw it. Unfortunately I have yet to find a Jew who is willing to discuss anything on this subject.
Already explained that.
Nice dodge. I didn’t think you could discuss it, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to say so.
Did you really ask a question?
So you go from you already answered it to did I ask a question?

But you aren’t scared, right?

Oh dingy dingy,
you've quoted 2 of my questions,
and none of yours.

Definitely NASA material...
I’m good with that as long as you don’t explain why your predecessors believed God is loving.

Actually I will win either way. ;)

My predecessors knew the words of G-d's prophets
and His commandments that speak of love.
Interesting. So you have no idea that Moses recorded in writing the history that all Jews already knew? You do realize that the account of Genesis was passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years before Moses recorded it, right?

Or were you taught that God revealed to Moses the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that no one ever knew of that history until Moses revealed it?

But putting that aside, you have skipped thousands of years where your prophets had no name. Or are you suggesting that your people did not know God is loving before Moses?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he condemned mankind to suffer?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he brought forth a flood to kill mankind?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he made Moses wander in the desert for 40 years?

Are you suggesting that God was loving when he gave the command to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan?

so if I am to understand you, your only basis in believing that your people believed God is loving is because your prophets told you so? That doesn’t sound like knowledge. That sounds like you are blindly parroting what you were told. sounds like you are what Rosie would call a child of society.

How do you believe the prophets knew God was loving? What was their basis for that belief?

I know.

Seriously ding,
it doesn't matter what I would answer,
You just totally neglect it, and reserve to dumping strawman fallacies.

All these leading talking points You get from the church,
are simple questions dealt with when children study the Humash.

All I can suggest, is try actually reading the book, slowly and carefully,
and refer You to Rashi - because otherwise it's just meaningless waste of time.

dingbat should do some JUMAH things in a mosque-----he can
get a whole bunch more moronic talking points from the weekly
khutbah jumaat feces fling
By the way, have You heard about the abbreviations in the beginning of several chapter in the Quran, and because they make no sense in Arabic, therefore Muslims believe will be explained with the arrival of Mahdi - yet can be read in Hebrew?

That sense of humor Ka'ab had...
Alim...Aine Low Machshahva...None of this makes sense.

Had a list of those, can't find now.
Just imagine the wonders of Islam 2020,
and all the none sense he had to put up with back then.

"Ka'aaaab! Ta'al hounnah - we need You to write some wisdom..."
Last edited:
You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.
In find that there are many funny things recorded in the entire Bible. God obviously has a sense of humor.

Of course,
where do You think You've got it in the first place?

From that tree You don't eat...on the day You eat it... ;)
Indeed, but its one of the first steps,
in order to navigate and give answers from that huge body of knowledge.

The deal is to explain, not so repeat.

No wonder your knowledge is so behind.

Well, that's already much more than You have.
Step at a time, each on his level.

For You - the first step is learning the alphabet.

This dialogue is similar to having both of us playing chess. You have the white pieces. You start the game and made the first move.

And because I know how far your knowledge has reached, as soon as you have made the first move I tell you right away: "You just have made your first mistake".

This is how confident I am in front of all your vain babbling.

And You know what?
We might as well have the opportunity to ask him personally.

But I think it has more to do with the lentil and all...
Something about Your forefather being a joker rings a bell?

Even that guy Yeshu told you not to build your house on sand (Abraham descendants ) but on the rock (YHWH).

What insight you have received from the laughing patriarch if you can explain it with details? Can you provide the asked explanation from your own understanding without consulting the ideas of former rabbis?

Well, Aristotle was correct about some and wrong about other.
I suggest You read the "Guide For The Perplexed" written by Maimonides.

Today, using Aristotle in medicine is nonsense. He is just part of history only, even his philosophy is past. What an extraordinary parallel with Judaism.

Is that the none sense they teach You in church?
I guess for one track minds, one track conclusions.

Moses didn't make it. By the way you go, chances play you won't make it as well.

You call this 'playing hard'? :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is...wait for it....wait for it...

For Eve to choose whether humanity eats free bread,
or give her children the opportunity to become righteous.

So... that was the "plan".

I watched better fantastic stories in Netflix, and in color, with sound round system, my bottle of rum in one side, some snacks on the other side. Believe me that the script of those entertainment movies has more truth that your YHWH "plan's" idea.

You simply don't understand what is prayer.
I've already explained that to You in very simple terms.

Beyond that, I can only suggest "Reading Comprehension 101".

How it comes you know what prayer is, then you pray and what you ask (stop the virus) didn't happen?

Allow me to understand you. What were your expectations with your prayer? Just giving the impression that you care? A show to collect money? 15 minutes of fame? For YHWH to stop the virus?

And, did it work?

(Saturday Night Live showed a funny sketch were a former candidate for the presidency was invited. He is the one who promised $1000 to every American if he wins the elections. However he found himself with lack of funds and in the show he admitted he should ask $1000 to every American instead in order to continue in the race.
The two actors he was having a dialogue with, they were playing golf hitting the ball wherever the ball fell, so they were playing all around the city. Apparently such was the game they were interested to play and know in their lives.
One of the golf players asked him what he was going recently, and the other said: "Oh, I did run for being the President of United States of America".
The golf player continuing with his game asked him:
And, did you win? )

Why did you think YHWH will listen to you?

Does it mean that by merely pronouncing "Mike",
I automatically get to know all the Mikes on planet earth?

Same as well my name means "fighter" and not all the ones who carry same name as mine are fighters.

You are not getting it.

That confirms my answer above,
which means that You actually do learn, and there's hope.

The way you are going there is no hope for you.

Well, for what does it likens?
To a 16y.o. teenager with a fresh license selling the Rally driver
an automatic transmission, because he's totally convinced that's"progress".

You admire a boy who can repeat Torah by heart, and you claim he can be a good teacher.

This is similar you teach a new driver the traffic laws but never teach him what those mean.

He will pass the test, all right, he will drive and never receive a traffic violation ticket, but he'll never know why and for what he was driven at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

This is what you are, "knowing" (learning) by heart, obeying by inertia but ignoring the reason why you have been driving at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

You ignoring such simple explanation in traffic laws after driving years and years, and you pretend that you know Torah by memorizing it?

This is how low you are presenting Judaism.

Tell me, from your own, something new no other has discovered from Torah. This is how you will know finally you are on the right path.

You're confusing getting late to a show,
to actually knowing the plot.

I know when a code has been edited, and surely the Torah you have in your hand is the last edition YHWh made after the depart of Israel from Egypt. The former one was discarded.

No, I admire the discipline of a prodigy.
What have You left aside from reserving to oversimplification?

I better give the credit to YHWH. That child can fail at any moment.

Happy to help ;)

You have been seated at front of the classroom, close to the teacher and specially close to the chalkboard not because merit, but simply because you can't see.
Indeed, but its one of the first steps,
in order to navigate and give answers from that huge body of knowledge.

The deal is to explain, not so repeat.

No wonder your knowledge is so behind.

Well, that's already much more than You have.
Step at a time, each on his level.

For You - the first step is learning the alphabet.

This dialogue is similar to having both of us playing chess. You have the white pieces. You start the game and made the first move.

And because I know how far your knowledge has reached, as soon as you have made the first move I tell you right away: "You just have made your first mistake".

This is how confident I am in front of all your vain babbling.

And You know what?
We might as well have the opportunity to ask him personally.

But I think it has more to do with the lentil and all...
Something about Your forefather being a joker rings a bell?

Even that guy Yeshu told you not to build your house on sand (Abraham descendants ) but on the rock (YHWH).

What insight you have received from the laughing patriarch if you can explain it with details? Can you provide the asked explanation from your own understanding without consulting the ideas of former rabbis?

Well, Aristotle was correct about some and wrong about other.
I suggest You read the "Guide For The Perplexed" written by Maimonides.

Today, using Aristotle in medicine is nonsense. He is just part of history only, even his philosophy is past. What an extraordinary parallel with Judaism.

Is that the none sense they teach You in church?
I guess for one track minds, one track conclusions.

Moses didn't make it. By the way you go, chances play you won't make it as well.

You call this 'playing hard'? :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is...wait for it....wait for it...

For Eve to choose whether humanity eats free bread,
or give her children the opportunity to become righteous.

So... that was the "plan".

I watched better fantastic stories in Netflix, and in color, with sound round system, my bottle of rum in one side, some snacks on the other side. Believe me that the script of those entertainment movies has more truth that your YHWH "plan's" idea.

You simply don't understand what is prayer.
I've already explained that to You in very simple terms.

Beyond that, I can only suggest "Reading Comprehension 101".

How it comes you know what prayer is, then you pray and what you ask (stop the virus) didn't happen?

Allow me to understand you. What were your expectations with your prayer? Just giving the impression that you care? A show to collect money? 15 minutes of fame? For YHWH to stop the virus?

And, did it work?

(Saturday Night Live showed a funny sketch were a former candidate for the presidency was invited. He is the one who promised $1000 to every American if he wins the elections. However he found himself with lack of funds and in the show he admitted he should ask $1000 to every American instead in order to continue in the race.
The two actors he was having a dialogue with, they were playing golf hitting the ball wherever the ball fell, so they were playing all around the city. Apparently such was the game they were interested to play and know in their lives.
One of the golf players asked him what he was going recently, and the other said: "Oh, I did run for being the President of United States of America".
The golf player continuing with his game asked him:
And, did you win? )

Why did you think YHWH will listen to you?

Does it mean that by merely pronouncing "Mike",
I automatically get to know all the Mikes on planet earth?

Same as well my name means "fighter" and not all the ones who carry same name as mine are fighters.

You are not getting it.

That confirms my answer above,
which means that You actually do learn, and there's hope.

The way you are going there is no hope for you.

Well, for what does it likens?
To a 16y.o. teenager with a fresh license selling the Rally driver
an automatic transmission, because he's totally convinced that's"progress".

You admire a boy who can repeat Torah by heart, and you claim he can be a good teacher.

This is similar you teach a new driver the traffic laws but never teach him what those mean.

He will pass the test, all right, he will drive and never receive a traffic violation ticket, but he'll never know why and for what he was driven at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

This is what you are, "knowing" (learning) by heart, obeying by inertia but ignoring the reason why you have been driving at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

You ignoring such simple explanation in traffic laws after driving years and years, and you pretend that you know Torah by memorizing it?

This is how low you are presenting Judaism.

Tell me, from your own, something new no other has discovered from Torah. This is how you will know finally you are on the right path.

You're confusing getting late to a show,
to actually knowing the plot.

I know when a code has been edited, and surely the Torah you have in your hand is the last edition YHWh made after the depart of Israel from Egypt. The former one was discarded.

No, I admire the discipline of a prodigy.
What have You left aside from reserving to oversimplification?

I better give the credit to YHWH. That child can fail at any moment.

Happy to help ;)

You have been seated at front of the classroom, close to the teacher and specially close to the chalkboard not because merit, but simply because you can't see.

Excuse me,
but I think I've reached my limit of none sense I can read in a day.
Last edited:
Indeed, but its one of the first steps,
in order to navigate and give answers from that huge body of knowledge.

The deal is to explain, not so repeat.

No wonder your knowledge is so behind.

Well, that's already much more than You have.
Step at a time, each on his level.

For You - the first step is learning the alphabet.

This dialogue is similar to having both of us playing chess. You have the white pieces. You start the game and made the first move.

And because I know how far your knowledge has reached, as soon as you have made the first move I tell you right away: "You just have made your first mistake".

This is how confident I am in front of all your vain babbling.

And You know what?
We might as well have the opportunity to ask him personally.

But I think it has more to do with the lentil and all...
Something about Your forefather being a joker rings a bell?

Even that guy Yeshu told you not to build your house on sand (Abraham descendants ) but on the rock (YHWH).

What insight you have received from the laughing patriarch if you can explain it with details? Can you provide the asked explanation from your own understanding without consulting the ideas of former rabbis?

Well, Aristotle was correct about some and wrong about other.
I suggest You read the "Guide For The Perplexed" written by Maimonides.

Today, using Aristotle in medicine is nonsense. He is just part of history only, even his philosophy is past. What an extraordinary parallel with Judaism.

Is that the none sense they teach You in church?
I guess for one track minds, one track conclusions.

Moses didn't make it. By the way you go, chances play you won't make it as well.

You call this 'playing hard'? :auiqs.jpg:

The answer is...wait for it....wait for it...

For Eve to choose whether humanity eats free bread,
or give her children the opportunity to become righteous.

So... that was the "plan".

I watched better fantastic stories in Netflix, and in color, with sound round system, my bottle of rum in one side, some snacks on the other side. Believe me that the script of those entertainment movies has more truth that your YHWH "plan's" idea.

You simply don't understand what is prayer.
I've already explained that to You in very simple terms.

Beyond that, I can only suggest "Reading Comprehension 101".

How it comes you know what prayer is, then you pray and what you ask (stop the virus) didn't happen?

Allow me to understand you. What were your expectations with your prayer? Just giving the impression that you care? A show to collect money? 15 minutes of fame? For YHWH to stop the virus?

And, did it work?

(Saturday Night Live showed a funny sketch were a former candidate for the presidency was invited. He is the one who promised $1000 to every American if he wins the elections. However he found himself with lack of funds and in the show he admitted he should ask $1000 to every American instead in order to continue in the race.
The two actors he was having a dialogue with, they were playing golf hitting the ball wherever the ball fell, so they were playing all around the city. Apparently such was the game they were interested to play and know in their lives.
One of the golf players asked him what he was going recently, and the other said: "Oh, I did run for being the President of United States of America".
The golf player continuing with his game asked him:
And, did you win? )

Why did you think YHWH will listen to you?

Does it mean that by merely pronouncing "Mike",
I automatically get to know all the Mikes on planet earth?

Same as well my name means "fighter" and not all the ones who carry same name as mine are fighters.

You are not getting it.

That confirms my answer above,
which means that You actually do learn, and there's hope.

The way you are going there is no hope for you.

Well, for what does it likens?
To a 16y.o. teenager with a fresh license selling the Rally driver
an automatic transmission, because he's totally convinced that's"progress".

You admire a boy who can repeat Torah by heart, and you claim he can be a good teacher.

This is similar you teach a new driver the traffic laws but never teach him what those mean.

He will pass the test, all right, he will drive and never receive a traffic violation ticket, but he'll never know why and for what he was driven at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

This is what you are, "knowing" (learning) by heart, obeying by inertia but ignoring the reason why you have been driving at 25 miles per hour in residential areas.

You ignoring such simple explanation in traffic laws after driving years and years, and you pretend that you know Torah by memorizing it?

This is how low you are presenting Judaism.

Tell me, from your own, something new no other has discovered from Torah. This is how you will know finally you are on the right path.

You're confusing getting late to a show,
to actually knowing the plot.

I know when a code has been edited, and surely the Torah you have in your hand is the last edition YHWh made after the depart of Israel from Egypt. The former one was discarded.

No, I admire the discipline of a prodigy.
What have You left aside from reserving to oversimplification?

I better give the credit to YHWH. That child can fail at any moment.

Happy to help ;)

You have been seated at front of the classroom, close to the teacher and specially close to the chalkboard not because merit, but simply because you can't see.
I take it you have never attended a Torah class.
You will be challenged to challenge the teacher.
You may wish to regard the following: Messianic Life


See...that's exactly what I'm talking about,
missionaries have not the least integrity to be straightforward,
trolling around seeking to disconnect Jews from their heritage, always sneaky.

What is that about Islam and Christianity that makes them so unsure
of themselves that they absolutely must try and turn everyone to be like them?
What heritage are you concerned about? I note that Mary and Joseph were a Jewish couple. Jesus was raised Jewish. He was dedicated at the Temple at Jerusalem... All the prophetic heritage of the Old Testament point to the coming of the Messiah who I firmly believe has come and will return again (likely sooner than later). The Messiah/Christ fulfilled every requirement of the Mosaic/GOD's Law. I note that many Jews are still seeking the Messiah's coming. Yet if indeed He came this day would Jews be anymore receptive than they were 2000 years ago? Would they not expect things to change at His revelation?

I see true Christianity as the pinnacle, or fruition of the history of the nation of Israel, and its part of bringing the SAVIOR to the ENTIRE world (the gentiles) --- and not just so it (Israel) can wallow in exclusive "traditions" for tradition sake... I as an evangelical christian love the Jewish people and their traditions, but I also realize that most of these traditions point to the Messiah. This is something I personally feel many Jews miss. They see them as family gatherings and shinning a spotlight upon themselves. But believers should be shining the light upon HIM who save us an not fret that we will somehow lose traditional identity. This is because we are all made whole when we spotlight G-D's grace to everyone.
If the episode of Mary barging her way onto the Temple Mount actually occurred, the Kohanim would have executed her or had her executed by the Romans.
The Kohanim were not known for being shy.
If you actually studied the Torah you would know how preposterous this "episode" sounds.
And where exactly does that episode appear in any of the Gospel narratives? I've never read of it. If you are speaking of some Hollywood movie, where have they ever stuck to the Bible without "artistic license". Look at NOAH and also the Ten Commandments. There are problems and I read the Bible and do not depend on even the best that Hollywood has to offer as sticking to the original script.
The fact is that you have not read the NT at all if you don’t even know about this episode.
What I've read is that Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem when they realized that the 12 year old Jesus was missing from among the relatives and friends with whom they were traveling. Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the Temple days later astounding the learned men there with HIS knowledge of scripture. That is hardly barging in anywhere. We are not told of exactly where in the Temple complex this occurred. There was also a women's court.

you got a specific PART of the NT for that story? I read the NT
(long ago) and I remember the incident simply as being something
like "Jesus was in a synagogue talking to "grown up" educated
people and EXPOUNDING on scriptures in a manner beyond his years. I do not recall this incident as taking place in the central temple
in Jerusalem. I think your problem here is a matter of TRANSLATION
Lukas 2:41-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
41 And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah bshanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach). [SHEMOT 23:15; DEVARIM 16:1-8]
42 And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag.
43 And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this,
44 But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a day’s journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances.
45 And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.
46 And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she’elot (kashes, questions).
47 And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers).
48 And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.
49 And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?
50 And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.
51 And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52 And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
I read Luke many years ago; every verse, not just the cherry picked verses.
It's a very funny book.
In find that there are many funny things recorded in the entire Bible. God obviously has a sense of humor.
God has nothing on the bull crap in the NT.
The NT is akin to Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Alim is not a word in Arabic? I did not know
Alim...Aine Low Machshahva...None of this makes sense.
The educated Jewish scribe who wrote the Koran at knife point wanted all Jews to know that the Koran was a crock of crap.

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