Facebook, Twitter CEOs struggle to name a single liberal who has been censored on their platforms


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Communist China thanks these guys for their efforts. They have done the Party well this election cycle.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey struggled to name a single liberal person or entity who has been censored by their social media platforms on Wednesday during the Senate hearing on Big tech.

Twitter and Facebook have both been accused of bias against conservatives, so Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked Zuckerberg and Dorsey to name “one high-profile person or entity from a liberal ideology” who has been censored or had actions taken against them.

“I can get you a list of some more of this but there are certainly many examples that your Democratic colleagues object to when… a fact-checker might label something as false if they disagree with it, or, um,” Zuckerberg said before he was cut off.

“I get that, I just want to be clear, I’m just asking you if you could name for me, one high-profile liberal person or company who you have censored,” Lee said. “I just want one name, one person or one entity.”
They are not even trying to sound impartial. :mad-61:

Hope their time comes soon.

Nobody likes totalitarians, this is not 1930's Germany. No more 230 protection for the tech tyrants.
Thread summary:

"Liberals don't break the rules, so they don't get punished! That's not fair!" WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"

Censorship of any view you dont like is OK for you.... No hiding your disdain for our republic is sickening.

There is a reason I dont answer you and your lies.. Every response would have to say FUCK YOU!
Communist China thanks these guys for their efforts. They have done the Party well this election cycle.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey struggled to name a single liberal person or entity who has been censored by their social media platforms on Wednesday during the Senate hearing on Big tech.

Twitter and Facebook have both been accused of bias against conservatives, so Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked Zuckerberg and Dorsey to name “one high-profile person or entity from a liberal ideology” who has been censored or had actions taken against them.

“I can get you a list of some more of this but there are certainly many examples that your Democratic colleagues object to when… a fact-checker might label something as false if they disagree with it, or, um,” Zuckerberg said before he was cut off.

“I get that, I just want to be clear, I’m just asking you if you could name for me, one high-profile liberal person or company who you have censored,” Lee said. “I just want one name, one person or one entity.”

Because they follow the rules.
Criminals should try the Trump cult defense in court. "Your honor, the innocent people aren't being punished, so punishing me is unfair!".

Trumptards, take responsibility for being such dishonest scumbags. Crying about how unfair it is that the innocent don't get punished only makes you look even more gutless and corrupt.
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Facebook lost millions of users after 2016. They allowed their platform to be used to spread misinformation to the point I rage-quit and never looked back. Their way overdue decision to finally get a handle on Trumpublican propaganda is half-hearted at best. It's still a safe haven for liars and cheats of every kind. Anyone who actually values truth should quit them. If you like living in a bubble of information designed to tell you exactly what you want to hear it's still a perfect echo chamber.
Separated at birth?

Thread summary:

"Liberals don't break the rules, so they don't get punished! That's not fair!" WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"
....we know you leftists/Dems/blacks/etc hate justice/fairness/etc--that's why your cities and countries are shitholes
Trumptards, take responsibility for being such dishonest scumbags. Crying about how unfair it is that the innocent don't get punished only makes you look even more gutless and corrupt.
Lefttards, take responsibility for being such dishonest scumbags. Crying about how unfair it is that the innocent don't get punished only makes you look even more gutless and corrupt.
Criminals should try the Trump cult defense in court. "Your honor, the innocent people aren't being punished, so punishing me is unfair!".

Trumptards, take responsibility for being such dishonest scumbags. Crying about how unfair it is that the innocent don't get punished only makes you look even more gutless and corrupt.
Hey fuckwad, you assholes continue to post lies about Trump 24/7 which these now caught morons let slide. So as another poster said. FUCK YOU! The left is innocent? Fuck you again.
Facebook lost millions of users after 2016. They allowed their platform to be used to spread misinformation to the point I rage-quit and never looked back. Their way overdue decision to finally get a handle on Trumpublican propaganda is half-hearted at best. It's still a safe haven for liars and cheats of every kind. Anyone who actually values truth should quit them. If you like living in a bubble of information designed to tell you exactly what you want to hear it's still a perfect echo chamber.

TDS ^^^ :cuckoo:
Facebook lost millions of users after 2016. They allowed their platform to be used to spread misinformation to the point I rage-quit and never looked back. Their way overdue decision to finally get a handle on Trumpublican propaganda is half-hearted at best. It's still a safe haven for liars and cheats of every kind. Anyone who actually values truth should quit them. If you like living in a bubble of information designed to tell you exactly what you want to hear it's still a perfect echo chamber.

TDS ^^^ :cuckoo:
Talking about Dorsey, I can't help it but the resemblance is uncanny.:dunno:

Please carry on.

Thread summary:

"Liberals don't break the rules, so they don't get punished! That's not fair!" WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!"
He is right people.

The rules are:

1. Silence opposition. -- Censor
2. Defend the lies of the left.
3. Trash Trump and any Republican.
4. Never say a bad thing against a progressive.

He obeys every one of those rules.

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