Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

I'm guessing they will stick to their policy and let several thousand be mad at them cause they don't need em anyways. I still can't figure out how those who are not her friends see the pictures anyway.

I don't see why a door greeting at target is reason to cry like a martyr every year. I guess inclusion is the better business policy then, yes?
I don't see why a door greeting at target is reason to cry like a martyr every year. I guess inclusion is the better business policy then, yes?

I don't cry like a martyr, I do as you yourself suggested. I take my money elsewhere. I found lots of business's this year willing to say Merry Christmas! Guess what? The electronics store that said Merry Christmas got my Wii purchase. See? Money talks. I love my Wii.
i fully support adult women going topless in public, but only in Maine in the months of Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb

One thing I think several of you are missing is that the goal is to normalize breastfeeding. The unnatural thing is to feed a baby out of a plastic bottle with a rubber nipple filled with ARTIFICIAL BABY MILK. It SHOULD be natural and not give anyone cause to think twice to see a child being fed the way nature intended them to be fed.
It's just a breast. Men have them too. Ours just have a purpose. It's not to entertain men. Something far better... It's to feed our children. To provide them something far better than a cow and a factory. Something designed just for the child it's feeding.

Count me as a lactation protester. I have attended nurse ins and would still be doing them if I had a child still nursing.

BTW notice I didn't say babies or even infants but children. I believe in extended nursing as well.
One thing I think several of you are missing is that the goal is to normalize breastfeeding. The unnatural thing is to feed a baby out of a plastic bottle with a rubber nipple filled with ARTIFICIAL BABY MILK. It SHOULD be natural and not give anyone cause to think twice to see a child being fed the way nature intended them to be fed.

Are you also for normalizing excretion ? Maybe if everyone took a shit in public we would be less grossed out by our NATURAL bodily functions.
Do you eat with a "scarf" over your head? Have you ever tried nursing a squirmy toddler with a "scarf" over their head?

Two thoughts:

First, toddler implies a child between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. I see no reason why a child who is developing teeth and eating solid food remains on the breast. I really wonder about moms who keep their toddlers latched to their breasts. I tend to think it's an issue with the mom, and not the child. Sweetie, if your child is speaking in sentences, he's too fucking old for the breast.

Second, I've nursed two infants for a sum total of about 2 years (12 months each) during my lifetime. I did it in church, in stores, in restaurants, and in a variety of other places. Somehow, I managed to keep my breast at least 70% covered AND feed my child.

So cry me a fucking river for these women.

Do I believe women should breastfeed? Absolutely. Do I believe that women should breastfeed whenever and wherever? You betcha. But goddamn, they need to exercise some common sense. There are plenty of places and ways to nurse that are modest and discreet.

And fuck...I can't believe I'm now setting myself up as the poster child for modesty and discretion, but if I can do it, anyone can.
Have you ever in your life seen anything prettier than a female breast?

You talking about the ones that hang like a flesh pancake that you could roll up on a pencil, or firm, perky, standing at attention ones? The answer to your question can be both yes and no. :neutral:

And I have to agree with miss vampire here. I don't think the issue is so much seeing a naked tit, nipple exposed, the issue is seeing a naked tit with a baby sucking on it. Some people think that's oh so cool, others think that's something better done in private, and I'm afraid there will never be any melding of those opinions. So if you're one of those that thinks it's such a wonderful thing, and you think it should be on display for all the world to see, then find the proper place to do it. Start your own website and call it "The Wonderful World of Lactivists," but please, don't force those who don't want to see it to see it.
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You talking about the ones that hang like a flesh pancake that you could roll up on a pencil, or firm, perky, standing at attention ones? The answer to your question can be both yes and no. :neutral:

And I have to agree with miss vampire here. I don't think the issue is so much seeing a naked tit, nipple exposed, the issue is seeing a naked tit with a baby sucking on it. Some people think that's oh so cool, others think that's something better done in private, and I'm afraid there will never be any melding of those opinions. So if you're one of those that thinks it's such a wonderful thing, and you think it should be on display for all the world to see, then find the proper place to do it. Start your own website and call it "The Wonderful World of Lactivists," but please, don't force those who don't want to see it to see it.

Oh don't be such a DUmbass. I think I've pointed out that on facebook the only people viewing my pictures, would be my invited friends! Ok you people, breasts are just downright nasty.. There happy now? :lol::eusa_shhh:

Oh don't be such a DUmbass. I think I've pointed out that on facebook the only people viewing my pictures, would be my invited friends! Ok you people, breasts are just downright nasty.. There happy now? :lol::eusa_shhh:

Oh come on----there's a place and a time and a breast----two if you're lucky.:lol:

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