F.B.I. says anything on the Internet can be considered a threat.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
I just saw and heard this in a news broadcast. Those are the words the man from the Bureau used.
This is something that began under Bush II and is not only continuing but has even been augmented under the present administration. This latter despite specific statements to the contrary, also shown in the report.

Thus, 'they' maintain that 'they' have the right to interpret anything said on the Web and pry wherever they want accordingly.
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The way the Feebyer spoke, this seems a new progression in their quest to survey all Internet speech. He quite clearly 'justified' this and literally said 'anything'.
What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)
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I haven't spoken to anyone about this kind of interference who thinks it is good. 'Right' or 'left', no one favors this and most are appalled.
Certainly, the revolution thread has been perused and everyone checked out.

Feel safer now?
Fuck the FBI

Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.
Fuck the FBI

Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.
Do you really think I give a fuck? Do you think you and every other American isn't on a watch list?
'They' never run out of enemies.

The consequences of this stun me. They might weave together absolutely anything and use this to eliminate the mildest dissent. As for armed revolutionaries, anything less than hardened bunkers won't do.
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Fuck the FBI

Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.
Do you really think I give a fuck? Do you think you and every other American isn't on a watch list?

Heck I am on the no fly and no walk lists.
they think I am going to blow the planet up.

I have an illudium Q36 explosive space modulator.
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I love Barack Obama with all my heart and believe that the US Government is nothing short of saintly caregivers.

I just wanted to get that out there. :thup:
What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)

You mean like the democrats that renewed since 2008? You mean like Obama that has signed the renewal every time it came to his desk? You mean those tea bag members?
I love Barack Obama with all my heart and believe that the US Government is nothing short of saintly caregivers.

I just wanted to get that out there. :thup:

Let's be honest
Fuck that piece of shit in the white house.
Fuck the bastard, his father didn't want him why should I?
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What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)

You mean like the democrats that renewed since 2008? You mean like Obama that has signed the renewal every time it came to his desk? You mean those tea bag members?

IN a way yes since 42 Tea Party caucus members voted with Obama and the dems on it :D
Any representative who voted or votes for this kind of thing deserves a gulag rest for the next vacation, with Uncle Joe (Stalin, that is) as tutor.
What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)

You mean like the democrats that renewed since 2008? You mean like Obama that has signed the renewal every time it came to his desk? You mean those tea bag members?

IN a way yes since 42 Tea Party caucus members voted with Obama and the dems on it :D

I honestly believe that many of the Tea Party backed congressional freshmen went to DC with noble intentions, but soon realized they were politically fucked if they didn't toe the line so to speak. As for the incumbent GOPers that jumped on the Tea Party bandwagon, please, I mean really... please. :lol:
What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)

You mean the tea party and libertarians who want it abolished?

You mean Obama and the democrats who continually support and renew the idea?

You got your utopia....
Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.
Do you really think I give a fuck? Do you think you and every other American isn't on a watch list?

Heck I am on the no fly and no walk lists.
they think I am going to blow the planet up.

I have an illudium Q36 explosive space modulator.

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