F.B.I. says anything on the Internet can be considered a threat.

I just saw and heard this in a news broadcast. Those are the words the man from the Bureau used.
This is something that began under Bush II and is not only continuing but has even been augmented under the present administration. This latter despite specific statements to the contrary, also shown in the report.

Thus, 'they' maintain that 'they' have the right to interpret anything said on the Web and pry wherever they want accordingly.

How should we view the FBI transferring 2000 assorted assault weapons to known felons, while producing a record number of denials to law abiding citizens?

Obama did change one direction with foreign policy though....................


Kinda hard to convert those to bits and send them thru the net.

How many terrorists should we release in negotiations?
I just saw and heard this in a news broadcast. Those are the words the man from the Bureau used.
This is something that began under Bush II and is not only continuing but has even been augmented under the present administration. This latter despite specific statements to the contrary, also shown in the report.

Thus, 'they' maintain that 'they' have the right to interpret anything said on the Web and pry wherever they want accordingly.

I'm with you on spying on Web content.. However -- are you SURE he wasn't referring to investigating ACTIVE cases by perusing Web Content?

There's a diff between using a mass murderer's FaceBook page as evidence and TROLLING for new or suspected threats.

Any bonifide hate/terrorist group is NOT gonna organize on a public forum...
Need more specifics before I get indignent here and start blaming Bush...
How should we view the FBI transferring 2000 assorted assault weapons to known felons, while producing a record number of denials to law abiding citizens?

Obama did change one direction with foreign policy though....................


Kinda hard to convert those to bits and send them thru the net.

How many terrorists should we release in negotiations?

I was speaking of the weapons.

All terrorists should be killed even if they are American or Jewish.
But the US should only kill those who take action against the USA.
Let the rest of the world kill their own.
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I just saw and heard this in a news broadcast. Those are the words the man from the Bureau used.
This is something that began under Bush II and is not only continuing but has even been augmented under the present administration. This latter despite specific statements to the contrary, also shown in the report.

Thus, 'they' maintain that 'they' have the right to interpret anything said on the Web and pry wherever they want accordingly.

I'm with you on spying on Web content.. However -- are you SURE he wasn't referring to investigating ACTIVE cases by perusing Web Content?

There's a diff between using a mass murderer's FaceBook page as evidence and TROLLING for new or suspected threats.

Any bonifide hate/terrorist group is NOT gonna organize on a public forum...
Need more specifics before I get indignent here and start blaming Bush...

No, it was absolutely clear from his words, his voice and his tone that he and the Bureau considered any content at all as prospectively suspect. He was intent on this.

Just imagine the scale of what that means to their 'investigative' staff, equipment, etc.! It almost builds a new bureaucracy.

This kind of police work is only working toward a police state.
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I think I watched porn when some US govt department did a check up on me in NZ, 'Bush-Cheney' sticker on a vehicle was a big giveaway. As for a police state, private companies watch your Internet posts all the time (including Google); if you hate it, I am sure you could go and live in the middle of Alaska some place and hide in an igloo. :tongue:
It isn't that they can see it. After all, this is public. It is devoting time and resources to the incredibly paranoid proposal that ANYTHING can be a THREAT!?! Processing all this information with such a mind-set is worse than how I imagine China.
It isn't that they can see it. After all, this is public. It is devoting time and resources to the incredibly paranoid proposal that ANYTHING can be a THREAT!?! Processing all this information with such a mind-set is worse than how I imagine China.
No it isn't, in China you are a threat just by existing. :tongue:
Fuck the FBI

Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.

With enough real threats out there, do you really think their goal is to make shit up just so they can come after you and put your sorry ass in jail? Seriously, this does have the potential to lead to someone being arrested and harassed unnecessarily, but I don't see anyone being locked up for spouting out some political rhetoric.
The Tea Party reps, overwhelmingly, voted for it, Nick.

What about all the baggers that campained against the partiot act to get elected and once in there voted to re-up and strengthen it?

You know the ones I am talking about the ones that Palin endorsed ;)

You mean the tea party and libertarians who want it abolished?

You mean Obama and the democrats who continually support and renew the idea?

You got your utopia....
Fuck the FBI

Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.

With enough real threats out there, do you really think their goal is to make shit up just so they can come after you and put your sorry ass in jail? Seriously, this does have the potential to lead to someone being arrested and harassed unnecessarily, but I don't see anyone being locked up for spouting out some political rhetoric.

I think you take this too lightly. It is very easy for me to imagine a dossier being built with a bit here and a drab there and then, passing some bureaucratic threshold - POP! Busted!
Now you are DEFinitely on the watch list!

This guy was deadly serious and sincere! They listen because they are allowed to and then they can construct whatever they can imagine out of the 'order' they create.

With enough real threats out there, do you really think their goal is to make shit up just so they can come after you and put your sorry ass in jail? Seriously, this does have the potential to lead to someone being arrested and harassed unnecessarily, but I don't see anyone being locked up for spouting out some political rhetoric.

I think you take this too lightly. It is very easy for me to imagine a dossier being built with a bit here and a drab there and then, passing some bureaucratic threshold - POP! Busted!

I need to remind you that this happens ALL THE TIME.. We have documented cases of people held and their assets seized just because they were carrying too much cash and fit some arbitrary profile.. We have the courts allowing police to break down doors WITHOUT A WARRANT if they hear a flushing sound.

And I hate to remind you -- but everyone lives "in a compound" and has "bomb-making materials" in their garage. It's NOT difficult to make the leap to being harrassed and arrested under those rules is it? My compound has an elaborate security system and is harboring a cache of weapons.. AND -- I'm a known political extremist because I belong to a party that's been declared (falsely) of being aligned with domestic terrorists.

You're delusional if you think -- YOU are not affected by encroachment on search/seizure due cause protections...

Go ahead -- report me --- I've got inside connections !!!! LOL..
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I just saw and heard this in a news broadcast. Those are the words the man from the Bureau used.
This is something that began under Bush II and is not only continuing but has even been augmented under the present administration. This latter despite specific statements to the contrary, also shown in the report.

Thus, 'they' maintain that 'they' have the right to interpret anything said on the Web and pry wherever they want accordingly.

Progressives have turned the United States into an authoritarian fascist state...

Spy blimps, spy drones, babysitting the internet, sending people out to post propaganda and propaganda sites...

Of course progressives say I need a tinfoil hat???

Really then why the fuck are they flying a 300 foot spy blimp over New Jersey???
Seems a bit vague. Is there a link that further explains the FBI's view?

I haven't looked but I saw and heard the report myself. It frankly shocked me to hear the inclusiveness of his declaration. I am not surprised at surveillance; I know that an excessive and repressive amount has been in place for far too long. This just struck me as over the edge.

Many administrations have been involved in this march to authoritarianism. It isn't Republican or Democrat, but it is first and foremost anti-American!

The senate viotes to extend the partiot act follows:
Yes: Republicans 41, Democrats 30
NO: Republicans 4, Democrats 18

the house:

Yes: Republicans 196, Democrats 54
No: Republicans 31, Democrats 122

Progressives my ass.

The senate viotes to extend the partiot act follows:
Yes: Republicans 41, Democrats 30
NO: Republicans 4, Democrats 18

the house:

Yes: Republicans 196, Democrats 54
No: Republicans 31, Democrats 122

Progressives my ass.

Then why the fuck does it still exist??

Oh yeah your authoritarian little darling Obamafuck who is flying spy blimps the size of football fields over New Jersey...

Explain that one jackass?

The senate viotes to extend the partiot act follows:
Yes: Republicans 41, Democrats 30
NO: Republicans 4, Democrats 18

the house:

Yes: Republicans 196, Democrats 54
No: Republicans 31, Democrats 122

Progressives my ass.

Then why the fuck does it still exist??

Oh yeah your authoritarian little darling Obamafuck who is flying spy blimps the size of football fields over New Jersey...

Explain that one jackass?

You have a reading difficulty or is it just the numbers?
It still exists because the republicans in congress mostly voted for it.
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Obama had a light work load last weekend, so he knitted it personally to spy on you!

Get real! It isn't just him. I don't want him for president, either, but face facts. It is the two-party coup d'état that has done and is doing this.

Well that's a clue.. Electronic Surveillance is NOT automatically spying.. If the law on obtaining warrants and wire-taps are properly followed -- then agencies like the FBI have to have the proper tools to apply these to cases..

DOJ describes their new DCAC facility as follows..

To address the growing technological gap between law enforcement’s electronic surveillance capabilities and the number and variety of communications devices available to the public, the Department is requesting $17.0 million and 37 positions. Of this amount, $15.0 million will support the establishment of the Domestic Communications Assistance Center (DCAC) under the FBI. The DCAC would leverage existing research and development efforts of federal law enforcement, facilitate the sharing of technology between law enforcement agencies, strengthen compliance with the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), and seek to build more effective relations with the communications industry.

For an agency that was still using typewriters, teletypes, and rolladexes just a decade ago -- they may NEED a facility that understands encryption, digital comm. and new tech. Note this is supposed to be a TECH center -- not a surveillance operation.

We CLEARLY need to separate DOMESTIC surveillance from agencies like the CIA and NSA. But it's not clear -- how "enhanced" the FBI and DOJ needs to be to do that job..
I have some familiarity with how awful it would be if the DOJ tried to mimick the capabilities within the REAL spy agencies.. Trust me -- you're not gonna build a National Internet Surveillance operation with merely 100s of Mill$. It would take 100 times that.

That's why B.S. like the "Office of Total Awareness" was STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS when it was proposed right after 9/11.. Some politicians rightfully stood their ground..
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