Exposing The Lie Of Israel Apartheid / Moscow's role

You are dumb. Therefore dumbing it down........

Is an oxymoron coming from you
Yet you can't really refute the point of why some of us are sick of your religious fantasies.

Not one American soldier, or from any other country, has fought or died in the war between the Muslims and Israel. Not one. None will be put in Israel to fight for that country. You have unnecessary nightmares over things which will never happen.

Beirut. The Gulf War. Afghanistan. Iraq. We are stuck in the Middle East because the Zionist Fifth Column in Washington gets us into wars over there.

You not being aware that the Jewish people have been migrating since the time of the first Temple to other areas of the world......is really your problem. It does not stop descendants of those people, who kept their Judaism to this day from being Indigenous of Ancient Canaan.

Yeah, actually, it kind of does... Because the people who stayed there converted to Islam (Judaism was never the majority religion in the Levant) and the people who went to Europe interbred with Europeans and became culturally European.

I worship Odin! I want my castle in Sweden!!!


Sound Absurd? Yup. So does "I worship Yahweh, I want my strip of land in Palestine!"

The same goes to any people on the planet. If a group of Germans move to the Russian region and live there for a 1000 years, they are still indigenous of Germany, and have every right to return to Germany if their descendants still feel attached to the German land and so wish to return there.

Well, no, they really don't. My father was born in Germany and retained his German Citizenship, even after fighting for the US Army in WWII. (He essentially had dual citizenship.). I on the other hand do not, and no, I can't move back to my family's home property on the Rhine and claim to be a German and I totally have the right to drive the people who live there now off their land.

There has to be a point where you admit that ship sailed. That ship sailed when Emperor Hadrian got sick of the Jews and their bullshit and drove them out of Palestine.


Remembered as one of the "Good Emperors"....

Your mental immaturity is on display with your amazingly infantile examples attempting to delegitimize the Jewish people.

Except you aren't a people, you are a religion. Zionism is taking a bunch of Europeans and creating a "nation" out of whole cloth. And expecting other people to subsidize it with blood and treasure.
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Yet you can't really refute the point of why some of us are sick of your religious fantasies.

Beirut. The Gulf War. Afghanistan. Iraq. We are stuck in the Middle East because the Zionist Fifth Column in Washington gets us into wars over there.

Yeah, actually, it kind of does... Because the people who stayed there converted to Islam (Judaism was never the majority religion in the Levant) and the people who went to Europe interbred with Europeans and became culturally European.

I worship Odin! I want my castle in Sweden!!!

View attachment 610008

Sound Absurd? Yup. So does "I worship Yahweh, I want my strip of land in Palestine!"

Well, no, they really don't. My father was born in Germany and retained his German Citizenship, even after fighting for the US Army in WWII. (He essentially had dual citizenship.). I on the other hand do not, and no, I can't move back to my family's home property on the Rhine and claim to be a German and I totally have the right to drive the people who live there now off their land.

There has to be a point where you admit that ship sailed. That ship sailed when Emperor Hadrian got sick of the Jews and their bullshit and drove them out of Palestine.

View attachment 610007
Remembered as one of the "Good Emperors"....

Except you aren't a people, you are a religion. Zionism is taking a bunch of Europeans and creating a "nation" out of whole cloth. And expecting other people to subsidize it with blood and treasure.
You are a sick human being who is pro terrorists and dictators.

You stay that way.

Jews got some of their homeland back. You do not like it, tough. Cry all you want. Invent anything you like. Believe all the lies Christianity and Islam have invented about Israel and Jews since 1948. You do NOT have a brain worth anything, like too many others on these forums.

Normal people know the truth about the Jews and Judaism. Which keeps you out of that group.

As the saying goes:

Am Israel Chai

The People Of Israel Lives

Keep wasting your brain, your breath and your life denying who the Jewish People are and keep embracing Tyrants and terrorists.

That is the picture you have drawn of yourself for all to see
( Satire )

London, March 4 - Researchers from a prominent international human rights organization informed journalists today that now that their work determining the existence of a race-based system of discrimination in the Jewish State has concluded for the time being, the group will go on hiatus from examining countries for instances of the phenomenon, that is unless anyone else needs them to take a look at what Jews are doing again.

Amnesty International's Apartheid Investigation Department told reporters that they will take it easy for the foreseeable future, given that no one of consequence has expressed interest in finding Apartheid anywhere but Israel. Lead investigator Ann Tissemitt told reporters Monday that she and her team plan to spend the next several years gallivanting various places, because their services appear unneeded for at least that long.

"I've always wanted to visit Myanmar," she confessed. "Doing so in an official Amnesty capacity would be problematic, given the whole implication of our investigating Apartheid, and I need not tell you that Myanmar has been a candidate for that designation for years now, specifically with regard to the Rohingya Muslim minority. But as a private individual, all bets are off. I can't wait. Following that. I might go to Turkish-occupied north Cyprus, which I hear is lovely all year round, and affordable, too. Also blessedly free of international political controversy despite the occupation, because no Jews. "

"China is the place for me, at first," added her deputy, Khaybar Khaybar. "I want to visit Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong, places that have been in the news but I haven't had a chance to see firsthand. I hear good things, I mean at least in terms of the tourist perspective. Beautiful vistas, for example. Not gonna get into awkward issues if I'm just a tourist and I don't ask the wrong questions." Khaybar also noted that he has long wanted to spend time in Lebanon to connect with distant relatives in Palestinian refugee camps, but the security and economic situation there makes that proposition dicey, and that his hopes for an economical stay with those relatives have been dashed now that the Hezbollah-dominated government has reneged on a proposal to expand what professions and education Palestinian "guests" may pursue, putting a damper on his relatives' capacity to host him.

You are a sick human being who is pro terrorists and dictators.

You stay that way.

Okay, so you go debate your imaginary friend, as you really can't refute anything I am saying.

Jews got some of their homeland back. You do not like it, tough. Cry all you want. Invent anything you like. Believe all the lies Christianity and Islam have invented about Israel and Jews since 1948. You do NOT have a brain worth anything, like too many others on these forums.
Uh, it's the dumb-ass Christians who keep the Zionist Entity alive, because the dumber ones think Jews need to be in Palestine for Jesus to come back.

Normal people know the truth about the Jews and Judaism. Which keeps you out of that group.

Actually, most of the world has a negative view of Israel.

That being said, Israel is extremely unpopular worldwide. In one BBC poll of 22 countries, Israel was the fourth-most-disliked nation (behind only Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea).

It’s clear that West Bank settlements are a key cause of Israel’s poor global standing. Most of the world believes that Israel’s continued control of the West Bank is an unlawful military occupation, and that settlements violate the Fourth Geneva Convention. Though this view is supported by most legal scholars, Israel and pro-Israel conservatives dispute it. They argue that the West Bank isn’t occupied, and even if it were, the Fourth Geneva convention only prohibits “forcible” population transfers, not voluntary settlement.

Keep wasting your brain, your breath and your life denying who the Jewish People are and keep embracing Tyrants and terrorists.

That is the picture you have drawn of yourself for all to see

I know, the Zionist's worst fear is someone yelling "The Emperor has no clothes."

Hr gave away why he has been brainwashed against Jews: his father was a Nazi. I knew someone in school like that (early 70s) whose father was a Nazi too. He wouldn’t allow Jews in his house, even if his daughter was friends with one.

Actually, my Dad fought for the American Army in WWII and liberated a concentration camp called Nordhausen. He was horrified by what the Nazis did, had nightmares about it for the rest of his (relatively) short life. He also took a lot of pride in his service.

Oh, yeah, and REPORTED.
The only people who can’t see the truth in what you post are blinded by their Jew-hate.

Or that colonialism is never as beneficial or benign as the Colonizer likes to portray it as.

Ever hear the phrase "White Man's Burden"? It comes from Rudyard Kipling in his justification of the British exploitation of it's empire of mostly non-white people. We are doing you a "favor" by stealing your land. What I didn't know was that he said it to extort Americans that their colonization of the Philippines was a good thing. Except it wasn't, really. Not for the Americans who went over there to die for nothing, and not for the Filipinos, who just wanted to run their own country.

President McKinley couldn't find the Philippines on a map of the world, but he announced our intent was to "Christianize" them (not realizing that 90% of them were already Roman Catholic.) Americans were horrified when a lot of Filipinos collaborated with the Japanese during World War II, and some of them even enjoyed political careers after the war.

Now, let's review the history of Palestine the Zionist Apologists don't want you to hear.

For centuries, Arabs in Palestine, who had lived their since Mohammed converted the indigenous people, lived under the thumb of the Ottoman Turks. The British sent in T.S. Lawrence, a man versed in Islamic and Arab culture, to convince them to rise up against the Ottomans, which they did. Then the British, being the British, double crossed them and started carving the place up into client colonies. They also started resettling the Jews of Europe in Palestine.

The Palestinians, despite this, fought for the British in WWII. Yes, the Zionists go on and on about the Grand Mufti, but they never talk about the 12,000 Arabs who fought side by side with Jews in the Palestine Regiments.

So big surprise, when the Zionists decided to carve their own little country out of Arab land, Arabs, big surprise here, retaliated against synagogues they had left alone for centuries. That's kind of human nature, unfortunately. Someone wrongs you, you look for payback. Just ask not only Muslims who were beaten up after 9/11, but the Sikhs who got beaten up because some redneck didn't know the difference. ("Well, Cleetus, he has a towel on his head!!")

Yes, 800,000 Jews were driven out of Arab countries after 1948... and 5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country. Which is worse?
Or that colonialism is never as beneficial or benign as the Colonizer likes to portray it as.

Ever hear the phrase "White Man's Burden"? It comes from Rudyard Kipling in his justification of the British exploitation of it's empire of mostly non-white people. We are doing you a "favor" by stealing your land. What I didn't know was that he said it to extort Americans that their colonization of the Philippines was a good thing. Except it wasn't, really. Not for the Americans who went over there to die for nothing, and not for the Filipinos, who just wanted to run their own country.

President McKinley couldn't find the Philippines on a map of the world, but he announced our intent was to "Christianize" them (not realizing that 90% of them were already Roman Catholic.) Americans were horrified when a lot of Filipinos collaborated with the Japanese during World War II, and some of them even enjoyed political careers after the war.

Now, let's review the history of Palestine the Zionist Apologists don't want you to hear.

For centuries, Arabs in Palestine, who had lived their since Mohammed converted the indigenous people, lived under the thumb of the Ottoman Turks. The British sent in T.S. Lawrence, a man versed in Islamic and Arab culture, to convince them to rise up against the Ottomans, which they did. Then the British, being the British, double crossed them and started carving the place up into client colonies. They also started resettling the Jews of Europe in Palestine.

The Palestinians, despite this, fought for the British in WWII. Yes, the Zionists go on and on about the Grand Mufti, but they never talk about the 12,000 Arabs who fought side by side with Jews in the Palestine Regiments.

So big surprise, when the Zionists decided to carve their own little country out of Arab land, Arabs, big surprise here, retaliated against synagogues they had left alone for centuries. That's kind of human nature, unfortunately. Someone wrongs you, you look for payback. Just ask not only Muslims who were beaten up after 9/11, but the Sikhs who got beaten up because some redneck didn't know the difference. ("Well, Cleetus, he has a towel on his head!!")

Yes, 800,000 Jews were driven out of Arab countries after 1948... and 5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country. Which is worse?
" For centuries, Arabs in Palestine, who had lived their since Mohammed converted the indigenous people, lived under the thumb of the Ottoman Turks."

(Learn English and History. That would be news to the Kurds who first invaded the area, and then the Arabs who followed. Not counting the Crusaders and Ottomans who came after )

(And it would be news to all the Jews, Druze and other tribes/Nations who lived in Judea/Palestine, who held on to their religions/cults to this very present day )

Once the Ottoman Empire conquered the region of Palestine, all inhabitants, Arabs, Christians, Jews, etc...
found themselves under the Ottoman thumb. No different from the Roman, Byzantine, Kurdish, Arab, Crusader thumbs before them.

5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country.
(None of their descendants counts as being driven from the area of Israel )

During the 1947–49 Palestine war, an estimated 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled, comprising around 80% of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of what became Israel.
Nakba - Wikipedia


"The Palestinians, despite this, fought for the British in WWII. Yes, the Zionists go on and on about the Grand Mufti, but they never talk about the 12,000 Arabs who fought side by side with Jews in the Palestine Regiments."

Except that it is SOME Palestinians, not all, and especially NOT.....the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and those he incited to kill Jews.
There are a lot of decent human beings who are Muslim and Christian Palestinians who are proud to live in Israel, be Israeli citizens and contribute to their country of choice.
Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini’s infamous ties with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy are well-documented, as are as his efforts to block Jewish refugees from reaching British Mandatory Palestine during the Second World War.

Less known, however, is the story of the thousands of Palestinian Arabs who disregarded the mufti’s pro-Axis policies and instead opted to fight against Adolf Hitler’s henchmen.

Prof. Mustafa Abbasi, a historian at Tel-Hai Academic College in northern Israel, has found that some 12,000 Arab Palestinians volunteered to serve in the British army during the Second World War in North Africa and Europe, often fighting side by side with Jews. Abbasi’s findings were published in a recent issue of the Cathedra periodical titled “Palestinians Fighting the Nazis: The Story of Palestinian Volunteers in World War II.”

“Many of the [Arab Palestinians] lost their lives, others were wounded and many are still missing,” Abbasi’s research reads. “It appears that an important and central portion of the Palestinian public believed that it was necessary to stand on the British side, to postpone nationalist demands, to fight as one against the Germans and their allies, and to demand recompense at the end of the war.”

"So big surprise, when the Zionists decided to carve their own little country out of Arab land, Arabs, big surprise here, retaliated against synagogues they had left alone for centuries."

True :
Jews chose to rebuild on their own ancient homeland which always had Jewish presence on it, as verified by all invaders and historians, travelers and writers.

The timeline of this One century exposes the lies JoeB wants to spread about Arabs having been good to Jews since they invaded and they always lived in peace. Many more attacks of Arabs on Jews happened in the previous centuries :

The 1834 looting of Safed was a month-long attack on the Jewish population of Safed by local Arab and Druze villagers. It was full of large scale looting, as well as the killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of many homes and synagogues. Before the attacks Jews made up over 50% of the population, but a lot of them fled to nearby cities which reduced their presence drastically.

( Anti Jews attacks were happening all over the world. Just because they were Jews )

Nothing has changed about telling lies about the Jewish People and JoeB is a perfect example of it.

If anyone reads his posts, do the necessary research about what he writes. Can anyone trust anyone who considers dictators and terrorists his heroes?
Once the Ottoman Empire conquered the region of Palestine, all inhabitants, Arabs, Christians, Jews, etc...
found themselves under the Ottoman thumb. No different from the Roman, Byzantine, Kurdish, Arab, Crusader thumbs before them.

Except during the Ottoman period, the majority of the people on the land were Muslims and had been since the Crusades.

5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country.
(None of their descendants counts as being driven from the area of Israel )
Actually, I was wrong, there are 7 million Palestinian refugees around the world. It's shameful.

(Learn English and History. That would be news to the Kurds who first invaded the area, and then the Arabs who followed. Not counting the Crusaders and Ottomans who came after )
I have a degree in history and I am a professional writer...

5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country.
(None of their descendants counts as being driven from the area of Israel )

During the 1947–49 Palestine war, an estimated 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled, comprising around 80% of the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of what became Israel.

We aren't just talking about the 47 war...

Today there are more than 7 million Palestinian refugees scattered around the world. The reality of Palestinian forced displacement is at the core of the Palestinian experience and the Palestinian refugee issue is at the heart of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This paper provides background information on the history of the Palestinian refugee issue and the politics of the right of return.

True :
Jews chose to rebuild on their own ancient homeland which always had Jewish presence on it, as verified by all invaders and historians, travelers and writers.
Yes, it's right here in the book with the talking snakes in it!!!!

Point was, it stopped being "Jewish" land when Emperor Hadrian got fed up with their shit and scattered them.

The timeline of this One century exposes the lies JoeB wants to spread about Arabs having been good to Jews since they invaded and they always lived in peace. Many more attacks of Arabs on Jews happened in the previous centuries :
Yes, you do tend to tick people off...

he 1834 looting of Safed was a month-long attack on the Jewish population of Safed by local Arab and Druze villagers. It was full of large scale looting, as well as the killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of many homes and synagogues. Before the attacks Jews made up over 50% of the population, but a lot of them fled to nearby cities which reduced their presence drastically.

( Anti Jews attacks were happening all over the world. Just because they were Jews )

Yes. the Jews have a lovely habit of pissing people off no matter where they go. Probably because they go to places thinking they are God's Gift to Mankind and find ways to wear out their welcome.

If people were trying to kill me everywhere I went I would try to modify my behavior... or at least check my deodorant.. .
Except during the Ottoman period, the majority of the people on the land were Muslims and had been since the Crusades.

Actually, I was wrong, there are 7 million Palestinian refugees around the world. It's shameful.

I have a degree in history and I am a professional writer...

We aren't just talking about the 47 war...

Today there are more than 7 million Palestinian refugees scattered around the world. The reality of Palestinian forced displacement is at the core of the Palestinian experience and the Palestinian refugee issue is at the heart of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This paper provides background information on the history of the Palestinian refugee issue and the politics of the right of return.

Yes, it's right here in the book with the talking snakes in it!!!!

Point was, it stopped being "Jewish" land when Emperor Hadrian got fed up with their shit and scattered them.

Yes, you do tend to tick people off...

Yes. the Jews have a lovely habit of pissing people off no matter where they go. Probably because they go to places thinking they are God's Gift to Mankind and find ways to wear out their welcome.

If people were trying to kill me everywhere I went I would try to modify my behavior... or at least check my deodorant.. .
Sick thoughts from a sick human being.
And keep inventing that your father is an American who fought in WWII, and that you are a historian, blah, blah, blah. You do get the Award of the century for best lies told on the internet.

Counting refugees?
There are many more Jewish refugees from WWI, Arab expulsion and those expelled from their homes in TranJordan, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem by 1948 than there are Arabs who were led by their leaders to get out of their homes in 1947-1948 in order to murder all Jews and destroy Israel.

Are you sure you want to keep counting?
Sick thoughts from a sick human being.
And keep inventing that your father is an American who fought in WWII, and that you are a historian, blah, blah, blah. You do get the Award of the century for best lies told on the internet.

Actually, I can prove everything I say.

But pointing out the obvious, you know, that no matter where the Jews go, they piss of whoever they are living with, is a fact of history. Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocausts... again, you might want to check that deodorant

Counting refugees?
There are many more Jewish refugees from WWI, Arab expulsion and those expelled from their homes in TranJordan, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem by 1948 than there are Arabs who were led by their leaders to get out of their homes in 1947-1948 in order to murder all Jews and destroy Israel.

Are you sure you want to keep counting?

So can keep making up bullshit numbers? Point was, again, if Jews were native to Palestine in 1948, then why is it EVERY PROMINANT ZIONIST POLITICIANS either came from Europe or can put their ancestors

Were there all these supposed Jews in Palestine and the Islamic world, just waiting for the white saviors of Europe?

Or is the Zionist Entity just another Colonial state based on white people oppressing people of color?
Actually, I can prove everything I say.

But pointing out the obvious, you know, that no matter where the Jews go, they piss of whoever they are living with, is a fact of history. Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocausts... again, you might want to check that deodorant

So can keep making up bullshit numbers? Point was, again, if Jews were native to Palestine in 1948, then why is it EVERY PROMINANT ZIONIST POLITICIANS either came from Europe or can put their ancestors

Were there all these supposed Jews in Palestine and the Islamic world, just waiting for the white saviors of Europe?

Or is the Zionist Entity just another Colonial state based on white people oppressing people of color?
Your endless servitude to all that is of hatred of Jews is dully noted.

Now, this is a thread about exposing the lies of Israel being caused of Apartheid.

What do you have on that?
Your endless servitude to all that is of hatred of Jews is dully noted.

Now, this is a thread about exposing the lies of Israel being caused of Apartheid.

What do you have on that?

That the European Squatters went into Palestine, stole their land, and treat them like second class citizens in their own country.

Just like the European Squatters did in South Africa.

The difference is, when the Squatters lose power in Palestine, the indigenous people aren't going to be nearly as nice about it as they were in South Africa. No "reconciliation committees" where they let bygones be bygones.

More like six million pairs of water wings.
Or that colonialism is never as beneficial or benign as the Colonizer likes to portray it as.

Ever hear the phrase "White Man's Burden"? It comes from Rudyard Kipling in his justification of the British exploitation of it's empire of mostly non-white people. We are doing you a "favor" by stealing your land. What I didn't know was that he said it to extort Americans that their colonization of the Philippines was a good thing. Except it wasn't, really. Not for the Americans who went over there to die for nothing, and not for the Filipinos, who just wanted to run their own country.

President McKinley couldn't find the Philippines on a map of the world, but he announced our intent was to "Christianize" them (not realizing that 90% of them were already Roman Catholic.) Americans were horrified when a lot of Filipinos collaborated with the Japanese during World War II, and some of them even enjoyed political careers after the war.

Now, let's review the history of Palestine the Zionist Apologists don't want you to hear.

For centuries, Arabs in Palestine, who had lived their since Mohammed converted the indigenous people, lived under the thumb of the Ottoman Turks. The British sent in T.S. Lawrence, a man versed in Islamic and Arab culture, to convince them to rise up against the Ottomans, which they did. Then the British, being the British, double crossed them and started carving the place up into client colonies. They also started resettling the Jews of Europe in Palestine.

The Palestinians, despite this, fought for the British in WWII. Yes, the Zionists go on and on about the Grand Mufti, but they never talk about the 12,000 Arabs who fought side by side with Jews in the Palestine Regiments.

So big surprise, when the Zionists decided to carve their own little country out of Arab land, Arabs, big surprise here, retaliated against synagogues they had left alone for centuries. That's kind of human nature, unfortunately. Someone wrongs you, you look for payback. Just ask not only Muslims who were beaten up after 9/11, but the Sikhs who got beaten up because some redneck didn't know the difference. ("Well, Cleetus, he has a towel on his head!!")

Yes, 800,000 Jews were driven out of Arab countries after 1948... and 5.6 million Palestinians were driven out of their country. Which is worse?

The woke leftist entity does a lot of cutting and pasting of slogans. The stolen land™ slogan is a favorite. Let’s see some fact based on what land was “stolen”.

What sovereign Pally land was “stolen”.?
That the European Squatters went into Palestine, stole their land, and treat them like second class citizens in their own country.

Just like the European Squatters did in South Africa.

The difference is, when the Squatters lose power in Palestine, the indigenous people aren't going to be nearly as nice about it as they were in South Africa. No "reconciliation committees" where they let bygones be bygones.

More like six million pairs of water wings.
When were Pallys ever indigenous? Pally squatters occupied land formerly sovereign to the Turkish emirate.
When were Pallys ever indigenous? Pally squatters occupied land formerly sovereign to the Turkish emirate.

Obviously, you don't understand the definition of imperialism. The Turks didn't live in Palestine, the Palestinians did.

The British said, "Hey, revolt against the Turks and we'll give you your own country!" And then they turned around and gave that land to the Jewish Squatters of Europe. I mean, kind of understandable, Most of Christian Europe would have been happy if their Jews went away. But taking someone else's land, um, that's kind of wrong. Wrong when Hitler did it to them, wrong when they did it to the Arabs.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
That the European Squatters went into Palestine, stole their land, and treat them like second class citizens in their own country.

Just like the European Squatters did in South Africa.

The difference is, when the Squatters lose power in Palestine, the indigenous people aren't going to be nearly as nice about it as they were in South Africa. No "reconciliation committees" where they let bygones be bygones.

More like six million pairs of water wings.
What country? There was no country on the region of Palestine at the time.

The only country that had ever existed on that land was called Israel and then Judea. Just ask from the Phillistines to the Romans.

In other words, you continue to have nothing but what you are copying from your handbook, commissioned especially by Jew haters to pass on to other Jew haters like yourself.

You keep on being out of touch with what is going on in the world.

What country? There was no country on the region of Palestine at the time.

The only country that had ever existed was called Israel and then Judea. Just as from the Phillistines to the Romans.

In other words, you continue to have nothing but you are copying from your handbook, commissioned especially by Jew haters to pass on to other Jew haters like yourself.

You keep on being out of touch with what is going on in the world.

The reality is, the Zionist Entity is hated in Europe, Latin America, Asia and of course, the Middle East.

The only friend it has is the United States, where all the Funditarded Christians think we need Jews in Israel so Jesus can come back and pay back all us heathens!

It's all manner of messed up.

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