Exposed Criminal FBI Refuses To Trun Over Documents - Will Liberal Media Cover It?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Obama Administration Bombshell Scandal That Is 'Rockin' The World'...But Will Anyone Hear About It, Or Will The Liberal/Obama/Hillary-Complicit Media Continue To Cover It Up?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

"We may be about to learn if the mainstream media can walk and cover two important but related stories at the same time.

For over a year the media have breathlessly followed every turn in the probes of Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election, along with any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

But now a new story is about to bust open, involving Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes sent a letter Thursday to the Justice Department demanding compliance by Wednesday with the subpoenas his committee issued for information on how the department and its FBI subsidiary have handled the Russia probe.

If the Justice Department stonewalls, the House could launch contempt proceedings or even vote to declassify and release some of the documents.

Nunes didn’t mince words in his letter. Noting the four months of stonewalling he’s gotten, he concluded that “at this point it seems the DOJ (Justice Department) and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

Nunes documented a series of evasive maneuvers by the Justice Department. As a result of these maneuvers, documents and witnesses subpoenaed by his committee last August have still not been produced."
“I've spent some time in the last couple of days, after a lot of fighting with the Department of Justice, to get the background on the dossier, and here's what I can tell your viewers,” Graham said. “I'm very disturbed about what the Department of Justice did with this dossier, and we need a special counsel to look into that, because that's not in Mueller's charter.

And what I saw, and what I've gathered in the last couple of days, bothers me a lot, and I'd like somebody outside DOJ to look into how this dossier was handled and what they did with it….. After having looked at the history of the dossier, and how it was used by the Department of Justice, I'm really very concerned, and this cannot be the new normal.”

"The Justice Department has offered up various excuses for not producing the documents. At first, department officials claimed the documents didn’t exist.

But Nunes writes: “As it turns out, not only did documents exist that were directly responsive to the committee’s subpoenas, but they involved senior DOJ and FBI officials who were swiftly reassigned when their roles in matters under the committee’s investigation were brought to light.”

The Justice Department and FBI officials involved included Bruce Ohr. He has been demoted from his former position of associate deputy attorney general because he had unauthorized contacts with Fusion GPS, the Democratic National Committee-paid firm responsible for the Steele dossier.

Ohr’s wife worked at Fusion GPS at the time. Other people reassigned include: James Baker, the FBI’s general counsel during 2016; and Peter Strzok, the bureau’s No. 2 counterintelligence official.

Strzok was largely responsible for kick-starting the FBI’s original probe into the Trump campaign. He was later assigned to Mueller’s special counsel staff. However, he was forced out after it was revealed that he exchanged 375 virulently anti-Trump text messages with fellow FBI agent Lisa Page, who was also on Mueller’s team."

Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty......

Claiming the documents did not exist when they did, for those REALLY keeping track, constitutes FELONIOUS PERJURY - LYING TO / BEFORE CONGRESS.

The FACT that the DOJ committed the CRIME of LYING TO CONGRESS - 'FELONIOUS PERJURY - in this COVER-UP has now been established.
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The Obama Administration Bombshell Scandal That Is 'Rockin' The World'...But Will Anyone Hear About It, Or Will The Liberal/Obama/Hillary-Complicit Media Continue To Cover It Up?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

"We may be about to learn if the mainstream media can walk and cover two important but related stories at the same time.

For over a year the media have breathlessly followed every turn in the probes of Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election, along with any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

But now a new story is about to bust open, involving Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes sent a letter Thursday to the Justice Department demanding compliance by Wednesday with the subpoenas his committee issued for information on how the department and its FBI subsidiary have handled the Russia probe.

If the Justice Department stonewalls, the House could launch contempt proceedings or even vote to declassify and release some of the documents.

Nunes didn’t mince words in his letter. Noting the four months of stonewalling he’s gotten, he concluded that “at this point it seems the DOJ (Justice Department) and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

Nunes documented a series of evasive maneuvers by the Justice Department. As a result of these maneuvers, documents and witnesses subpoenaed by his committee last August have still not been produced."
As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.
"The heat being applied to the Justice Department and the FBI over possible misuses of the Steele dossier may have prompted some government officials to launch a diversion. A New York Times story last week reported that the FBI’s probe of Team Trump during the 2016 campaign, didn’t originate with the Steele dossier. Instead, the story says the probe was sparked by loose talk in a London bar from lower-level Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos, who has since pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI."

"Ummm, why NO...the Special Counsel and 7-month Witch Hunt did not come about due to the came about, er..uh...because of an overheard conversation in a London Pub lieu between a drunken self-important Trump campaign volunteer and an assumed Aussie Diplomat. See? All perfectly justifiably legal."

As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.
Oh, so the snowflakes are now claiming the already proven criminals are illegally withholding evidence and lying to Congress because CONGRESS may be the traitors / criminals?

As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.
Oh, so the snowflakes are now claiming the already proven criminals are illegally withholding evidence and lying to Congress because CONGRESS may be the traitors / criminals?

Nunes recused himself, then got back involved when things started looking ugly. The only thing you’ve proven about the FBI and Justice Department, is that Nunes is desperate to know what they have.
The Obama Administration Bombshell Scandal That Is 'Rockin' The World'...But Will Anyone Hear About It, Or Will The Liberal/Obama/Hillary-Complicit Media Continue To Cover It Up?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

"We may be about to learn if the mainstream media can walk and cover two important but related stories at the same time.

For over a year the media have breathlessly followed every turn in the probes of Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election, along with any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

But now a new story is about to bust open, involving Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes sent a letter Thursday to the Justice Department demanding compliance by Wednesday with the subpoenas his committee issued for information on how the department and its FBI subsidiary have handled the Russia probe.

If the Justice Department stonewalls, the House could launch contempt proceedings or even vote to declassify and release some of the documents.

Nunes didn’t mince words in his letter. Noting the four months of stonewalling he’s gotten, he concluded that “at this point it seems the DOJ (Justice Department) and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

Nunes documented a series of evasive maneuvers by the Justice Department. As a result of these maneuvers, documents and witnesses subpoenaed by his committee last August have still not been produced."
As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.

What treason?
The Obama Administration Bombshell Scandal That Is 'Rockin' The World'...But Will Anyone Hear About It, Or Will The Liberal/Obama/Hillary-Complicit Media Continue To Cover It Up?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

John Fund: Will the media ask questions about an FBI cover-up or become complicit in it?

"We may be about to learn if the mainstream media can walk and cover two important but related stories at the same time.

For over a year the media have breathlessly followed every turn in the probes of Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election, along with any possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

But now a new story is about to bust open, involving Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes sent a letter Thursday to the Justice Department demanding compliance by Wednesday with the subpoenas his committee issued for information on how the department and its FBI subsidiary have handled the Russia probe.

If the Justice Department stonewalls, the House could launch contempt proceedings or even vote to declassify and release some of the documents.

Nunes didn’t mince words in his letter. Noting the four months of stonewalling he’s gotten, he concluded that “at this point it seems the DOJ (Justice Department) and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

Nunes documented a series of evasive maneuvers by the Justice Department. As a result of these maneuvers, documents and witnesses subpoenaed by his committee last August have still not been produced."
As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.

What treason?
Trump’s. Duh.
Always trying to create a diversion. You don't want to attack what is in the Fusion GPS report but you attack the messenger. You and Republicans are so desperate to save Trump that you are willing to attack hard working FBI agents who protect us. That is unAmerican and unpatriotic. The head of the FBI is Trump's guy. This is nothing but grandstanding.

Speaking of cover-ups, why are the Republicans refusing to make public a transcript of the head of Fusion GPS to Congress. Instead they LEAK bits and pieces of it to the crazy, right wing. Is it because it would prove that nothing is there? Release the transcripts and quite covering it up.

The Republicans’ Fake Investigations
The only thing you’ve proven about the FBI and Justice Department, is that Nunes is desperate to know what they have.
Then you are either not paying attention or you are deliberately shutting your eyes:
- Both Directors of the FBI have been proven, with evidence, to have withheld evidence of Russian crimes.
- The FBI has been proven to have changed the final Hillary Server report to hide the declarations of her crimes
- The FBI / Comey has been proven to have written the exoneration letter prior to the investigation conclusion
- The FBI protected Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from indictment / prosecution
- The DOJ has proven to have committed Felonious Perjury before Congress regarding the existence of documents
- The DOJ / FBI has refused to comply with Congress regarding the cover-up

Snowflakes continue to squeal 'There is no evidence here' when their Liberal / Democrat criminals have been nailed to the wall with evidence, and screaming there is evidence when they have none against Trump.

Honest-to-God, I have never seen such dedicate denial or reality / truth driven by so much partisan hatred in my life.....
Always trying to create a diversion. You don't want to attack what is in the Fusion GPS report but you attack the messenger.
What is in the report has already been refuted...proven to be a collection of Russian propaganda collected and sold to Hillary, Comey, and Obama through a firm working for the Russians for their illegal use during an election. What are you talking about?
As Nunez played a role in the treason, it would be stupid of the FBI or Justice Department to give him anything.
Oh, so the snowflakes are now claiming the already proven criminals are illegally withholding evidence and lying to Congress because CONGRESS may be the traitors / criminals?

When this all blows up in your face and nothing happens to even one Democrat and Trump’s inner circle gets indicted and then for the grand finale putin’s puppet gets served with an indictment...make sure you’re on this forum to take your punishment.
The only thing you’ve proven about the FBI and Justice Department, is that Nunes is desperate to know what they have.
Then you are either not paying attention or you are deliberately shutting your eyes:
- Both Directors of the FBI have been proven, with evidence, to have withheld evidence of Russian crimes.
- The FBI has been proven to have changed the final Hillary Server report to hide the declarations of her crimes
- The FBI / Comey has been proven to have written the exoneration letter prior to the investigation conclusion
- The FBI protected Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from indictment / prosecution
- The DOJ has proven to have committed Felonious Perjury before Congress regarding the existence of documents
- The DOJ / FBI has refused to comply with Congress regarding the cover-up

Snowflakes continue to squeal 'There is no evidence here' when their Liberal / Democrat criminals have been nailed to the wall with evidence, and screaming there is evidence when they have none against Trump.

Honest-to-God, I have never seen such dedicate denial or reality / truth driven by so much partisan hatred in my life.....
Cool. You know what hasn’t been proven, or even seriously alleged by anybody of any note? That the FBI or DOJ did anything criminal.

Meanwhile, Nunes is sweating in his boots, terrified.
Cool. You know what hasn’t been proven, or even seriously alleged by anybody of any note? That the FBI or DOJ did anything criminal.

Are you 'reading-challenged'?

- Both Directors of the FBI have been proven, with evidence, to have withheld evidence of Russian crimes.
- The FBI has been proven to have changed the final Hillary Server report to hide the declarations of her crimes
- The FBI / Comey has been proven to have written the exoneration letter prior to the investigation conclusion
- The FBI was proven to have protected Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from indictment / prosecution
- The DOJ has proven to have committed Felonious Perjury before Congress regarding the existence of documents
- The DOJ / FBI has proven to have refused to comply with Congress regarding the cover-up

And why would Nunes be 'terrified'? He just busted the DOJ in front of the whole world for Felonious PERJURY!
Cool. You know what hasn’t been proven, or even seriously alleged by anybody of any note? That the FBI or DOJ did anything criminal.

Are you 'reading-challenged'?

- Both Directors of the FBI have been proven, with evidence, to have withheld evidence of Russian crimes.
- The FBI has been proven to have changed the final Hillary Server report to hide the declarations of her crimes
- The FBI / Comey has been proven to have written the exoneration letter prior to the investigation conclusion
- The FBI was proven to have protected Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from indictment / prosecution
- The DOJ has proven to have committed Felonious Perjury before Congress regarding the existence of documents
- The DOJ / FBI has proven to have refused to comply with Congress regarding the cover-up

And why would Nunes be 'terrified'? He just busted the DOJ in front of the whole world for Felonious PERJURY!
The evidence that Nunes is so desperate to get his hands on.
Nunes has already presented plenty of evidence of criminal activity by the FBI and DOJ, to include Felony PERJURY. The only evidence lacking is any from the liberal Witch Hunt that apparently stemmed from an overheard conversation between a drunken, self-important Trump campaign volunteer and an assumed Aussie diplomat in a London pisser.


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