Exec. Order 13526 (Classified Information): Tends To Support Secretary Clinton's Email Use


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Obama White House is so much in charge of its own orders--that it makes them public, able to be easily read.

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information

Guidance is offered in determining what information is to be Identified and Marked, and clearly so-marked and identified, as being Classified. Information of a foreign government is presumed to merit identification and marking under one of the Section 1.6 Identifications and Markings, required in the order. "At the time of the original classification, the following shall be indicated in a manner that is immediately apparent." The various levels of classification are noted.

A lot of the Executive Order is further about refraining from the famous Republican strategies of outright cover-up of crime, competitive advantage, and other usual GOP behavior. Still other sections clearly support Secretary Clinton's explanation and use of the email strategy she selected. "Section 5.4. Heads of Agencies that originate or handle classified information shall. . .(c) ensure that agency record systems are designed and maintained to optimize the appropriate sharing and safeguarding of classified information."

Many might call that a condition, or intended partisan safeguard, of a modification of Section 5.1. Sharing of information is about the order, too.

"Sec. 5.1. Program Direction. (a) The Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, under the direction of the Archivist and in consultation with the National Security Advisor, shall issue such directives as are necessary to implement this order. These directives shall be binding on the agencies. Directives issued by the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office shall establish standards for:

(1) classification, declassification, and marking principles;

(2) safeguarding classified information, which shall pertain to the handling, storage, distribution, transmittal, and destruction of and accounting for classified information. . . ."

Yes, there is required marking of the classified information, noted in Section 1.6 to be absolutely clear and visible. Yes, there is the matter of the server being safe, no doubt, even secured under the auspices of Secret Service, in the matter of a former U. S. President. That level of Security is also likely intended to be safeguarded. That use of security is likely beyond reproach.

The email uses of the Secretary of State in question: Are easily shown lawful, and beyond reproach.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations can shed many rivers of tears of fallen warriors, noting how White Eyes, actually use trees to fight among themselves--instead of for the environment!)
And so even in the Federal Criminal Code, there is this, information "specifically designated:"

"The term “classified information” means information which, at the time of a violation of this section, is, for reasons of national security, specifically designated by a United States Government Agency for limited or restricted dissemination or distribution"

Anyone sees why Secretary Clinton did in fact modify the descriptive language, about the emails, lacking the specifically designated requirement, and of the Executive Order.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Alaskan Hunting Ground, even now again has specified a mountain, like was intended!)

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