Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Who do you think it is?
Flynn , Manafort? Kushner?

I'm going with Manafort. They must have found some interesting documents in that no knock warrant. Which tells me Mueller had some idea where to start looking. Which also implies either Manafort was really sloppy, or somebody started talking from the very beginning. And right after a five hour talk with Carter Page today. Or perhaps an anonymous email from Russia with an offer of information for assurances of protecting assets? And of course knowing the bottom feeding pieces of crap Flynn and Kushner are, they can't be ruled out as informants looking to protect their own skin. People like that will throw their own children in the fire to protect their own asses.
You're fantasizing.
As each member of Trump’s former or current administration gets indicted I’ll keep using this quote of his.

“ I hire the best people.”

Why don't you try this quote (from your article):

according to sources briefed on the matter.
Nope. Mine is better. Trump picked the worst possible people for his cabinet. The racist garden gnome Sessions. Long time Russian buddy Manafort, his own family etc

“ I pick the best people” will be the joke of the century as the indictments pile up.
Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta.

Manafort's bank records showed that he and Podesta were working together for the Ukranian government.

The Podesta Group said it believed its client was an unaffiliated European think tank. But the new paperwork suggests the Justice Department has information tying the think tank to the pro-Russian Ukrainian Party of Regions — a possible source of continuing legal trouble for Manafort, because he never disclosed his own role in the lobbying campaign.
Podesta Group files new disclosures in Manafort-linked Ukraine lobbying

Manafort's next door neighbor he waved to. Meanwhile Podesta would be the real indictment.
Mueller doing what he can to take the spotlight off of Uranium1. Nice try.
Just the opposite is true of course. The years old uranium scam was brought back to take the attention away from the real Russian scandal.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...you really are that stupid.
That’s exactly what happened but you idiots got caught up in your Hillary hysteria plus Fox refused to legitimately cover the mueller investigation you were left totally in the dark.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...yup, you are that stupid.
As each member of Trump’s former or current administration gets indicted I’ll keep using this quote of his.

“ I hire the best people.”

Why don't you try this quote (from your article):

according to sources briefed on the matter.
Nope. Mine is better. Trump picked the worst possible people for his cabinet. The racist garden gnome Sessions. Long time Russian buddy Manafort, his own family etc

“ I pick the best people” will be the joke of the century as the indictments pile up.
Manfort isn't in his cabinet, moron. His arrest will have no affect on the Trump administration, and it's probably outside Mewler's legal purview.
As each member of Trump’s former or current administration gets indicted I’ll keep using this quote of his.

“ I hire the best people.”

Why don't you try this quote (from your article):

according to sources briefed on the matter.
Nope. Mine is better. Trump picked the worst possible people for his cabinet. The racist garden gnome Sessions. Long time Russian buddy Manafort, his own family etc

“ I pick the best people” will be the joke of the century as the indictments pile up.
Manfort isn't in his cabinet, moron. His arrest will have no affect on the Trump administration, and it's probably outside Mewler's legal purview.
I said FORMER cabinet member in a previous post. Anyone being indicted from past or present cabinet will be a huge ugly stain on his presidency and you can’t spin that one away..
Is he wasting his time trying to indict Manafort's housekeeper? Waste of time while Crooked H keeps getting that uranium money.

he has to do something quick

the calls for him to resign are overwhelming

Mueller facing new Republican pressure to resign in Russia probe
No they’re not overwhelming.. they only came from the petrified RW media knowing the shit was going to hit the fan.

How do you like that Clinton crime family/DNC uranium money they got?
Very interesting. It was only yesterday that the DOJ demanded an accounting of the money Mueller got so far with nothing to show for it.

Exactly. An act of desperation? Sure looks like it given the timing.

He is trying to get someone indicted before the new prosecutor looking at Uranium One indicts him! It's kind of difficult to indict someone from jail.
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN
fake news
Lmao. You wish.
lol...it's the proverbial ham sandwich and the charges are an outrageous $11.99...now be honest, isn't it you that is doing all the wishing here?
I reported 5 months ago people were going to prison.
Joachim Castro who’s on the intelligence committee was my source..
Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton as cellmates could be quite entertaining.
I am watching Rachel right now and people are probably going to be arrested Monday...

Can Trump be arrested?
I'm watching Rachel lol. You are a damn fool.
Yeah why would anyone watch a supremely intelligent former Rhodes Scholar when they can watch a former roofer current demogogue like Hannity.
Sean is in intensive care now anyway once he heard the breaking news.

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