Evolution: Insecticons/Damsels


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock dialogue about evolution between the Hindu deities Vishnu (god of protection) and Shiva (god of destruction).

The purpose of this dialogue is to create ideas about humanity's political and cultural conceptions of 'beauty' (something to consider during the Trump Administration which has already received much criticism from female voters).

I'm a big fan of the behavior-modification film The Ladykillers (Tom Hanks).


VISHNU: What do you think of the development of the Earth?
SHIVA: The rise of human civilization has coincided with eco-pollution.
VISHNU: Do you suspect mankind will bring on an unnatural Ice Age?
SHIVA: It's possible. What is the destiny of the Earth?
VISHNU: The Bible (Book of Genesis) suggests that 'in the beginning,' there were 'creeping things.'
SHIVA: I think that implies that the Earth is governed by 'creatures' that exhibit mobility.
VISHNU: Well, 'creeping things' are obviously insects.
SHIVA: Do you like the modern-day A.I. fantasy-adventure entertainment franchise Transformers (Hasbro)?
VISHNU: I like parts of it. Why?
SHIVA: A group of warrior-robot avatars from Transformers, known as Insecticons, transform into giant bugs.
VISHNU: What is the significance of these 'giant robotic bugs' (weapon-equipped I suppose)?
SHIVA: They have laser-guns and they symbolize malicious hunger for food.
VISHNU: I see. They 'creep around' looking for power...
SHIVA: Exactly. The Insecticons may be an 'art engram' for the frailty of humanity itself!
VISHNU: The Book of Genesis does imply that creeping insects exhibit a strange kinship with mankind.
SHIVA: Adam and Eve were accused of being too 'curious.'
VISHNU: They got a 'bug in the brain.'
SHIVA: That's the story.
VISHNU: They should teach women about Insecticons.
VISHNU: Human beings like incendiary 'gender-creepy' TV shows such as Two Broke Girls.


Insecticon (Transformers Wiki)


Red Dollhouse: Evolution/Entropy

Here's a mock dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), Vishnu (Hindu god of protection), Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation), and an imaginary super-creature known simply as Dragon (an intellectual 'beast') about the 'mentalism' of evolution.

Why is 'evolution-talk' so...fancy?


SHIVA: Let's pretend I'm an idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan.
VISHNU: Alright. Let's pretend I'm the American movie-star Tom Hanks.
KRISHNA: Fine. Let's pretend I'm the American movie-star Tom Cruise.
DRAGON: I'll pretend I'm simply a giant.

SHIVA: Is evolution guided by 'folk religion'?
VISHNU: If it were not, we would not make 'behavior-ritual' films such as Celebrity (Woody Allen).
KRISHNA: Superstition is something even atheists like to discuss.
DRAGON: We may even fantasize about 'strange creatures' such as Jabberwocky (Lewis Carroll).

SHIVA: Is Planet Hollywood (the restaurant chain) an idol to Babylon?
VISHNU: It's a harmless 'guilty-pleasure' (like ice cream)!
KRISHNA: Planet Hollywood does not create sloth.
DRAGON: Movie starlets can become harlots.

SHIVA: Would prostitution affect evolution?
VISHNU: Commerce-related 'lifestyle activity' certainly impacts nationalism.
KRISHNA: Nationalism can affect the phenotype.
DRAGON: After all, don't kids play with toys to 'mimic' adult behaviors?

SHIVA: In that case, storytelling (or oral tradition) can redirect a species' destiny.
VISHNU: Of course! That's why we celebrate films such as I, Robot.
KRISHNA: Fantastic characters are popular during Halloween.
DRAGON: Stories are not necessarily 'escapism.'

SHIVA: Why do we fantasize about the Fountain of Youth?
VISHNU: We want to alter the course of evolution (e.g., lifespan).
KRISHNA: It is natural to want to change your body.
DRAGON: Anyone see the film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?

SHIVA: Maybe it's better to be a celebrity than a 'vigilante.'
VISHNU: Batman (DC Comics) is a 'superhero' who tackles criminal insanity!
KRISHNA: Fictional characters may symbolize 'species deformities.'
DRAGON: The Christian Bible suggests that the evil 'Serpent' (Satan) altered evolution...






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