Evil Religion.

There's a mature response, post a picture of the Koran in the toilet.

The only thing that proves is how childish, hateful, and moronic you are.

acludem said:
There's a mature response, post a picture of the Koran in the toilet.

The only thing that proves is how childish, hateful, and moronic you are.


personal attacks as a response fly in your face when you admonish
childish hateful moronic behavior.
acludem said:
There's a mature response, post a picture of the Koran in the toilet.

The only thing that proves is how childish, hateful, and moronic you are.


freedom of speech often appears immature, hateful and moronic. You of all people should know !
It does, an I'm a dues paying member of America's foremost organization supporting and fighting for your right to be childish, hateful and moronic.

I only call 'em like I see 'em. Posting a photograph of the holy text of a major world religion in a commode is exactly what I said it was. I'd say the same if it was the Bhagavad Gita, the Holy Bible, the Talmud, or my religious text the Lotus Sutra.

acludem said:
It does, an I'm a dues paying member of America's foremost organization supporting and fighting for your right to be childish, hateful and moronic.

I only call 'em like I see 'em. Posting a photograph of the holy text of a major world religion in a commode is exactly what I said it was. I'd say the same if it was the Bhagavad Gita, the Holy Bible, the Talmud, or my religious text the Lotus Sutra.


OOOOOOO I get it---you took off you're little ACLU helmet and just blurted something. Did it feel good? :laugh:
nosarcasm said:
I am an atheist and I insist on my right to flush down bibles or Korans.

That being said, I respect peoples religious believes and refrain from it.

So this picture is not helpful for dialogue since you rightfully would
be upset if I d flush a bible or whatever you believe in to make my
point of free speech.

But I count on that you wont storm German embassies or threaten to kill me.

I aprreciate that.

It wouldn't bother me if you wanted to spend the money to flush the Dhammapada...

We already have the Piss Christ and the Elephant Dung Mary that was payed for by us. I think that you are too late and that they are already offended...
nosarcasm said:
I am an atheist and I insist on my right to flush down bibles or Korans.

That being said, I respect peoples religious believes and refrain from it.

So this picture is not helpful for dialogue since you rightfully would
be upset if I d flush a bible or whatever you believe in to make my
point of free speech.

But I count on that you wont storm German embassies or threaten to kill me.

I aprreciate that.

This picture isn't intended to help dialogue. The muslim world isn't interested in dialogue. They're only interested in killing anyone who isn't a muslim. Therefore I spit in their face. I spit on their made up religon, and I flush their concocted book down the toilet.

Your opinion of this action is irrelevant to me.

No, I don't want to kill you. Muslims on the other hand do.
no1tovote4 said:
It wouldn't bother me if you wanted to spend the money to flush the Dhammapada...

We already have the Piss Christ and the Elephant Dung Mary that was payed for by us. I think that you are too late and that they are already offended...

I assume you agree that to offend people in order to get a rise of them
is a pointless execise except for your personal entertainment ?

If piss christ had a political message I missed it.
acludem said:
It does, an I'm a dues paying member of America's foremost organization supporting and fighting for your right to be childish, hateful and moronic.

I only call 'em like I see 'em. Posting a photograph of the holy text of a major world religion in a commode is exactly what I said it was. I'd say the same if it was the Bhagavad Gita, the Holy Bible, the Talmud, or my religious text the Lotus Sutra.


Posting a picture of the kuran in a toilet is to you what you think it is. To me it's something completely different. Please speak only for yourself, and your fellow bleading heart, loony left, shrill liberal brethren. You do not speak for me, and what I think the picture represents.

You keep filing law suits against Christianity and the term Merry Christmas, and then turn around and defend the religon that's commited itself to KILLING EVERYONE that isn't one of them. You know what aclu-shitbag, YOU are the true enemy, to me, to America, to the constitution, and anyone else that's of rational mind and body. So stick your stinking opinion of my free speech up your self rightous ass.
nosarcasm said:
I assume you agree that to offend people in order to get a rise of them
is a pointless execise except for your personal entertainment ?

If piss christ had a political message I missed it.
I do not work to offend people, yes I do believe it is mostly pointless to do so.

It had at least as much of a political a message as Toilet Koran does.
It's a photoshop job, anyway. Look at the lighting and the angle of the book. It's a composite of a Koran laying on a slanted table and a picture of a flushing toilet. Piss Christ and the dung Mary were both very real, however, and I am offended by them. I don't think they should be banned, but I also don't think they should be payed for with my f-ing money.
Avatar4321 said:
I can't help but notice the irony here. All the muslim reaction did was end up supporting the group by proving them correct.

While I don't agree that Islam is an evil religion, they lost a major opportunity to show by example they aren't. If I were the leadership of the Muslim Student Union, I would use this as an opportunity to set up my own event to educate others in what I believed.

Also, I find it difficult to justify complaining that the forum was one sided when the MSU boycotted the event. Of course it was going to be one sided. The other side refused to show up. So I don't see how they can complain about being shafted by it. They did it to themselves.

Some good points Avatar. :clap:

I see the last paragraph as the defining FAULT of most Muslim`s who kill those that take exception to their beliefs.

They DO it to themselves, one bomb at a time. :blowup:
Avatar4321 said:
I can't help but notice the irony here. All the muslim reaction did was end up supporting the group by proving them correct.
While I don't agree that Islam is an evil religion, they lost a major opportunity to show by example they aren't. If I were the leadership of the Muslim Student Union, I would use this as an opportunity to set up my own event to educate others in what I believed.

Also, I find it difficult to justify complaining that the forum was one sided when the MSU boycotted the event. Of course it was going to be one sided. The other side refused to show up. So I don't see how they can complain about being shafted by it. They did it to themselves.

Well said Avatar!!
That said I do question whether Islam is a reall religion of peace when all you need to is read the Koran. No Im sure many who practice the Islamic faith are peaceful in that they would not take their bible seriously and kill anyone who is not Muslim, but many do take it quite literally. So technically since the Koran does promote justified violence aginst all non Muslims can we really say Islam is not an evil religion as it is written and sometimes practiced???

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