CDZ Every voice of division is the enemy.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.

Great sentiment. Wish it was doable.

In the fairyland cliché of a perfect world where men and women are truly freed from influence to form their own long term opinions about their places in the greater cosmos I'd like to believe a majority of them all would choose to spread unity between all races and cultures rather than sow division amongst and between them. However, we live in an Age of Man when the minds of men and women and developing children are relentlessly assaulted by countless ideological narratives, few of which actually have a shred of relevance to preserving the human race let alone promoting unity between social classes, cultures or race. It's just that kind of world; a world where the fraction of living must be reduced to existing for the sole purpose of providing for and defending family and micro-community. Everything else above that, above our own backyard culture and tribe must be questioned and suspected of trying to either buy us off, harvest us like a resource or kill us, eventually.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.

Great sentiment. Wish it was doable.

In the fairyland cliché of a perfect world where men and women are truly freed from influence to form their own long term opinions about their places in the greater cosmos I'd like to believe a majority of them all would choose to spread unity between all races and cultures rather than sow division amongst and between them. However, we live in an Age of Man when the minds of men and women and developing children are relentlessly assaulted by countless ideological narratives, few of which actually have a shred of relevance to preserving the human race let alone promoting unity between social classes, cultures or race. It's just that kind of world; a world where the fraction of living must be reduced to existing for the sole purpose of providing for and defending family and micro-community. Everything else above that, above our own backyard culture and tribe must be questioned and suspected of trying to either buy us off, harvest us like a resource or kill us, eventually.
Precisely. We have the knowledge and the means to better educate our race, and there is only one; human. Our survival is no longer dependent upon anything other than ourselves.
"Hypenated" and "American" could be put together in every instance. That is potentially one of the great things about our culture.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.
I used to think that pretty much anyone could change their behaviors and mindsets, and decide to work towards healing and progress. I no longer feel that way.

Those on the ends of the spectrum who are going to remain tribal won't be part of any constructive conversation that leads to progress and improvement. Society will need to find a way to simply marginalize them out of that particular conversation. That's the hard part, because they are by far the loudest. But we have to keep trying.
As long as a person is drawing breath, the person can change. The sad reality is that many never have the true desire to do so. At worst, those who know better have to find ways to constructively deal with them. The spectrum ends, the extremists of division, are a minority. We need to hear them, if only so we can be certain that we are not on their path.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.

You are willing to declare parts of the country "our common enemy". In so doing, you are creating the deepest division imaginable. According to your own line of logic, you are the enemy. That line of logic currently serves to create the kinds of "illiberal democracies" in Brazil, Hungary, and Poland, and it appears to have arrived in the U.S. of A. as well.

Unity, if desirable at all, has to have a foundation in the form of Constitutional guarantees of inclusiveness, centered on equality. That's the only way to forge one entity out of a staggeringly, admirably diverse population with points of view, aims and aspirations representing black and white and every shade of gray and color in between. By necessity there are going to be divisions, as there are in anything humankind creates. These turn toxic and deleterious insofar as one part declares itself the righteous and dominant one, and the other part(s) the enemy.
As long as Democrats can benefit from racism and bigotry, they'll keep being racist bigots. This isn't what any reasonable person thinks is good for our country. It's basically an attitude that will only benefit the totalitarian politicians who hope to use this chaos to assume power. Gullible and unsophisticated Democrats seem to be falling for this totalitarian BS in droves.
this 'hyphenated American' is just that, be an American first and foremost.....~S~
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.

You are willing to declare parts of the country "our common enemy". In so doing, you are creating the deepest division imaginable. According to your own line of logic, you are the enemy. That line of logic currently serves to create the kinds of "illiberal democracies" in Brazil, Hungary, and Poland, and it appears to have arrived in the U.S. of A. as well.

Unity, if desirable at all, has to have a foundation in the form of Constitutional guarantees of inclusiveness, centered on equality. That's the only way to forge one entity out of a staggeringly, admirably diverse population with points of view, aims and aspirations representing black and white and every shade of gray and color in between. By necessity there are going to be divisions, as there are in anything humankind creates. These turn toxic and deleterious insofar as one part declares itself the righteous and dominant one, and the other part(s) the enemy.
What language would you prefer that the quote be posted in? Apparently, you do not understand English. The only thing that post sought to exclude was exclusion of reason and unity.
All Constitutional guarantees exist. All that is missing is the desire to see "Unum" more than "pluribus".
As long as Democrats can benefit from racism and bigotry, they'll keep being racist bigots. This isn't what any reasonable person thinks is good for our country. It's basically an attitude that will only benefit the totalitarian politicians who hope to use this chaos to assume power. Gullible and unsophisticated Democrats seem to be falling for this totalitarian BS in droves.
Divisionist propaganda noted.
No thanks.
It is fully expected that the line of reasoning promoted in this thread will be attacked from all sides. Any objectivity on the part of posters would be most welcome.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.
The US is following in the footsteps of Rome. Almost to a T...
As long as Democrats can benefit from racism and bigotry, they'll keep being racist bigots.
As long as Democrats can point at the behaviors of those Republicans who prove them right, they'll be able to get away with this.

Both ends of this issue feed into the other, both ends need the other, and neither end will admit it.

Much easier to just deny any complicity and point the finger at the other.
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.

We're to far gone

Theyve been teaching the lil brown immigrant children for far to long my heritage my country NOT my country my heritage
Teach the lil white kids how rotten they are ...put the little white boys on pills they all have a .d .d
Stand for the pledge.?...what are yas high
To some that flag is a symbol of opwession and wacism ....sit down shut up and go renounce wendys on twitter and virtue signal how wonderful you are and how we all share "common values "
Common values as defined by the left.....subject to change at any given angry karen moment
And thats just a minor tip of the iceberg

I embrace the darkness that will envelope most of the planet
Don't worry you'll know when its here
Every time you see or hear any encouragement to continue division in America, you see or hear our common enemy. America has everything needed to be safe, happy and free. Anything that works against that is attacking us all. Humanity has always been full of errors. Yet, we have clawed up from simple survival to tall towers of knowledge, wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. The ominous shadows of our limited past still cause fear, but we are almost to the point where we can all be free of it. Every binary, divisive urge is one that would hold us back, or, worse, seeks to plunge us back into the past. If you want to destroy our Republic, continue with a divided mindset.
Sometimes the voice of unity is the enemy.

It depends on what people are unifying for
bought the con hook line & sinker, we are well on our way backwards, if you live in a more isolated section of the country it will take longer to reach you. Its coming for our bought & paid for nation. the rich & powerful have most of the wealth & most of the power now & it is not enough, they want it all.

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