Every invention is from a white male !!

Society is a cooperative effort that provides the setting where things can take place. Not one "invention" listed dropped out of one person's head fully formed. Math itself, the basis for all of them, was well on its way before the the suggested identity group was established.
But, as the saying goes, "Thanks for playing".
Everything is from a white male
Few exceptions but very few

View attachment 375271

... and let's not forget farming, the wheel, art, architecture, mathematics, writing, music, metallurgy, and a few hundred other essential inventions that were around well before 'white culture' ever existed.
Ummm... You mean the Neanderthals? Just kidding but you should note that things like MATH and Art---animals are known and have been proven capable of. If a monkey can do it---why are we trying to make it a big accomplishment for humans to also be doing such a simple basic? I, btw, never needed anyone to teach me basic math or even algebra for that matter---I was more than capable of figuring these out on my own by 1st grade.
--blacks murder at much higher rates = different/difference
That doesn't make any other race who is guilty of murder any less guilty of murder. One person only would still be one person too many.

God bless you always!!!

......less guilty????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? you make no sense -if someone is guilty --they can't be LESS guilty or more guilty
..you are babbling big time, like Uke --and he liked that reply = he also doesn't make sense
...you are tripping over yourself
If anyone is tripping over themselves here, it obviously isn't me. Your previous message only makes it even more clear as crystal glass that I am not the one who is falling face first.

--blacks murder at much higher rates = different/difference
That doesn't make any other race who is guilty of murder any less guilty of murder. One person only would still be one person too many.

God bless you always!!!

humans murder--plain and simple
now you are ignoring and don't want to believe FACTS--why?
I believe that humans being guilty of murder plain and simple is what I pointed out. The only thing that I added is the fact that all races are guilty of it no matter how deep their track record of it may or may not run. One person only would still be one person too many.....now do you get it?

God bless you always!!!

..some races [ black ] commit murder at much HIGHER rates than others [ white ]
...they commit rape/crime at HIGHER rates = whites are superior at not committing crime at the same rate
..you are trying to deny this---why?
To me, it doesn't matter who has the deeper track record when every race has one at all period.

God bless you always!!!

sure--that's why the problem never gets solved
.....it's not a track record --it's MURDER
^^^ I agree, but dumping all of the blame onto one race only isn't going to solve the problem either when every race has its share of bad apples.

God bless you always!!!

wrong---share???? blacks have FOUR times the share--so it's NOT equal

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