Every invention is from a white male !!

only because they got the white man's education/etc

You are not an educator. You are not an inventor. You have not contributed a damn thing to the world, and the color of your skin relates you in no way to men and women through history who have done more with their lives than obsess over race like you.
I'm not a criminal
I graduated
..blacks have contributed MUCH crime and low graduation rates
..they are only 13% of the population and since whitey enslaved them and ''kept them down'', there's NO way they could've contributed much to the US
..blacks are obsessed with race, not me
Without these women Russia would have been on the moon first

African-American female pioneers: Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, who were part of NASA's team of human "computers." This was a group made up of mostly women who calculated by hand the complex equations that allowed space heroes like Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, and Glenn to travel safely to space.
They didn't invent it, they assisted.
they assisted when whites failed and couldn't figure out the solution they were actually smarter than the machines whites invented.
It was all whites
Zero blacks assisting unless it was basketball
African-American female pioneers: Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, who were part of NASA's team of human "computers." This was a group made up of mostly women who calculated by hand the complex equations that allowed space heroes like Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, and Glenn to travel safely to space.
not inventions
...blacks contribute a lot more crime and illiteracy -FACT
...they could not have done that without the white man/being in the white man's world
Cherry-picking and revert to wiki the edit as you go source lol
not cherry picking at all
whites invented CCTV--you DENY that???!!!!
..they are not really inventing anything
When it says this inventor has a certain amount of patents what does that mean?
Who invented the refrigerated truck?
Who invented the gas mask?
Who invented peanut butter?
Who is George Edward Alcorn?
What in the fuck have you invented or even contributed?
I really don't give a flying fuck what color they are I enjoy what they contributed
....so they took an invention by whites, and put it in the home = not an invention
A black person invented the stop light and golf tee. A black person also wrote The Three Musketeers and performed the first open heart surgery.

God bless you and their families always!!!

performing is not inventing
True, but it is still a role that a person plays.

God bless you always!!!

he didn't invent surgery or medical practices
True, but as long as the person did them the way that they were to be done, their service should be acknowledged and appreciated.

God bless you always!!!

..but then it starts all the lies and myths--which are a huge part of today's problems
I agree, but at the end of the day, what race doesn't have dishonest people?

God bless you always!!!

...total bullshit---the whites are not doing all this NAZI crap--destroying/etc
...whites don't riot/burn/loot/etc for LIES like BLM does
AND mods, I'm answering JO's question
My parents' marriage and my trust in people was destroyed when my dad decided to go and do everything that he chose to be guilty of. In other words, if whites are not guilty of rioting, burning, or looting, they can be guilty of destroying things in many other ways: beating, cheating, lying, etc.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How ironic that you decided to go with the word "Nazi" when my German DNA comes from his side of my family.
very very silly
whites DON'T burn/loot/etc like the blacks
blacks DO beat/cheat/lie
?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think blacks don't beat/cheat/lie??????!!!!!!
blacks commit MURDER at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
...you fkd up and made a ridiculous statement
A black person invented the stop light and golf tee. A black person also wrote The Three Musketeers and performed the first open heart surgery.

God bless you and their families always!!!

performing is not inventing
True, but it is still a role that a person plays.

God bless you always!!!

he didn't invent surgery or medical practices
True, but as long as the person did them the way that they were to be done, their service should be acknowledged and appreciated.

God bless you always!!!

..but then it starts all the lies and myths--which are a huge part of today's problems
I agree, but at the end of the day, what race doesn't have dishonest people?

God bless you always!!!

...total bullshit---the whites are not doing all this NAZI crap--destroying/etc
...whites don't riot/burn/loot/etc for LIES like BLM does
AND mods, I'm answering JO's question
My parents' marriage and my trust in people was destroyed when my dad decided to go and do everything that he chose to be guilty of. In other words, if whites are not guilty of rioting, burning, or looting, they can be guilty of destroying things in many other ways: beating, cheating, lying, etc.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How ironic that you decided to go with the word "Nazi" when my German DNA comes from his side of my family.
very very silly
whites DON'T burn/loot/etc like the blacks
blacks DO beat/cheat/lie
?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think blacks don't beat/cheat/lie??????!!!!!!
blacks commit MURDER at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
...you fkd up and made a ridiculous statement
Not exactly. I was only trying to point out that people are capable of doing anything no matter what color they are and no matter how much more often one race may be guilty of the activity compared to another race.

God bless you always!!!

A black person invented the stop light and golf tee. A black person also wrote The Three Musketeers and performed the first open heart surgery.

God bless you and their families always!!!

performing is not inventing
True, but it is still a role that a person plays.

God bless you always!!!

he didn't invent surgery or medical practices
True, but as long as the person did them the way that they were to be done, their service should be acknowledged and appreciated.

God bless you always!!!

..but then it starts all the lies and myths--which are a huge part of today's problems
I agree, but at the end of the day, what race doesn't have dishonest people?

God bless you always!!!

...total bullshit---the whites are not doing all this NAZI crap--destroying/etc
...whites don't riot/burn/loot/etc for LIES like BLM does
AND mods, I'm answering JO's question
My parents' marriage and my trust in people was destroyed when my dad decided to go and do everything that he chose to be guilty of. In other words, if whites are not guilty of rioting, burning, or looting, they can be guilty of destroying things in many other ways: beating, cheating, lying, etc.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How ironic that you decided to go with the word "Nazi" when my German DNA comes from his side of my family.
very very silly
whites DON'T burn/loot/etc like the blacks
blacks DO beat/cheat/lie
?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think blacks don't beat/cheat/lie??????!!!!!!
blacks commit MURDER at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
...you fkd up and made a ridiculous statement
Not exactly. I was only trying to point out that people are capable of doing anything no matter what color they are and no matter how much more often one race may be guilty of the activity compared to another race.

God bless you always!!!

--blacks murder at much higher rates = different/difference
From the Greeks to Romans to England to Germans to white Americans
Here is a few:
Cell phone

The white self hating losers and the black racist are now falsely saying many inventions are from blacks lol
A really stupid racist post when facts are readily available.
From the Greeks to Romans to England to Germans to white Americans
Here is a few:
Cell phone

The white self hating losers and the black racist are now falsely saying many inventions are from blacks lol
Guess you never heard of George Washington Carver's work. :(

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