Evangelical Right Wing Radio Host Claims The Neo-Nazi WI Shooter Was A Liberal


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
Never to let a tragedy go to waste, the radical right are at it again blaming the WI massacre on the liberals.

No wonder so many people look at the evangelical far right idiots as nothing but a bunch of brainwashed scum with view like this,..

"Fundamentalist Christian radio host Bryan Fischer says that the white supremacist who massacred six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin must have been a liberal because he hated former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and had a “a left-wing political philosophy.”

Here's where it get downright hysterical:

Fischer then made the claim that Page’s identification as a neo-Nazi meant he also must have been a liberal.

“You know what the Nazi Party stands for? It’s the National Socialist Party. What about the word ‘socialist’ do you not understand? They were the National Socialist Party – that is a left-wing political philosophy,” he insisted.

Keep it classy GOP thugs,..

Bryan Fischer: Sikh temple shooter was a liberal because he hated Herman Cain | The Raw Story
Yeah. These type of people are beyond retarded. It is a kind of self-brainwashing.

People wonder how Nazis were able to take over Germany and exterminate all those Jews.

Well, this is how. By convincing oneself that one's hatred of others is perfectly okay. "I can't have Nazi tendencies just because I am intolerant of others. Nazis are liberals! Now help me toss this disease-infested fag into this oven."

Assholes who think Nazis are liberals are too chickenshit to actually engage them in debate and learn just how extreme right-wing they are.

Join Stormfront, jump through their hoops, and identify yourself as an anti. Spend a month or so debating them.

I bet at least half the assholes who think Nazis are liberals are going to find themselves agreeing with a lot of the shit the WNs have to say. I know this because a lot of WN shit comes spewing out of them already. They would find themselves completely defenseless against the WN arguments because of their profound ignorance. It would be a real joy watching them get their asses rhetorically stomped by those "liberals". BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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Yeah. These type of people are beyond retarded. It is a kind of self-brainwashing.

People wonder how Nazis were able to take over Germany and exterminate all those Jews.

Well, this is how. By convincing oneself that one's hatred of others is perfectly okay. "I can't have Nazi tendencies just because I am intolerant of others. Nazis are liberals! Now help me toss this disease-infested fag into this oven."

Assholes who think Nazis are liberals are too chickenshit to actually engage them in debate and learn just how extreme right-wing they are.

Join Stormfront, jump through their hoops, and identify yourself as an anti. Spend a month or so debating them.

I bet at least half the assholes who think Nazis are liberals are going to find themselves agreeing with a lot of the shit the WNs have to say. I know this because a lot of WN shit comes spewing out of them already. They would find themselves completely defenseless against the WN arguments because of their profound ignorance. It would be a real joy watching them get their asses rhetorically stomped by those "liberals". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I completely agree. The right wing machine is using nazi germany type propaganda tactics to control the most ignorant masses among us.

Some Hitler quotes that fit today's far right perfectly:

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

Could be because Nazi are socialists and thus progressives.

It was less than 2 hours after the tragedy, that I first saw left wingers blaming it on the right. Suddenly, now... it's offensive... because someone said it about them. It's the hypocrisy of the left that I find particularly fucking stupid. Damn, they are seriously fucking delusional.
The Nazis were not socialists by any means. In fact, the socialists & communists were among the first to be rounded up & exterminated - along with homosexuals, handicapped people and gypsies. Just because you stick the word "socialist" in your name does not make you one. It's like even the name was propaganda... kinda like the flip meaning of "Right to Work State". Got it?
who cares?

another...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz by the troll
It was less than 2 hours after the tragedy, that I first saw left wingers blaming it on the right. Suddenly, now... it's offensive... because someone said it about them. It's the hypocrisy of the left that I find particularly fucking stupid. Damn, they are seriously fucking delusional.

There was no "blame" the police identified the man as being a skinhead with neo-nazis tattoos

Stating the shooter was a radical right wing neo-nazi is a fact

Stating the shooter was a liberal is the right wing machine spreading flat out lies

Though fat ass partisan hack bitches like you don't care about your propaganda masters spreading lies to politicize a tragedy,...
The Nazis were not socialists by any means. In fact, the socialists & communists were among the first to be rounded up & exterminated - along with homosexuals, handicapped people and gypsies. Just because you stick the word "socialist" in your name does not make you one. It's like even the name was propaganda... kinda like the flip meaning of "Right to Work State". Got it?
Or even better "Fair and Balanced!"
That anyone takes Fischer seriously is proof enough that teabaggers, who believe his crap, are terribly gullible.
It was less than 2 hours after the tragedy, that I first saw left wingers blaming it on the right. Suddenly, now... it's offensive... because someone said it about them. It's the hypocrisy of the left that I find particularly fucking stupid. Damn, they are seriously fucking delusional.

It was just as offensive then....Nothing "suddenly" about it.
Never to let a tragedy go to waste, the radical right are at it again blaming the WI massacre on the liberals.

No wonder so many people look at the evangelical far right idiots as nothing but a bunch of brainwashed scum with view like this,..

"Fundamentalist Christian radio host Bryan Fischer says that the white supremacist who massacred six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin must have been a liberal because he hated former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and had a “a left-wing political philosophy.”

Here's where it get downright hysterical:

Fischer then made the claim that Page’s identification as a neo-Nazi meant he also must have been a liberal.

“You know what the Nazi Party stands for? It’s the National Socialist Party. What about the word ‘socialist’ do you not understand? They were the National Socialist Party – that is a left-wing political philosophy,” he insisted.

Keep it classy GOP thugs,..

Bryan Fischer: Sikh temple shooter was a liberal because he hated Herman Cain | The Raw Story

We got one side claiming he was a conservative, and another that claims he was a liberal. The interesting thing is that they are both wrong.
Yeah. These type of people are beyond retarded. It is a kind of self-brainwashing.

People wonder how Nazis were able to take over Germany and exterminate all those Jews.

Well, this is how. By convincing oneself that one's hatred of others is perfectly okay. "I can't have Nazi tendencies just because I am intolerant of others. Nazis are liberals! Now help me toss this disease-infested fag into this oven."

Assholes who think Nazis are liberals are too chickenshit to actually engage them in debate and learn just how extreme right-wing they are.

Join Stormfront, jump through their hoops, and identify yourself as an anti. Spend a month or so debating them.

I bet at least half the assholes who think Nazis are liberals are going to find themselves agreeing with a lot of the shit the WNs have to say. I know this because a lot of WN shit comes spewing out of them already. They would find themselves completely defenseless against the WN arguments because of their profound ignorance. It would be a real joy watching them get their asses rhetorically stomped by those "liberals". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Lots of the OWS parasite types such as the OP say a lot of things the WNs do. But unlike the WNs, the OWS parasites have managed to codify their racism into law.
The problem for liberals is that they have been trained by the union based education system to think in cliches and reason with pop-culture logic. By their very nature liberals have no sense of historic perspective or tolerance for tradition. The Nazi party would have been considered progressive by today's progressives who hate Jews and claim that corporations are evil and Christianity should be eradicated from society. Today's libs have more in common with Mussolini's fascism than the freedom that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The "Occupy Wall Street" cult is more aligned with nazis and fascists than capitalist freedom loving Americans.
The problem for liberals is that they have been trained by the union based education system to think in cliches and reason with pop-culture logic. By their very nature liberals have no sense of historic perspective or tolerance for tradition. The Nazi party would have been considered progressive by today's progressives who hate Jews and claim that corporations are evil and Christianity should be eradicated from society. Today's libs have more in common with Mussolini's fascism than the freedom that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The "Occupy Wall Street" cult is more aligned with nazis and fascists than capitalist freedom loving Americans.

The problem for america is the plague of 3rd grade educated right wing morons like yourself that think neo-nazis = liberals and other laughable garbage you believe like you posted, that have been programming by Beck and the other radical right wing propaganda outlets to turn you into mindless sheep that don't know what in the hell you are talking about.
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The problem for liberals is that they have been trained by the union based education system to think in cliches and reason with pop-culture logic. By their very nature liberals have no sense of historic perspective or tolerance for tradition. The Nazi party would have been considered progressive by today's progressives who hate Jews and claim that corporations are evil and Christianity should be eradicated from society. Today's libs have more in common with Mussolini's fascism than the freedom that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The "Occupy Wall Street" cult is more aligned with nazis and fascists than capitalist freedom loving Americans.

The problem for america is the plague of 3rd grade educated right wing morons like yourself that think neo-nazis = liberals and other laughable garbage you believe like you posted, that have been programming by Beck and the other radical right wing propaganda outlets to turn you into mindless sheep that don't know what in the hell you are talking about.

I rest my case about the left wing concept of history. When the union based education system took over the Country history courses mysteriously disappeared and morphed into something they named social studies. Hitler and Stalin were ideologically in sync and they conspired together to take over half the world. Meanwhile both idiots were plotting against each other. Hitler rose to power while FDR was president . FDR often called Stalin "Uncle Joe" and the dying president often shared a private little joke with the monster at the expense of Churchill. The media joked that there were more communists in FDR's cabinet than the Kremlin and somehow the left has managed to convince themselves that Stalin wasn't such a bad guy and Hitler was a republican. The world is upside down to dead head liberals.
The problem for liberals is that they have been trained by the union based education system to think in cliches and reason with pop-culture logic. By their very nature liberals have no sense of historic perspective or tolerance for tradition. The Nazi party would have been considered progressive by today's progressives who hate Jews and claim that corporations are evil and Christianity should be eradicated from society. Today's libs have more in common with Mussolini's fascism than the freedom that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The "Occupy Wall Street" cult is more aligned with nazis and fascists than capitalist freedom loving Americans.

The problem for america is the plague of 3rd grade educated right wing morons like yourself that think neo-nazis = liberals and other laughable garbage you believe like you posted, that have been programming by Beck and the other radical right wing propaganda outlets to turn you into mindless sheep that don't know what in the hell you are talking about.

I rest my case about the left wing concept of history. When the union based education system took over the Country history courses mysteriously disappeared and morphed into something they named social studies. Hitler and Stalin were ideologically in sync and they conspired together to take over half the world. Meanwhile both idiots were plotting against each other. Hitler rose to power while FDR was president . FDR often called Stalin "Uncle Joe" and the dying president often shared a private little joke with the monster at the expense of Churchill. The media joked that there were more communists in FDR's cabinet than the Kremlin and somehow the left has managed to convince themselves that Stalin wasn't such a bad guy and Hitler was a republican. The world is upside down to dead head liberals.

I bet you flunked out of elementary school history, but earned an A+ at beck U :cuckoo:
Another useful tool of the statist, progressive Far right fails in basic history and comparative analysis. Give it up, whitehall. You must not have passed eighth grade.

The problem for liberals is that they have been trained by the union based education system to think in cliches and reason with pop-culture logic. By their very nature liberals have no sense of historic perspective or tolerance for tradition. The Nazi party would have been considered progressive by today's progressives who hate Jews and claim that corporations are evil and Christianity should be eradicated from society. Today's libs have more in common with Mussolini's fascism than the freedom that the Founding Fathers envisioned. The "Occupy Wall Street" cult is more aligned with nazis and fascists than capitalist freedom loving Americans.

The problem for america is the plague of 3rd grade educated right wing morons like yourself that think neo-nazis = liberals and other laughable garbage you believe like you posted, that have been programming by Beck and the other radical right wing propaganda outlets to turn you into mindless sheep that don't know what in the hell you are talking about.

I rest my case about the left wing concept of history. When the union based education system took over the Country history courses mysteriously disappeared and morphed into something they named social studies. Hitler and Stalin were ideologically in sync and they conspired together to take over half the world. Meanwhile both idiots were plotting against each other. Hitler rose to power while FDR was president . FDR often called Stalin "Uncle Joe" and the dying president often shared a private little joke with the monster at the expense of Churchill. The media joked that there were more communists in FDR's cabinet than the Kremlin and somehow the left has managed to convince themselves that Stalin wasn't such a bad guy and Hitler was a republican. The world is upside down to dead head liberals.

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