Obama Media Attacks.....Obama!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Obama should demand Priorities USA pull its ad suggesting Romney and Bain killed a woman

2. I just saw this latest Priorities USA ad suggesting that Mitt Romney, through Bain Capital, killed a woman when the firm she worked for went under and she lost her healthcare benefits and passed away from illness. Bain is a legitimate issue, so long as facts are respected and truth is taken seriously.

3. This ad is not merely over the top. It is sickening. It is despicable. It is unworthy of a sitting president.

4. It is unworthy of a candidate for president. It is unworthy even of the campaign from hell we are witnessing. It embarrasses me to be a Democrat...

5. The disgraceful behavior of certain Republicans is no excuse for an ad like this from Democrats.

6. ... the president should begin to discuss how he would lead the nation in a second term instead of running a campaign that has reached a state of pure, unadulterated negativity.

7. — an incumbent president should be able to offer more to the nation than a perpetual attack against his opponent.

8. I cannot find words appropriate to a family newspaper to describe my contempt for the campaigns of both parties. This ad is a new low, after many new lows, in a campaign from hell by both parties that insults the intelligence of all voters.

9. This ad is so far below even the minimal standards of a vile campaign in a poisoned politics of a corrupted system that I would propose that the president issue this public statement:

10. This new ad represents the fecal remains of what emerges from the eastern end of a horse facing west after an unhealthy meal, and should be thrown in the garbage can, where it belongs."
Obama should demand Priorities USA pull its ad suggesting Romney and Bain killed a woman - The Hill's Pundits Blog


Double wow!!!

The story was revealed, not by Fox....but by CNN!!!

The above contumely is by a long-time Obama supporter!!

Look, every astute observer has known for some time that Obama is over.
But the above should have been, in one form or another, the post by all our Liberal friends....those with honor and intelligence.
A top Obama campaign official is being accused of lying over what she knew about the man at the center of a damning super PAC ad tying his wife's death to Mitt Romney. Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter appeared on CNN Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that "I don't know the facts" about the case of Joe Soptic, a steelworker who appeared in a controversial ad for the pro-Obama super-PAC Priorities USA....

et in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

Read more: Obama campaign aide accused of lying over anti-Romney ad, ties to steelworker | Fox News
Oops? President Barack Obama's re-election campaign washed its hands Wednesday of an independent group's vicious (and misleading) ad effectively blaming Mitt Romney for the death of a laid-off steelworker's wife from cancer. Campaign officials flatly denied any knowledge of the facts in the case—but it turns out the widower told the same story on an Obama campaign conference call in mid-May. (The Obama campaign responded late in the day: See update below).
"We have nothing, no involvement, with any ads that are done by Priorities USA. We don't have any knowledge of the story of the family," Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday.

But there's a problem. As Politico first reported, Soptic told essentially the same story in a May 14, 2012, conference call hosted by the Obama campaign.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

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