Evacuating Israel

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
In case that whole Jewish homeland thing doesn’t work out, these are some logistics for relocating approximately 7 million residents from Israel and the West Bank:

Airbus A321 capacity: Apx. 200 passengers. Two flights an hour, 20 hours a day: 8000.
x 365 days = 2,920,000.
Airbus A350 capacity: Up to 480. One flight an hour, 20 hours a day: 9,600.
x 365 days: 3,504,000.

In 2019, Ben Gurion Airport handled 24.8 million passengers. The suggested refugee volume is comparatively modest and could likely be increased. The flights would be augmented by cargo planes carrying personal possessions.

Average capacity of a cruise ship: 3,000. Two departures per week x 52 weeks: 312,000. Again, cargo ships could carry personal belongings.

Total: 6,736,000

US nationals could be removed from the Middle East using US Navy ships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean if 600,000 U.S. citizens in Israel needed to be relocated.

US prepares to evacuate 600,000 Americans from Israel

6,736,000 + 600,000 = 7,336,000

Potential destinations: the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, to a lesser extent, Central and South America and parts of Asia and Africa.
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In case that whole Jewish homeland thing doesn’t work out
If you want people to seriously entertain this hypothetical, you need to at least make it somewhat realistic. Explain how Israel could ever find itself losing their homeland. Surely you dont think that any muslim nation or even a combination of muslim nations could ever defeat Israel, so what are you even talking about?
If you want me to seriously entertain this hypothetical, you need to at least make it somewhat realistic. Explain how Israel could ever find itself losing their homeland? Surely you dont think that any muslim nation or even a combination of muslim nations, could defeat Israel, so what are you even talking about?
The Muslim world is trying to win the PR battle.
The United States is a Jewish Nation already ... bring them here ... they can build their Third Temple in Jerusalem, New York ... read the Bible, it didn't say the Temple had to be in the Levant, does it? ...

Ha ha ... just joking ... the land there belongs to the Jews ... that's not in question ... what is in question is whether the existing residents of the land have to leave ... the answer was "yes", and that population was removed to Jordon ...

It didn't work ... and God is angry at the Jews for that ... and God only punishes those He loves ... we're not better, just God loves the Jews more than us ... we're not getting the switchin's like they are ...
The Muslim world is trying to win the PR battle.
Lets assume they lose the PR battle, then what? They lose the war? Hell motherfucking no they wont. They wont lose shit. People will complain, but that will be the extent of it. Israel will not stop until they are statisfied that Hamas wont ever return. Nothing is going to stop that now, not even bad PR.
In case that whole Jewish homeland thing doesn’t work out, these are some logistics for relocating approximately 7 million residents from Israel and the West Bank:

Airbus A321 capacity: Apx. 200 passengers. Two flights an hour, 20 hours a day: 8000.
x 365 days = 2,920,000.
Airbus A350 capacity: Up to 480. One flight an hour, 20 hours a day: 9,600.
x 365 days: 3,504,000.

In 2019, Ben Gurion Airport handled 24.8 million passengers. The suggested refugee volume is comparatively modest and could likely be increased. The flights would be augmented by cargo planes carrying personal possessions.

Average capacity of a cruise ship: 3,000. Two departures per week x 52 weeks: 312,000. Again, cargo ships could carry personal belongings.

Total: 6,736,000

US nationals could be removed from the Middle East using US Navy ships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean if 600,000 U.S. citizens in Israel needed to be relocated.

US prepares to evacuate 600,000 Americans from Israel

6,736,000 + 600,000 = 7,336,000

Potential destinations: the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, to a lesser extent, Central and South America and parts of Asia and Africa.
Another diaspora.
If you want people to seriously entertain this hypothetical, you need to at least make it somewhat realistic. Explain how Israel could ever find itself losing their homeland. Surely you dont think that any muslim nation or even a combination of muslim nations could ever defeat Israel, so what are you even talking about?
The only thing keeping them from attacking Israel is our military. They have the means to level Israel regardless of Israel's 'iron dome'.
Seems more likely they'll be 'evacuating' to the east.
The only thing keeping them from attacking Israel is our military. They have the means to level Israel regardless of Israel's 'iron dome'.
If they overwhelmed the Irondome, Israel would suffer many casualties, but their response would be catastrophic. They would be forced to level the nation where the rockets are coming from. They can quite easily carpet bomb any muslim nation into oblivion if they no longer care about preserving civilian casualties, and in your scenario they would definitely not care about that anymore. They could even use nukes, and most certainly would use them LONG before they were ever on the brink of destruction themselves.

Im not seeing any scenario where Israel would be in a position to need a new homeland.
"Let's Leave the Country Together" campaign:


In the midst of the ongoing war that broke out after October 7th, a campaign under the name "Let's Leave the Country Together" was renewed, calling on Israeli families through social media networks to search for destinations around the world for temporary or permanent residence, while providing job opportunities and investment in business projects.

The campaign included, for example, large groups on the WhatsApp application, the vast majority of whom are from the Israeli citizenship, and some of them are Israelis residing outside the country and staying in different countries around the world, especially in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

The group expanded its activities with the escalation of security tension and the absence of any signs for the end of the war, and offered its assistance to anyone holding an Israeli passport, not only to those with dual nationality who only possess a foreign passport.

Yaniv Gorlik, one of the organizers of the campaign, who manages it on the Facebook platform, stated that about 5,000 people from Israel had joined, and their inquiries revolve around leaving and traveling abroad, even temporarily until the end of the war, including those inquiring about opportunities to obtain a work visa in European countries.

Reverse Israeli migration in the hundreds of thousands
"Let's Leave the Country Together" campaign:

View attachment 856770

In the midst of the ongoing war that broke out after October 7th, a campaign under the name "Let's Leave the Country Together" was renewed, calling on Israeli families through social media networks to search for destinations around the world for temporary or permanent residence, while providing job opportunities and investment in business projects.

The campaign included, for example, large groups on the WhatsApp application, the vast majority of whom are from the Israeli citizenship, and some of them are Israelis residing outside the country and staying in different countries around the world, especially in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

The group expanded its activities with the escalation of security tension and the absence of any signs for the end of the war, and offered its assistance to anyone holding an Israeli passport, not only to those with dual nationality who only possess a foreign passport.

Yaniv Gorlik, one of the organizers of the campaign, who manages it on the Facebook platform, stated that about 5,000 people from Israel had joined, and their inquiries revolve around leaving and traveling abroad, even temporarily until the end of the war, including those inquiring about opportunities to obtain a work visa in European countries.

Reverse Israeli migration in the hundreds of thousands
That article is fake. Jews are not interested in leaving. In fact, they want to stay so bad that they are now kicking the dogshit out of Gaza. Are they saying 9,000 palestinians dead? That is just a drop of water in the sea of death that is currently pouring over Gaza. I expect 6 digit death numbers before this is over.

If youre pinning your hopes on jews leaving Israel, you are destined for disappointment. :dunno:
The "Let's Leave the Country Together" campaign is a social media campaign that was launched in December 2022 and renewed in October 2023, calling on Israelis to leave the country. The campaign was started by Yaniv Goralik, a left-wing activist who said he was concerned about the rise of religious extremism in Israel.

Goralik told the Middle East Monitor that he launched the campaign because he was "worried about the future of Israel." He said that the country was becoming increasingly divided and that he felt that it was no longer a safe place for his family to live.

The campaign has attracted a lot of attention on social media, with hundreds of Israelis joining the group's accounts on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram. However, it is not clear how many people have actually followed the call to migrate.

The campaign has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised Goralik for his courage and for speaking out against the rise of religious extremism. Others have criticized the campaign, saying that it is irresponsible and that it could damage Israel's reputation.

It is too early to say what the long-term impact of the "Let's Leave the Country Together" campaign will be. However, it is a sign of the growing discontent among some Israelis with the current political and social climate in the country.
If they overwhelmed the Irondome, Israel would suffer many casualties, but their response would be catastrophic. They would be forced to level the nation where the rockets are coming from. They can quite easily carpet bomb any muslim nation into oblivion if they no longer care about preserving civilian casualties, and in your scenario they would definitely not care about that anymore. They could even use nukes, and most certainly would use them LONG before they were ever on the brink of destruction themselves.

Im not seeing any scenario where Israel would be in a position to need a new homeland.
Of course not. That's not what God has planned for them.
In case that whole Jewish homeland thing doesn’t work out, these are some logistics for relocating approximately 7 million residents from Israel and the West Bank:

Airbus A321 capacity: Apx. 200 passengers. Two flights an hour, 20 hours a day: 8000.
x 365 days = 2,920,000.
Airbus A350 capacity: Up to 480. One flight an hour, 20 hours a day: 9,600.
x 365 days: 3,504,000.

In 2019, Ben Gurion Airport handled 24.8 million passengers. The suggested refugee volume is comparatively modest and could likely be increased. The flights would be augmented by cargo planes carrying personal possessions.

Average capacity of a cruise ship: 3,000. Two departures per week x 52 weeks: 312,000. Again, cargo ships could carry personal belongings.

Total: 6,736,000

US nationals could be removed from the Middle East using US Navy ships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean if 600,000 U.S. citizens in Israel needed to be relocated.

US prepares to evacuate 600,000 Americans from Israel

6,736,000 + 600,000 = 7,336,000

Potential destinations: the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, to a lesser extent, Central and South America and parts of Asia and Africa.
Somebody has a lot of time on their hands.
If you want people to seriously entertain this hypothetical, you need to at least make it somewhat realistic. Explain how Israel could ever find itself losing their homeland.
Hamas and/or Hezbollah use their connections with those in oil rich countries to get their hands on bigger and better missiles.
If they overwhelmed the Irondome, Israel would suffer many casualties, but their response would be catastrophic.
---Why the Technology Behind SDI Didn't Work---

The Muslim world is trying to win the PR battle.

Apparently you've never heard of Israel's paid, trained and scripted army of Hasbara trolls.

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.”

Campaign to infiltrate Wikipedia

CAMERA called for volunteers to secretly work on editing Wikipedia entries. It emphasized the importance of keeping the project secret. Volunteers were schooled in ways to elude detection. After they signed up as editors, they were to “avoid editing Israel-related articles for a short period of time.”CONTINUED
---Iron Dome has been largely successful in preventing Hamas rockets from causing serious casualties to date. But is has its weaknesses...---


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