EV Tires

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
EV's are major polluters. Making their batteries pollutes. Making many of the car parts pollutes. Manufacturing the electric to charge them pollutes. Transporting them around the world pollutes. Now, they go through tires four times faster than regular cars, and tires pollute, not to mention a set of tires for an EV cost about $1500, about every 7,000 miles. But, let's have the government mandate that everyone must own one so we can save the environment.

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Well, we should definitely buy ICE cars because they grow on trees and don’t cause pollution in manufacturing.

Hertz gave us the ghost. Ford can't sell the crates
Did you know that it was Democrats who BANNED paper grocery bags, to save trees? They FORCED everyone to begin using plastic bags...decades later they had created the greatest plastic pollution problem known to man. Dems looking over the giant mess they made then...BANNED plastic grocery bags and FORCED everyone to start using paper bags again. WTF!!
Did you know that it was Democrats who BANNED paper grocery bags, to save trees? They FORCED everyone to begin using plastic bags...decades later they had created the greatest plastic pollution problem known to man. Dems looking over the giant mess they made then...BANNED plastic grocery bags and FORCED everyone to start using paper bags again. WTF!!

Yeah, they're demoquacks.

Utterly worthless
You missed the point and then put up a strawman argument.

We are being told EVs are the answer, when obviously they aren’t.
Not at all. Everyone complains that EVs generate pollution in their manufacture, but that’s true for literally anything.
During the Bill Clinton REGIME when Democrats WRECKED the timber industry and gifted it to Canada. Dem idiots were all about saving trees and the Spotted Owl. In 2023 the Dem idiots did a 180 and went back to paper bags, morons!
Do you have a source for this claim or is it just “trust me bro”?
The extraction of lithium ores is extremely dangerous to the environment and the surrounding ecosystems. The complete destructions of ecosystems, soils, forests, river systems, air quality, is simply something to behold.
Fortunately you don’t have to fill your tank with lithium every week.

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