Europe Swings 'Right' As America Mired in the 'Left'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
- RISE OF PETRY: Support for German right-wing party grows amid crisis...
- The Rise of a New Right in Europe | Atlantic Sentinel
- The Rise Of Europe's Religious Right

Anyone else noticed how Europe, who went the way of Socialism, and survived the inevitable collapse that came with it every time, is going to the 'right'...and wondering what the hail we're doing and why we did not learn anything from their example...while our self-appointed 'rulers' are determined to drag the nation kicking and screaming farther to the 'Left'?

Europe has gone through the 'Fundamental Change' Obama and Progressive Liberals like Reid Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell are succeeding in imposing here, and they no longer want any part of it. I wonder if, after our inevitable collapse that will come from repeating their mistakes, will this nation be able to survive as they did, or will we cease to exist?!
Here's a thread where I LOLed at the title alone.

"America" and "left" in the same sentence -- that's hilarious!

The membrane of Duh Bubble is thick with this one.

Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.
Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.

I suppose it does look that way for you and all the other nut bags inside that bubble with you. So sad that you really believe all that rightwing bullshit.
Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.

I suppose it does look that way for you and all the other nut bags inside that bubble with you. So sad that you really believe all that rightwing bullshit.

Within the 1st week in office, a President who had JUST sworn an oath ro uphold and defend the Constitution and Rule of law declared to the American people that he would NOT enforce a law because he personally had a problem with it....yeah, that's about as 'middle of the road' centrist as this nation has ever been....

The man ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and to Syrian Rebels who became ISIS...he is providing the world's leading supplier of terrorism to the world the opportunity to get nukes against the will of 66% of Congress and against the will of 78% of Americans that oppose the deal...yeah, that's democracy alright, baby!

This President injected himself into Egypt's election to help an internationally recognized terrorist organization take over the govt of our ally Egypt...and he took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11 and who had spent a decade recruiting jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq from Libya to kill Americans - take over Libya. Yeah, that's not ultra-left at all.

I will just file this under 'agree to disagree'. Have a good one.

Republicans believe religion trumps law. Which is the same thing the Taliban believes.
Republicans believe religion trumps law. Which is the same thing the Taliban believes.

Oh, so you are the self-appointed spokesman for the entire Republican party now?

Hey, next time you see John Boehner, punch him in his big fat Liberal head for me, and tell him THAT was from all the Americans he is refusing to represent and is $crewing over!
Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.

I suppose it does look that way for you and all the other nut bags inside that bubble with you. So sad that you really believe all that rightwing bullshit.

Within the 1st week in office, a President who had JUST sworn an oath ro uphold and defend the Constitution and Rule of law declared to the American people that he would NOT enforce a law because he personally had a problem with it....yeah, that's about as 'middle of the road' centrist as this nation has ever been....

The man ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and to Syrian Rebels who became ISIS...he is providing the world's leading supplier of terrorism to the world the opportunity to get nukes against the will of 66% of Congress and against the will of 78% of Americans that oppose the deal...yeah, that's democracy alright, baby!

This President injected himself into Egypt's election to help an internationally recognized terrorist organization take over the govt of our ally Egypt...and he took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11 and who had spent a decade recruiting jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq from Libya to kill Americans - take over Libya. Yeah, that's not ultra-left at all.

I will just file this under 'agree to disagree'. Have a good one.


Only someone inside the crazy bubble would see those things as you describe. If he personally offered you an ice cream cone, you would probably accuse him of trying to give you a brain freeze stroke.
I don't see the euroweenies ever really going to a free market economy. They've been subjugated by monarchs and criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths for so long that I seriously doubt they could do it.

Only someone inside the crazy bubble would see those things as you describe. If he personally offered you an ice cream cone, you would probably accuse him of trying to give you a brain freeze stroke.


So you are saying Obama did not announce to the American people that he was not going to enforce DOMA? Funny, it was reported and recorded that way....

So you are saying his administration did NOT provide guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels and from Benghazi to the Syrian Rebels who became ISIS? Facts show differently...

You are claiming that Obama played no part in the Egyptian election being moved up instead of being held on schedule the next year, which benefitted the terrorist group that took control...and which the military had to overthrow. (Yeah, I am sure our country would have accepted a terrorist group running our country, too...)

And you are saying the rebels in Libya who Obama armed and went to war with were NOT the same ones who recruited jihadists in NEern Libya for decades to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US soldiers....cause the FACTS and reports all show they WERE. I guess you are also claiming Obama / Hillary never hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to help guard an American Ambassador..and that he didn't reduce the number of US security detail members after 2 previous attacks on the compound and knowing there was a call for the ambassador's assassination on the anniversary of 9/11/12....interesting since reports say differently and even the Libyan ruler said he personally warned of this threat.

Yeah, you and I definitely see things differently. I look at reports, facts, etc...I don't know what the hail you're looking at, but again, you have your right to your opinion.
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Only someone inside the crazy bubble would see those things as you describe. If he personally offered you an ice cream cone, you would probably accuse him of trying to give you a brain freeze stroke.

So you are saying Obama did not announce to the American people that he was not going to enforce DOMA? Funny, it was reported and recorded that way....

So you are saying his administration did NOT provide guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels and from Benghazi to the Syrian Rebels who became ISIS? Facts show differently...

You are claiming that Obama played no part in the Egyptian election being moved up instead of being held on schedule the next year, which benefitted the terrorist group that took control...and which the military had to overthrow. (Yeah, I am sure our country would have accepted a terrorist group running our country, too...)

And you are saying the rebels in Libya who Obama armed and went to war with were NOT the same ones who recruited jihadists in NEern Libya for decades to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US soldiers....cause the FACTS and reports all show they WERE. I guess you are also claiming Obama / Hillary never hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to help guard an American Ambassador..and that he didn't reduce the number of US security detail members after 2 previous attacks on the compound and knowing there was a call for the ambassador's assassination on the anniversary of 9/11/12....interesting since reports say differently and even the Libyan ruler said he personally warned of this threat.

Yeah, you and I definitely see things differently. I look at reports, facts, etc...I don't know what the hail you're looking at, but again, you have your right to your opinion.

I'm saying your efforts to misrepresent all those situations is from inside the crazy bubble. You should step outside and see things as they really are instead of letting rush and hannity think for you.
I'm saying your efforts to misrepresent all those situations is from inside the crazy bubble. You should step outside and see things as they really are instead of letting rush and hannity think for you.

No, in order to exonerate Obama from any and all wrong doing you are attempting to ignore facts and claim that I am misrepresenting all those situations. The fact that you did not deny any of those, that you instead engage in personal attacks on me, did not go me or others.
Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.

I suppose it does look that way for you and all the other nut bags inside that bubble with you. So sad that you really believe all that rightwing bullshit.

the only idiot i see is you clueless left-wing moron.

Bill Clinton REDUCED WELFARE; Obama INCREASED IT; wiping out the Clinton-era welfare reform

Clinton REDUCED TAXES ON THE RICHEST AMERICANS, when ha agreed to lower the capital gains tax, which is how the richest make their money.

Clinton WORKED WITH REPUBLICANS, even though they tried to IMPEACH HIM

there USED TO BE ALOT MORE so-called "Blue-dog Democrats" who leaned Conservative, even PRO-LIFE DEMOCRATS..................... now they HAVE BEEN PURGED OUT OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY BY PROGRESSIVES

your statement left-wing idiot applies more aptly to YOU; you idiots on the Left think everybody is on the far right because you are too stupid, too brainwashed, to see how far to the Left your own Party has drifted.
Maybe if you idiots spent less time hypocritically pointing fingers at others you wouldnt look so STUPID
Now this is funny. NOW you want to model after Europe. When they were doing other things, like coming to an educated conclusion with the aid of scientists about climate chance, it was verboten. And accepting others for their own person, again proibito.
Ah!! but now it is ok.
Again, hypocrite is thy name.

- RISE OF PETRY: Support for German right-wing party grows amid crisis...
- The Rise of a New Right in Europe | Atlantic Sentinel
- The Rise Of Europe's Religious Right

Anyone else noticed how Europe, who went the way of Socialism, and survived the inevitable collapse that came with it every time, is going to the 'right'...and wondering what the hail we're doing and why we did not learn anything from their example...while our self-appointed 'rulers' are determined to drag the nation kicking and screaming farther to the 'Left'?

Europe has gone through the 'Fundamental Change' Obama and Progressive Liberals like Reid Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell are succeeding in imposing here, and they no longer want any part of it. I wonder if, after our inevitable collapse that will come from repeating their mistakes, will this nation be able to survive as they did, or will we cease to exist?!
I'm saying your efforts to misrepresent all those situations is from inside the crazy bubble. You should step outside and see things as they really are instead of letting rush and hannity think for you.

No, in order to exonerate Obama from any and all wrong doing you are attempting to ignore facts and claim that I am misrepresenting all those situations. The fact that you did not deny any of those, that you instead engage in personal attacks on me, did not go me or others.

Bulldog is a coward and a race-baiting loser who i embarrassed badly recently. He isnt interested in facts; just his spoon-fed narrative
Now this is funny. NOW you want to model after Europe. When they were doing other things, like coming to an educated conclusion with the aid of scientists about climate chance, it was verboten. And accepting others for their own person, again proibito.
Ah!! but now it is ok.
Again, hypocrite is thy name.

- RISE OF PETRY: Support for German right-wing party grows amid crisis...
- The Rise of a New Right in Europe | Atlantic Sentinel
- The Rise Of Europe's Religious Right

Anyone else noticed how Europe, who went the way of Socialism, and survived the inevitable collapse that came with it every time, is going to the 'right'...and wondering what the hail we're doing and why we did not learn anything from their example...while our self-appointed 'rulers' are determined to drag the nation kicking and screaming farther to the 'Left'?

Europe has gone through the 'Fundamental Change' Obama and Progressive Liberals like Reid Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell are succeeding in imposing here, and they no longer want any part of it. I wonder if, after our inevitable collapse that will come from repeating their mistakes, will this nation be able to survive as they did, or will we cease to exist?!

actually you're just making shit up moron. what REALLY happened is that they were CAUGHT RED-HANDED CHERRY-PICKING DATA to come to the global-warming "conclusion", then caught TRYING TO SMEAR THE PEOPLE WHO EXPOSED THEM

stop lying to yourself idiot
Calling names really does not give you and credence. But if you think it makes u look big and tough, keep at it. But it doesn't it makes you look like an idiot and a moron.
WOW! This is easy. Insulting is your forte it looks good on your stupid ugly face. So says "the donald"

Now this is funny. NOW you want to model after Europe. When they were doing other things, like coming to an educated conclusion with the aid of scientists about climate chance, it was verboten. And accepting others for their own person, again proibito.
Ah!! but now it is ok.
Again, hypocrite is thy name.

- RISE OF PETRY: Support for German right-wing party grows amid crisis...
- The Rise of a New Right in Europe | Atlantic Sentinel
- The Rise Of Europe's Religious Right

Anyone else noticed how Europe, who went the way of Socialism, and survived the inevitable collapse that came with it every time, is going to the 'right'...and wondering what the hail we're doing and why we did not learn anything from their example...while our self-appointed 'rulers' are determined to drag the nation kicking and screaming farther to the 'Left'?

Europe has gone through the 'Fundamental Change' Obama and Progressive Liberals like Reid Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell are succeeding in imposing here, and they no longer want any part of it. I wonder if, after our inevitable collapse that will come from repeating their mistakes, will this nation be able to survive as they did, or will we cease to exist?!

actually you're just making shit up moron. what REALLY happened is that they were CAUGHT RED-HANDED CHERRY-PICKING DATA to come to the global-warming "conclusion", then caught TRYING TO SMEAR THE PEOPLE WHO EXPOSED THEM

stop lying to yourself idiot
Calling names really does not give you and credence. But if you think it makes u look big and tough, keep at it. But it doesn't it makes you look like an idiot and a moron.
WOW! This is easy. Insulting is your forte it looks good on your stupid ugly face. So says "the donald"

Now this is funny. NOW you want to model after Europe. When they were doing other things, like coming to an educated conclusion with the aid of scientists about climate chance, it was verboten. And accepting others for their own person, again proibito.
Ah!! but now it is ok.
Again, hypocrite is thy name.

- RISE OF PETRY: Support for German right-wing party grows amid crisis...
- The Rise of a New Right in Europe | Atlantic Sentinel
- The Rise Of Europe's Religious Right

Anyone else noticed how Europe, who went the way of Socialism, and survived the inevitable collapse that came with it every time, is going to the 'right'...and wondering what the hail we're doing and why we did not learn anything from their example...while our self-appointed 'rulers' are determined to drag the nation kicking and screaming farther to the 'Left'?

Europe has gone through the 'Fundamental Change' Obama and Progressive Liberals like Reid Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell are succeeding in imposing here, and they no longer want any part of it. I wonder if, after our inevitable collapse that will come from repeating their mistakes, will this nation be able to survive as they did, or will we cease to exist?!

actually you're just making shit up moron. what REALLY happened is that they were CAUGHT RED-HANDED CHERRY-PICKING DATA to come to the global-warming "conclusion", then caught TRYING TO SMEAR THE PEOPLE WHO EXPOSED THEM

stop lying to yourself idiot

it's not about trying to look tough; your post is idiotic.
I'm saying your efforts to misrepresent all those situations is from inside the crazy bubble. You should step outside and see things as they really are instead of letting rush and hannity think for you.

No, in order to exonerate Obama from any and all wrong doing you are attempting to ignore facts and claim that I am misrepresenting all those situations. The fact that you did not deny any of those, that you instead engage in personal attacks on me, did not go me or others.

To prevent confusion, I deny the ridiculous spin you put on each of those situations. A sane person can see it as just so many right wing lies
Pogo, the country has swung so far t the 'Left', especially under Obama, that what was once considered 'Centrist' is now considered 'Far Right Wing' to Liberals.

I suppose it does look that way for you and all the other nut bags inside that bubble with you. So sad that you really believe all that rightwing bullshit.

Within the 1st week in office, a President who had JUST sworn an oath ro uphold and defend the Constitution and Rule of law declared to the American people that he would NOT enforce a law because he personally had a problem with it....yeah, that's about as 'middle of the road' centrist as this nation has ever been....

The man ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and to Syrian Rebels who became ISIS...he is providing the world's leading supplier of terrorism to the world the opportunity to get nukes against the will of 66% of Congress and against the will of 78% of Americans that oppose the deal...yeah, that's democracy alright, baby!

This President injected himself into Egypt's election to help an internationally recognized terrorist organization take over the govt of our ally Egypt...and he took the nation to war on his own to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11 and who had spent a decade recruiting jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq from Libya to kill Americans - take over Libya. Yeah, that's not ultra-left at all.

I will just file this under 'agree to disagree'. Have a good one.

A) What BS law was that, dupe?

B) Ran guns? Total RW idiocy...Jihadists are leftists? What a pile of nonsense. Get some fresh air and read something . Ay caramba.

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