Etiquette Faux Pas or How Much She Respects the Flag / Country?

Awwwww look at the conservatives being a bunch of PC babies .

Don't y'all always rail against political correctness ? Hypocrites .
I'm surprised the RWnuts around here haven't reacted to this the same way they reacted to this...


once upon a time.

Oh wait, sorry, I fibbed. I'm not surprised at all.
Is it on the floor?


does that make it the same?

only to the deluded

Is Hillary Clinton in the other photo? Is she even aware those flags are laying there?

You're an idiot. How can blame Clinton for the whatever you imagine is wrong with the OP?
Awwwww look at the conservatives bing a bunch of PC babies .

Don't y'all always rail against political correctness ? Hypocrites .
And here's a leftist dog comparing respect for the Flag to the pc bullshit he supports.

just more proof that leftist hate America

Oh but but but , conservatives aren't bothered by silly PC nonsense ???
Any of them running for President you ignorant ****?

Any of them drop it on the floor in a pile you fucking pile of scum?

Yes, you flaming POS.

what a fucking tool

are you really comparing a dropped plastic toy Flag to that **** piling them on the floor on purpose?

get the fuck out of America

Did someone prove that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with this?
The company you keep

good lord, any excuse for you leftist will do

Tell us who, specifically, sets up a room like that for a meeting,

and tell us how you know for sure who does it.
Any of them running for President you ignorant ****?

Any of them drop it on the floor in a pile you fucking pile of scum?

Yes, you flaming POS.

what a fucking tool

are you really comparing a dropped plastic toy Flag to that **** piling them on the floor on purpose?

get the fuck out of America

Did someone prove that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with this?
The company you keep

good lord, any excuse for you leftist will do

Tell us who, specifically, sets up a room like that for a meeting,

and tell us how you know for sure who does it.
Hillary was in charge, she's the boss, the top dog, it's all her responsibility to see things are done right.

but not to you, only non-dems are responsible for the actions of those they hire
Yes, you flaming POS.

what a fucking tool

are you really comparing a dropped plastic toy Flag to that **** piling them on the floor on purpose?

get the fuck out of America

Did someone prove that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with this?
The company you keep

good lord, any excuse for you leftist will do

Tell us who, specifically, sets up a room like that for a meeting,

and tell us how you know for sure who does it.
Hillary was in charge, she's the boss, the top dog, it's all her responsibility to see things are done right.

but not to you, only non-dems are responsible for the actions of those they hire

it's good to know you're going to be as clinton-deranged as you have been obama deranged.

It's no secret that the extreme left has no respect for tradition or patriotism. That's the very definition of progressive democrats. The same people who fought for and won and flaunted a supreme court decision back in the 60's that cited the 1st Amendment's right to free speech included the right to desecrate the American Flag are the same people who are attacking the 1st Amendment right to free speech on college campuses and everywhere else today. The same lefties who shat on and burned and used Old Glory to patch the seat of their pants are now in charge of the democrat party. No surprises here.
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It's no secret that the extreme left has no respect for tradition or patriotism. That's the very definition of progressive democrats. The same people who fought for and won and flaunted a supreme court decision back in the 60's that cited the 1st Amendment's right to free speech included the right to desecrate the American Flag are the same people who are attacking the 1st Amendment right to free speech on college campuses and everywhere else today. The same lefties who shat on and burned and used Old Glory to patch the seat of their pants are now in charge of the democrat party. No surprises here.

The extreme left didn't want to send thousands of young Americans off to die needlessly in places like Iraq.

Why not ask their loved ones,

would they rather have their dead back,

or that neatly folded flag as their consolation prize?
Yes, you flaming POS.

what a fucking tool

are you really comparing a dropped plastic toy Flag to that **** piling them on the floor on purpose?

get the fuck out of America

Did someone prove that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with this?
The company you keep

good lord, any excuse for you leftist will do

Tell us who, specifically, sets up a room like that for a meeting,

and tell us how you know for sure who does it.
Hillary was in charge, she's the boss, the top dog, it's all her responsibility to see things are done right.

but not to you, only non-dems are responsible for the actions of those they hire

This is like mini-Benghazi. lol.

Prove that Hillary even knew this happened.
It's no secret that the extreme left has no respect for tradition or patriotism. That's the very definition of progressive democrats. The same people who fought for and won and flaunted a supreme court decision back in the 60's that cited the 1st Amendment's right to free speech included the right to desecrate the American Flag are the same people who are attacking the 1st Amendment right to free speech on college campuses and everywhere else today. The same lefties who shat on and burned and used Old Glory to patch the seat of their pants are now in charge of the democrat party. No surprises here.

Conservatives are so much for free speech that they constantly try to pass anti flag burning laws. Bunch of PC thugs .
Actually, NYC, one of the current liberal 2016 presidential candidates thought going to war in Iraq was such a great idea that she voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war. Several years ago she was asked about that vote, and she said she had no regrets about it.

She was not alone - many Democrats voted for it. They didn't just vote for it - many of them argued for going to war.
- Now let's hear the standard BS about how they were duped, ignorant. lol Whatever.

Let's compare that to the current President who felt so strongly for the need to take the country to war, though there was no pressing immediate need to do so, that he by-passed Congress and took the country to war on his own, using our military in TREASONOUS fashion to help Al Qaeida, the terrorist perpetrators of the 9/11/01 attack on the US, take over their own country.

Obama didn't go before the citizens of this country and Congress to make a case for going to war in Libya because he knew there was no way in HELL he could make a case for using our military to help AL QAEIDA! It's what HE wanted to do, though, so he by-passed Congress and took the country to war on his own!
I'm surprised the RWnuts around here haven't reacted to this the same way they reacted to this...


once upon a time.

Oh wait, sorry, I fibbed. I'm not surprised at all.
Is it on the floor?


does that make it the same?

only to the deluded
Neither is Clinton's flag on the floor, that lie has already been debunked. After it was established that the flag was on a table like riser, the Right then bitched that it was crumpled rather than folded neatly, thus the picture of America-hating Palin posing with a disrespectfully crumpled flag.
Get it?
Conservatives are so much for free speech that they constantly try to pass anti flag burning laws. Bunch of PC thugs .
Their heart is in the right place, as they are extremely patriotic...unlike liberals like Hillary who care so little for this country and our flag that she and her NH campaign team piled Americans flags up on the floor.
Actually, NYC, one of the current liberal 2016 presidential candidates thought going to war in Iraq was such a great idea that she voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war. Several years ago she was asked about that vote, and she said she had no regrets about it.

She was not alone - many Democrats voted for it. They didn't just vote for it - many of them argued for going to war.
- Now let's hear the standard BS about how they were duped, ignorant. lol Whatever.

Let's compare that to the current President who felt so strongly for the need to take the country to war, though there was no pressing immediate need to do so, that he by-passed Congress and took the country to war on his own, using our military in TREASONOUS fashion to help Al Qaeida, the terrorist perpetrators of the 9/11/01 attack on the US, take over their own country.

Obama didn't go before the citizens of this country and Congress to make a case for going to war in Libya because he knew there was no way in HELL he could make a case for using our military to help AL QAEIDA! It's what HE wanted to do, though, so he by-passed Congress and took the country to war on his own!

You people are depressingly stupid.

Most Democrats voted against the Iraq war. If the Democrats had had their way, there would have been no Iraq war.
Conservatives are so much for free speech that they constantly try to pass anti flag burning laws. Bunch of PC thugs .
Their heart is in the right place, as they are extremely patriotic...unlike liberals like Hillary who care so little for this country and our flag that she and her NH campaign team piled Americans flags up on the floor.

Prove that she was even there.

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