Establishment Republicans Consider Working with Democrats to Pick House Speaker

Yeah, that is what Trump promised but that was a lie. You still believe that?

Use common sense. How do you get tremendous healthcare at unbelievable savings without it being socialized?

We never got a chance to see the plan, as McCain voted against it at the last moment out of spite.

If the plan was a failure, as you are inferring here, why did McCain vote "no". You'd think he would be happy to see a Trump failure.

The fact that McCain voted against it is prima facie proof that the plan was tremendous, so it had to be stopped.
We never got a chance to see the plan, as McCain voted against it at the last moment out of spite.

If the plan was a failure, as you are inferring here, why did McCain vote "no". You'd think he would be happy to see a Trump failure.

The fact that McCain voted against it is prima facie proof that the plan was tremendous, so it had to be stopped.

McCain voted against repealing Obamacare without having a plan to replace it

Why didn’t the rest of Republicans?
McCain voted against repealing Obamacare without having a plan to replace it

Why didn’t the rest of Republicans?

There WAS a plan, Trumpcare.

It would have meant tremendous healthcare which would have made people almost happy to be sick, and at savings which would be almost unbelievable.

But it had to be passed before we could see it.
There WAS a plan, Trumpcare.

It would have meant tremendous healthcare which would have made people almost happy to be sick, and at savings which would be almost unbelievable.

But it had to be passed before we could see it.

McCain voted FOR Trumpcare
It still failed to pass

When Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare without a replacement for tens of millions……McCain voted thumbs down
We never got a chance to see the plan, as McCain voted against it at the last moment out of spite.

This is somewhat true. Repubs we're literally hiding it in locked rooms so nobody could see it. Lol.

"Irritated by the secrecy, Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, House Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and others called on the GOP to expose the bill to the public, so that it could be analyzed.

Paul and other members of Congress then went on a hunt to try,..."

New Obamacare replacement bill is being hidden in a basement, out of view of public, and even this GOP senator can't see it

No. It wasn't spite. His voters in Arizona did not want to lose Obamacare so he represented the will of the voters. Pro tip: That is what our representatives are supposed to do.

If the plan was a failure, as you are inferring here, why did McCain vote "no". You'd think he would be happy to see a Trump failure.

? You expect McCain to punish his voters by removing their healthcare because of spite over Trump? Good grief.

The fact that McCain voted against it is prima facie proof that the plan was tremendous, so it had to be stopped.
With all due respect, that is one of the most illogical statements I have ever read.
If the GOP respected the will of the people, why on Earth did they contest the will of the people in the 2020 presidential election with absolutely no proof of widespread election fraud??
A swindle isn't the will of the people, nimrod.
wow, you really don't keep up with current events....Liz is out of a job in Jan.....the people of the great state of Wyoming rejected Liz's power grab and alliance with the Demafascist
So you're unaware that the Speaker need not be a sitting member?

Add that to the list
Democrats have gotten Republicans to vote for their bills on infrastructure, gun control and semiconductors

Why don’t Republicans do the same?
they did, hence why they voted with the Dems on those cases....they got the dems to come back from example from their radical gun control proposals and got a reasonable bill passed
Republicans contested those electors, no one else. And again, with no proof of fraud. That's the opposite of respecting the will of the voters.
They objected, as the law allows....and as Dems have done in every election they lost this century. Fraud is not a requirement.....moreover, that is in the Presidential election, not a Congressional eleciton, like the one Liz didn't even get the nomination of the Republican party just poo pooed the idea of Cheney being named Speaker because she "lost her job"
yeah....why would they want to make someone Speaker that literally just lost in a primary and never got the GOP nomination? How does that translate to me not knowing that anyone can be Speaker?

Your ignorance is amazing.
really? Like when?
You have to understand (but never will) the two parties are first foremost corporatist and imperialist. They both serve the same masters and they don’t give a shit about you or any American of the 99%.

The progressive caucus of the D Party has become very much like your beloved Rs. They support corporatism and war. Pelosi is really a right winger.

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