

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Latest: North Korea orders all foreign embassies in Pyongyang to evacuate their staff by next Wednesday.
"Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and North Korean officials met secretly in New York in the days before North Korea's latest round of threats and provocations..."
U.S, North Korean officials met secretly in March -

Oh Great. Joe biden probably did something to piss them off.
"Hart repeated the Obama administration's call for North Korea to avoid provocative actions and urged a return to diplomacy, and Han promised to communicate the message to Pyongyang, the source said."

To which CounterPunch responds:

"Would the US government and people get a little 'irrational' if a foreign country that previously had killed millions of our people, sent nuclear capable stealth bombers off the coasts of New York City, Washington DC, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, there to fly around for a month in preparation for a possible nuclear attack on us? For what is called, in warped US language, war 'games'”?

I'm sure Joe will know exactly what to say when he moves into the White House.

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Dick Cheney has something up his sleeve for when obama can no longer be tolerated.
Something Korean or commercial?

" In 1866 the U.S. merchant ship General Sherman defied the laws of Korea (then pursuing a policy of strict isolation) by entering Korean waters, and sailing up the Taedong River towards Pyongyang to demand trade. What happened to the ship?

a. It was attacked by local people and soldiers, burned, and sunk, with the loss of its entire crew.

b. Its crew was politely told that since Korea was a satrapy of China all negotiations concerning commerce had to take place via Beijing.

c. It was welcomed, and Korean officials began discussing with the Americans a Treaty of Amity and Commerce."

A Pop Quiz on Korea » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
How many times are you going to cut and paste this exact same thing?

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