Erron-Black/Kotal-Kahn: MK Democracy (Censorship)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a democracy-journey involving Erron Black and Kotal Kahn (Mortal Kombat [MK] video-game series journeyman/philosopher warriors) about censorship paranoia (e.g., media mischief).

It's inspired by Cowboys and Aliens.


ERRON BLACK: Have you seen The People vs. Larry Flynt?
KOTAL KAHN: That's a sterling film about pornography-censorship.
ERRON BLACK: It's a Milos Forman exposition about American democracy!
KOTAL KAHN: Are you some kind of 'fan' of modern American civilization?
ERRON BLACK: As you know, I consider myself a gunslinger/cowboy.
KOTAL KAHN: I suppose you think because I'm regal, we should do 'business' together.
ERRON BLACK: Indeed; I think you and I should open a casino in Atlantic City (New Jersey).
KOTAL KAHN: Isn't that where U.S. President Donald Trump owned Trump Taj Mahal casino?
ERRON BLACK: Indeed; I say we hold combat exhibitions as part of the dinner-theatre.
KOTAL KAHN: So you want to 'commercialize' our otherwise warlike consciousness?
ERRON BLACK: Isn't capitalism/commerce a kind of 'war' for the mind, Kotal Kahn?
KOTAL KAHN: I like video-games, Erron Black; is America worth the passion?
ERRON BLACK: Haven't you seen The Post? America is about enterprise...
KOTAL KAHN: Let's be sure our 'anthropology' remains educational(!).

After this heated exchange, Kotal Kahn and Erron Black decided to wander around Washington, D.C. on the Saturday of a very impressive Comic-Con (comic book art) festival/conference. Kahn and Black attended Comic-Con (admiring various modern-era American comic book renditions of iconic 'superhuman avatars' such as Wonder Woman, Iceman, Robocop, Swamp Thing, Poison Ivy, and the Dark Knight). Kahn and Black noticed a handsome video-game booth on which a crowd had gathered around two cyber-wizards playing the video-game Justice League. Kahn and Black decided to walk to the Lincoln Memorial (after Kahn took some much-needed legal medical marijuana for his glaucoma) on that warm Saturday and asked themselves, "Is media about courage?" They then had a water-gun fight on the White House lawn. Erron Black won...



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