Enforcing God's Commandments

One cannot make ‘worse’ that which is already a disaster, the consequence of the idiot Bush’s two failed, illegal wars.
This could really sting except you show your hypocrisy by supporting the election of crooked Hillary who voted for the war in Iraq. Somehow they weren't illegal then.

You neo-cons were told that an invasion of Iraq would lead to its eventual alliance with Iran.

You, not Obama, are the cause for a resurgent Iran.
Obama's premature leaving Iraq is what caused this Iranian resurgence. Also, it doesn't help giving them $150B and permission to develop nukes.
Once again, you cannot dodge you were told that Iraq's alliance with Iran was inevitable.

Bush's inability and Iraq's unwillingness to give us a SOFA to protect our troops led to our departure.

You wanted our troops unprotected and subject to Iraqi law.

That is treason.
You neo-cons were told that an invasion of Iraq would lead to its eventual alliance with Iran.

You, not Obama, are the cause for a resurgent Iran.
Obama's premature leaving Iraq is what caused this Iranian resurgence. Also, it doesn't help giving them $150B and permission to develop nukes.

The president made the best of a bad situation, where all the choices left to him were all bad choices.

The American people aren’t going to allow you and other dishonest rightwing partisans to propagate your revisionist history of the ME, no one believes your reprehensible lies contrived to blame Obama for the disaster that is the ME, the consequence of Bush’s idiocy and incompetence.
In the ME. But jugears ME incompetence is being manifested in America. ie Orlando
You neo-cons were told that an invasion of Iraq would lead to its eventual alliance with Iran.

You, not Obama, are the cause for a resurgent Iran.
Obama's premature leaving Iraq is what caused this Iranian resurgence. Also, it doesn't help giving them $150B and permission to develop nukes.
Once again, you cannot dodge you were told that Iraq's alliance with Iran was inevitable.

Bush's inability and Iraq's unwillingness to give us a SOFA to protect our troops led to our departure.

You wanted our troops unprotected and subject to Iraqi law.

That is treason.
Bush built up an Iraq that was becoming strong and independent. There was no chance for an alliance with Iran. Nor were the Iranians openly developing nukes like they are now with the Obama regime's permission.
You neo-cons were told that an invasion of Iraq would lead to its eventual alliance with Iran.

You, not Obama, are the cause for a resurgent Iran.
Obama's premature leaving Iraq is what caused this Iranian resurgence. Also, it doesn't help giving them $150B and permission to develop nukes.

The president made the best of a bad situation, where all the choices left to him were all bad choices.

The American people aren’t going to allow you and other dishonest rightwing partisans to propagate your revisionist history of the ME, no one believes your reprehensible lies contrived to blame Obama for the disaster that is the ME, the consequence of Bush’s idiocy and incompetence.
Horseshit! The revisionist history comes from your side. Obama is the founder of ISIS with his red line in the sand and then doing nothing to back it up. The last 7 years and counting have been the ultimate in our country's history of being run by a fuck up! I will celebrate January 20, 2017 even if Bernie is taking the Oath, who I'm sure won't fuck up delivering it like Obama did.
The far right revisionist history continues to fail.

The Iraq invasion and subsequent attempt to win the peace have failed to produce a stable Iraq in alliance with the US.

The fact is the US is forced to allow Iranian militias to fight in the west of Iraq.

All of this belongs to Bush.
While the Obama administration is continuing its appeasement policies and romance with the ruling mullahs of Iran, the scale of executions has reached an unprecedented level. The Iranian regime is resorting to more and more mass executions. How is the Islamic Republic of Iran different from the Islamic State or those who commit terrorist acts by mass murdering people?

Most recently, the ruling clerics of Iran hanged 16 people in one day in several cities, including in Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) and Ghezel-Hessar prisons in Karaj (western part of Tehran) and Adelabad Prison in Shiraz (southern part of Iran).

One of those executed was 16 years old at time of allegedly committing a crime. President Obama, Hillary Clinton or the several European governments, which are following in the footsteps of the Obama administration, have issued no robust condemnation or criticism. These egregious human rights violations and acts of mass executions committed by a state -- in the name of Islam -- have been totally ignored.

Enforcing 'God's Commandments': Heightened Mass Executions in Iran

Wait until someone points out that the USofA carries out executions too. That'll be a laugh.
Or wait until someone points out that we sent un-charged men, including teen-agers, to Gitmo for years mostly because they were the right age and the right gender caught during a roundup. Although I'm pleased there were a few of the 'robust condemnation and criticisms' towards Gitmo that we are accused of not showing for the Iranian rulings.
You neo-cons were told that an invasion of Iraq would lead to its eventual alliance with Iran.

You, not Obama, are the cause for a resurgent Iran.
Obama's premature leaving Iraq is what caused this Iranian resurgence. Also, it doesn't help giving them $150B and permission to develop nukes.
Once again, you cannot dodge you were told that Iraq's alliance with Iran was inevitable.

Bush's inability and Iraq's unwillingness to give us a SOFA to protect our troops led to our departure.

You wanted our troops unprotected and subject to Iraqi law.

That is treason.
Bush built up an Iraq that was becoming strong and independent. There was no chance for an alliance with Iran. Nor were the Iranians openly developing nukes like they are now with the Obama regime's permission.
Iraq becoming strong and independent? Did you type that with a straight face? Bush gave Iraq military equipment, several planeloads (C-130 I think, those 'ruptured duck' planes) of cold hard cash, shrink-wrapped on pallets (the stuff Trump now accuses soldiers of stealing), and our kids died giving them the time to train. After years of coddling, they still can't hold their own country? And Congress still wont vote to declare war!
Someone posted that America had 95 dead and 540 wounded in Fallujah in 2004.

Bush threw away Iraq when he could not or would not get a SOFA.

American casualties in the ongoing battle for Fallujah: 0.

Iraq will have to be won or lost by Iraqis.

And the Iranian militias now are helping in western Iraq.

Send Bush to The Hague.
Obama's Legacy of failure in the Middle East.

The Middle East faces serious and complex security challenges with the unprecedented wave of terrorism across the region. The rise and spread of terrorist groups with their respective sympathizers poses a significant threat to the entire international community. Yet, the naïve policies pursued by the Obama administration have only exacerbated the problem, distanced strategic security allies, and foremost diminished American credibility across the region. The current crisis in the Middle East will be difficult to repair, but can ultimately be achieved with the adoption of a comprehensive multifaceted counter-terrorism strategy.

The technological advances of the 21st century have given new platforms to terrorist networks to recruit followers, spread their messages and widen their global reach. At the same time, the current turmoil, chaos and collapse of numerous Arab states has destabilized the region. This has allowed for significant illicit cross-border activities by terrorist networks in transfer of arms, jihadists,
and money. Thus, the rising terrorism trend necessitates the full support of the United States, as the only remaining superpower, in countering this heinous ideology that seeks to destroy rather than build.

Obama’s legacy of failure in the Middle East

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