End the Kosher Tax on Food.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2012
The 'Kosher Nostra Scam' On The American Consumer

The Jews argue that it is an insignificant amount of money. If that is so, then they don't really need it.

Consider the number of food items purchased multiplied by the number of persons who have to eat buying them.

That's a lot my friends.

Now consider that all of this money is paid yearly to an alleged 2% or less of the total population.

Which would be worse for the food processors, a boycott by less than 2% or a boycott by the other 98?

I suppose that would make no difference to the 2% since the 98% doing the boycotting would be the ones going without eating for the duration.

All of which goes to show who is paid deference to in the Jewnited States of America.

Does anyone have any idea what it takes to Kosherize a Coca-Cola?

Look at the top of the can to kind the Orthodox Union seal stamped onto it.


From Susan Bolles

Dear Jeff,

I had to do the math. I had hoped to find out that it really was a fairly insignificant tax. But, this is what the numbers say.

If the average kosher tax on a Birds Eye frozen food is .0000065 And if you purchase an average of 35 U or K items per week The total paid for the kosher tax over a year for one person is: 0.01183

That's a pretty small number.

But...there are 281,500,000 people living in the United States according to the 2000 census figures with a median age of 35.3 years old. So if you multiply the number of people by the tax, well, its starting to add up to a lot of money.

$3,330,145 total paid per year for the kosher tax.

I wouldn't call that insignificant. Take it a step further, and if this has been paid for the last 35.3 years-median age of an American, that adds up to:


And that's a lot of money. I think Its not really fair that the consumer should pay for the services of a religious organization to monitor food production. If anything, the organization should be providing the service for free.

But, that's just my two cents.

Best wishes,
From William Fairchild

I first learned about this scam around 1975 when I was reading Liberty Lobby's Spotlight newspaper. They have been accused of being anti-Semite. I don't care about attacks on messengers; I just read their message. Liberty Lobby's recommendation was that we should all take a healthy tax deduction for a donation to a charitable organization to offset the annual cost of this extortion. Since it is hard to know exactly how much extra each product costs, one might reasonably deduce that with the high cost of food these days that several hundred dollars per year are involuntarily extracted from each of us to be "donated" to these religious, and thus charitable, organizations.

The ADL's reply was quite predictable. First they emotionally attacked the messenger by using words like bizarre, right wing, extremists, make rabbis rich, propaganda, anti-Semites, conspiracy, stereotypes, allegations, racket, guarded secrets, trick, kosher tax, and on and on ad nauseam (VERY much nauseam). Next their reply claims to give us the FACTS. The first "fact" they give us is just more rhetoric filled with words chosen to provoke emotional responses (attacks, ploy, anti-Jewish, bigots) or sympathy (inspected, competent, compliance). Then we are finally given the real "fact" that the cost is .0000065 cents per item. This "fact" is introduced with the descriptive words miniscule, negligible, and virtually non-existent. I guess it totally slipped their minds to tell us what an "item" is. Susan Bolles assumes in her reply that an "item" is a package. I would not be so hasty as to assume this. Knowing how sleazy and sneaky these exploiters are, and how reluctant the companies are to divulge the actual cost, I would rather assume the worst case, which is that each individual pea, bean, or kernel of cut corn is an "item" So if a one-pound package of cut corn contains 500 kernels (just a guess), then the scam kosher tax on that whole package is $000325 This is one third of a cent, still a miniscule amount to be added on for my one-pound package, but do the math as Susan Bolles did and you will find that this scam has made the rabbis richer by possibly $58 billion in the last 35 years That's probably too much, so maybe there aren't really 500 kernels in one pound of cut corn"

It would serve the ADL's interests a lot more if they would tell us the WHOLE TRUTH as well as "the truth". Please let us know the exact dollar amount per year that General Foods, Heinz, and some other major food distributors pay for protection, and thus pass on TO ME, in order not to be boycotted by less than one percent of the population. Until the ADL divulges these numbers, I intend to remain anti-Semite on this and only this one issue. But I will always remain anti-sleaze and anti-coverup, which is exactly what the ADL's 4-30-2 email is. What the ADL and rabbis are doing to our food distributors is exactly what Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Johnny Cochran are doing to all major businesses. It's called a shakedown, and it is a protection racket.

Bill Fairchild
living somewhere in the UkSA
(United kosher States of America)
Kosher food tax symbols.

The one you will see mostly is the U within an O which stands for Orthodox Union.
The next is probably a K.


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Is Coca Cola Kosher?: Kashrut - Certification & Symbols Response on Ask the Rabbi

As all serious students of the Bible are aware, G-d gave strict rules to the ancient Israelites as to how to manufacture Coca-Cola.
Is Coca Cola Kosher?

I've noticed religious Jews buying Coke at my local supermarket, but I don’t understand how it can be kosher if the formula is a big secret. Also, it doesn't say "kosher" anywhere on the label.
The Aish Rabbi Replies:

This is a fascinating question. Coke is kosher because it has proper rabbinical supervision. The fact that nothing is printed on the label is a marketing decision by the company.

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