End of year Obama press conference on now


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Can dupes listen? I doubt it. Could be some fresh air lol.

Wants infrastructure bill, cut business tax rate loopholes- will Pubs allow ANYTHING constructive for a change?
Can dupes listen? I doubt it. Could be some fresh air lol.

Wants infrastructure bill, cut business tax rate loopholes- will Pubs allow ANYTHING constructive for a change?

yet you're listening ... DUPE.

I am not sure of what is going on, Franco. But I am watching Midpoint Newsmax channel and listening to Obama's speech and during his speech the television screen went blank - then goes to a screen that looked like a computer screen - then to a small iphone screen which covered Obama's face as he was talking - then the picture changed to North Korea event with all the military leaders, Dictator of NK on a stage watching the unveiling of two huge statues that were covered in white sheets. It looked like it was happening live from North Korea but Obama continued with his speech unaware of the pictures American viewing audience was seeing!

Then it goes back to Obama continuing in his speech with no mention of what scenes were being depicted of two statues being unveiled - for about 5 minutes and then the same blank white computer screen with phone call ended written over it - then a phone app appears over Obama's face again - then it goes to the unveiling of the two statues in North Korea with dictator and his military and thousands of NK people giving applause for the statues unveiled. I could not see the faces of statues clear enough to make out who it was.

I believe Washington D.C. live speech from White House was hacked by the North Koreans and the president is still speaking so I have yet to hear an explanation of how that could have happened. I recorded the speech and if Midpoint puts the speech online others should be able to view it. I find it amazing that such a thing could happen while the POTUS is giving a speech live from Washington, D.C.!
Can dupes listen? I doubt it. Could be some fresh air lol.

Wants infrastructure bill, cut business tax rate loopholes- will Pubs allow ANYTHING constructive for a change?

yet you're listening ... DUPE.


I'm recording it but there was something very strange going on earlier in his speech - an unveiling of two statues in North Korea cut in and the picture from Washington of President was lost - although he continued with his speech as if he was totally unaware of what was going on. Very strange.
RW's are glued to the set .... LW's not so much ...

talk about strange .. RW's and their God.
Even at Christmastime, he can't help being a divisive, partisan ideologue.

Looks like another golf vacation announcement;

' President Obama and his family will head this evening to Hawaii, where he's expected to vacation until the new year.
"On Friday, December 19, President Obama and the First Family will travel to Honolulu, Hawai’i. The arrival of Air Force One is open to pre-credentialed media and closed to the public," the White House said in a statement.
"The President and First Family do not have any scheduled public events during their time in Hawai’i. There will be travel pool coverage of their trip." '

Obama Heads to Hawaii for Rest of the Year The Weekly Standard

btw ... what is with the i'i in the official White House press release? Since when has the second 'i' in Hawaii been possessive of the first 'i' in Hawaii?

"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
They mean roads, bridges, ports and airports, gas, electric, water and sewer lines etc, the electric grid, etc, just like he said , dingbat dupe, that have been falling apart under Reaganist tax rates and policies for 30 years. Loopholes allow Pub crony giant corporations to pay nothing while small businesses pay 35%. Dems want to cut the rate to 25% for all. Pubs like this BS, fool of the greedy idiot GOP.
"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
They mean roads, bridges, ports and airports, gas, electric, water and sewer lines etc, the electric grid, etc, just like he said , dingbat dupe, that have been falling apart under Reaganist tax rates and policies for 30 years. Loopholes allow Pub crony giant corporations to pay nothing while small businesses pay 35%. Dems want to cut the rate to 25% for all. Pubs like this BS, fool of the greedy idiot GOP.

The Stimulus Bill took care of all that shovel ready stuff years ago. Obama barrowed a trillion dollars to pay for it all. Are you telling us he lied about where the money was going?

Shame on you.


Looks like another golf vacation announcement;

' President Obama and his family will head this evening to Hawaii, where he's expected to vacation until the new year.
"On Friday, December 19, President Obama and the First Family will travel to Honolulu, Hawai’i. The arrival of Air Force One is open to pre-credentialed media and closed to the public," the White House said in a statement.
"The President and First Family do not have any scheduled public events during their time in Hawai’i. There will be travel pool coverage of their trip." '

Obama Heads to Hawaii for Rest of the Year The Weekly Standard

btw ... what is with the i'i in the official White House press release? Since when has the second 'i' in Hawaii been possessive of the first 'i' in Hawaii?

That's not a possessive ('s), hater chump, that's the way it really should be spelled, an accent mark. After putting up with mindless, obstructive, bought off Pubs and loudmouth hater dupes, no one needs a vacation more than Obama.
"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
They mean roads, bridges, ports and airports, gas, electric, water and sewer lines etc, the electric grid, etc, just like he said , dingbat dupe, that have been falling apart under Reaganist tax rates and policies for 30 years. Loopholes allow Pub crony giant corporations to pay nothing while small businesses pay 35%. Dems want to cut the rate to 25% for all. Pubs like this BS, fool of the greedy idiot GOP.

The Stimulus Bill took care of all that shovel ready stuff years ago. Obama barrowed a trillion dollars to pay for it all. Are you telling us he lied about where the money was going?

Shame on you.

You are out of your tiny mind. The whole stimulus was 800 billion, many tax cuts for the nonrich, about 200 billion for infrastructure. MUCH more is needed, and it's STILL the perfect time, with cheap lending rates and good jobs needed, etc etc.
"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
They mean roads, bridges, ports and airports, gas, electric, water and sewer lines etc, the electric grid, etc, just like he said , dingbat dupe, that have been falling apart under Reaganist tax rates and policies for 30 years. Loopholes allow Pub crony giant corporations to pay nothing while small businesses pay 35%. Dems want to cut the rate to 25% for all. Pubs like this BS, fool of the greedy idiot GOP.

The Stimulus Bill took care of all that shovel ready stuff years ago. Obama barrowed a trillion dollars to pay for it all. Are you telling us he lied about where the money was going?

Shame on you.

You are out of your tiny mind. The whole stimulus was 800 billion, many tax cuts for the nonrich, about 200 billion for infrastructure. MUCH more is needed, and it's STILL the perfect time, with cheap lending rates and good jobs needed, etc etc.

But....he said they would be fixed by now;

"To build an economy that can lead this future, we will begin to rebuild America. Yes, we'll put people to work repairing crumbling roads, bridges and schools by eliminating the backlog of well-planned, worthy and needed infrastructure projects, but we'll also do more to retrofit America for a global economy"


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