Emoticon Clean Up


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
In an effort to make sense of the jumble of emoticons, get rid of the ones which serve no clear meaning or purpose or use and to ORGANIZE the ones I think most people really need,--- having been blocked or failed all other ways due to probably copyright HTML, I thought I'd try one last way to save them this way here. It would be great if our emoticons could actually be organized this way by CATEGORY in the emoticon drop down box and shown actual size, but since I doubt that, I thought I would try to save them this way and if this works, maybe the mods can pin this post up as a permanent sticky?

;) :) :p :happy-1::bye1: :SMILEW~130:

:auiqs.jpg: :heehee: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :laugh: :lol: :lmao: :laugh2: :71: :iyfyus.jpg: :21:



:eek: :omg: :wtf: :eusa_wall: :banghead: :ack-1: :surprised1:

:uhoh3: :cuckoo: :uhh: :spinner:

:ahole-1: :fu: :poke: :whip: :flameth: :blahblah: :dig: :lalala: :eusa_naughty: :th_waiting: :1peleas: :cul2: :boo_hoo14: :CryingCow:

:rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:

:yes_text12: :hyper: :no_text11: :dance: :mm: :banana: :eusa_dance: :rock: :5_1_12024: :twirl:

:safetocomeoutff: :scared1::oops8: :th_beback: :hands:

:eusa_boohoo: :itsok: :boohoo:

:love_ya4: :th_thgoodpost::popcorn: :clap: :hello77: :re: :thankusmile:
It's a good idea because you have to look for the right smiley every time and it would be nice to have a bank to have our own smiley
In an effort to make sense of the jumble of emoticons, get rid of the ones which serve no clear meaning or purpose or use and to ORGANIZE the ones I think most people really need,--- having been blocked or failed all other ways due to probably copyright HTML, I thought I'd try one last way to save them this way here. It would be great if our emoticons could actually be organized this way by CATEGORY in the emoticon drop down box and shown actual size, but since I doubt that, I thought I would try to save them this way and if this works, maybe the mods can pin this post up as a permanent sticky?

;) :) :p :happy-1::bye1: :SMILEW~130:

:auiqs.jpg: :heehee: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :laugh: :lol: :lmao: :laugh2: :71: :iyfyus.jpg: :21:



:eek: :omg: :wtf: :eusa_wall: :banghead: :ack-1: :surprised1:

:uhoh3: :cuckoo: :uhh: :spinner:

:ahole-1: :fu: :poke: :whip: :flameth: :blahblah: :dig: :lalala: :eusa_naughty: :th_waiting: :1peleas: :cul2: :boo_hoo14: :CryingCow:

:rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:

:yes_text12: :hyper: :no_text11: :dance: :mm: :banana: :eusa_dance: :rock: :5_1_12024: :twirl:

:safetocomeoutff: :scared1::oops8: :th_beback: :hands:

:eusa_boohoo: :itsok: :boohoo:

:love_ya4: :th_thgoodpost::popcorn: :clap: :hello77: :re: :thankusmile:
/----/ And don't forget...
I don't care.jpg
Why thank you, toob, for making that decision for us, which we would prefer.

I personally like the raspberry and the kid at the desk waving his hand.

Once when I used the emoticons, it listed up at the top ones I had previously used, but it must only save them for a short time, because they aren't there now. I also wish we could make them bigger.

I agree with toob they are hard to hunt through.
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Why thank you, toob, for making that decision for us, which we would prefer.

I personally like the raspberry and the kid at the desk waving his hand.

Once when I used the emoticons, it listed up at the top ones I had previously used, but it must only save them for a short time, because they aren't there now. I also wish we could make them bigger.

I agree with toob they are hard to hunt through.
I've frankly never seen either the raspberry or desk used by anyone, and there are others that can be subbed for the raspberry above and I have no idea what the kid at the desk waving his hand is supposed to mean. Does that mean you need to be excused to go pee? I think the ones above pretty much cover all the situations we NEED. More just makes the search harder.

The emoticon box only saves the ones you use during a single log in. Every time you leave USMB, it dumps them from memory. Though many are obviously rarely/never used, it wouldn't be so bad if you could organize your own set and SAVE THEM as your personal list (what I was going to try to do then offer them to the group), or if they were at least ORGANIZED by relative category as I've done above so that when you are looking for a particular thought, you can actually FIND IT. Most are so small now, you can barely tell what they are supposed to represent, and forget about reading any associated text.
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I think the ones above pretty much cover all the situations we NEED.
Well, fortunately, USMB is going to let US choose what "we" NEED, not you. I agree with you about paragraph 2 entirely.
I think the ones above pretty much cover all the situations we NEED.
Well, fortunately, USMB is going to let US choose what "we" NEED, not you. I agree with you about paragraph 2 entirely.
Whatever. Like I said, the list above was originally created by me FOR me, as an experiment. I don't see you trying it. It was a lot of work making that list, try it yourself. As to what you need, I think you are referring to what you WANT. I doubt that if USMB had never offered anything more than my list above, that anyone would be complaining much.

But of course, all USMB needs to do is TAKE A POLL and ask us for what 70-75 emoticons we most want, and I think you'd find the outcome very close to the above. That should be enough to write most any thought. Or create a way for each member to save his/her likes to a stored FAVORITES list, then everyone can have exactly what they want. That could be a premium feature offered for those that donate to the group.
I'm just fine with the emojis.
But some fucken options other than start eyed faggotry for rating a post sure would be nice.
It's some generic bullshit. We have a local community blog called Nextdoor, started by some company in California, for neighbors in the community to share and discuss local issues, and THE EXACT SAME LIKE CHOICES are used there as well: LIKE, LOVE, SAD, ANGRY, etc. It sucks.
Why thank you, toob, for making that decision for us, which we would prefer.

I personally like the raspberry and the kid at the desk waving his hand.

Once when I used the emoticons, it listed up at the top ones I had previously used, but it must only save them for a short time, because they aren't there now. I also wish we could make them bigger.

I agree with toob they are hard to hunt through.
/——/ I have no idea what everyone is talking about. What emoticons? Where are they?
I'm just fine with the emojis.
But some fucken options other than start eyed faggotry for rating a post sure would be nice.
It's some generic bullshit. We have a local community blog called Nextdoor, started by some company in California, for neighbors in the community to share and discuss local issues, and THE EXACT SAME LIKE CHOICES are used there as well: LIKE, LOVE, SAD, ANGRY, etc. It sucks.
I just cracked the code for how to save my list of better emoticons outside USMB, organized in a logical way that would meet MOST people's needs! Never said it would please EVERYONE, so I'll just keep and use it for myself as a far simpler, better way of adding emojis than that stupid, microscopic, crowded, jumbled mess we are left with, that every time you use it, covers up and blocks seeing the message you're trying to work on and you have to click it off to get rid of it!
Why thank you, toob, for making that decision for us, which we would prefer.

I personally like the raspberry and the kid at the desk waving his hand.

Once when I used the emoticons, it listed up at the top ones I had previously used, but it must only save them for a short time, because they aren't there now. I also wish we could make them bigger.

I agree with toob they are hard to hunt through.
/——/ I have no idea what everyone is talking about. What emoticons? Where are they?
Some people call them smilies? :springbed: When you hit reply, in the bar at the top is a smiley face. When you click on it, it shows all the emoticons you can add to a post.
Here's the main problem with the smileys:

View attachment 338396

Well ya cant complain about limited options......
Actually, I can and do. Several of the best ones we used to have that I used to use most often that were at the bottom of the old software's emoticon list are GONE now. They were easily recognizable due to great facial expression and distinctive individual color. Apparently they were lost, incompatible or all got converted into this monotone one-color crap that all look alike: ;)
Here's the main problem with the smileys:

View attachment 338396

Well ya cant complain about limited options......
Actually, I can and do. Several of the best ones we used to have that I used to use most often that were at the bottom of the old software's emoticon list are GONE now. They were easily recognizable due to great facial expression and distinctive individual color. Apparently they were lost, incompatible or all got converted into this monotone one-color crap that all look alike: ;)

All the one's I use most frequently appear he the top of the list.
Pretty convenient....
:whipg: :auiqs.jpg:

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