Email notifications


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2015
I tried looking for a better category to post this, but this is all I could find, so if it's in the wrong section I'm sorry.

I've gone through all the settings on my account multiple times to try and stop getting so many email notifications, I'm at a lost, and it's getting really annoying.

I don't want an email from this message board unless it's related to a direct message, anyone have any suggestions.
I have already unchecked everything I could find.
You've posted in the right place, first thing.

I found it a minute ago --- At the bottom of your "Alerts" column up there in the corner you'll find "Alert Preferences" SOMEHOW out of there you'll get to a page that lists "email alert preferences". I had it a moment ago and now I can't recreate it. :death:

Anyway that's where you'd start.
You've posted in the right place, first thing.

I found it a minute ago --- At the bottom of your "Alerts" column up there in the corner you'll find "Alert Preferences" SOMEHOW out of there you'll get to a page that lists "email alert preferences". I had it a moment ago and now I can't recreate it. :death:

Anyway that's where you'd start.
You are leading him astray(which what I thought we were suppose to do since we are not the adults on this message board)...
I thank you both, but I'm at a loss. Every single box in Alert Preferences is unchecked, yet I'm still receiving emails anytime someone posts in a topic I have replied to.

I thank you both, but I'm at a loss. Every single box in Alert Preferences is unchecked, yet I'm still receiving emails anytime someone posts in a topic I have replied to.
When you click on your account info, wait, did you need help hooking up and operating a VCR player?
I thank you both, but I'm at a loss. Every single box in Alert Preferences is unchecked, yet I'm still receiving emails anytime someone posts in a topic I have replied to.
When you click on your account info, wait, did you need help hooking up and operating a VCR player?
Figured it out. My computer was unplugged.
I tried looking for a better category to post this, but this is all I could find, so if it's in the wrong section I'm sorry.

I've gone through all the settings on my account multiple times to try and stop getting so many email notifications, I'm at a lost, and it's getting really annoying.

I don't want an email from this message board unless it's related to a direct message, anyone have any suggestions.
I have already unchecked everything I could find.

If you're still having issues, there a a couple places to look.. The one trickiest to find is under the major heading "Preferences"... There's a double box option for recieving alerts. The 2nd line tosses emails at you for every reply to your posts. It should REMAIN -- unchecked.

[X] Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
  • [ ] and receive email notifications of replies
That should cut down the alerts via email.. OTHER alerts via your alert box on USMB are very useful for navigating and should be enabled...
1:Click on 'Alerts' at the top right hand of the forum page. 2:Click on 'Preferences'. it's all there, read thoroughly. 3:Also go to 'contacts' page, and uncheck receive emails from admins' or some such. 4: Ignore Pogo;

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