Ellen Degeneres defends a heretic, now she also must walk the steps to the Left wing Guillotine...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

She may not....but wait and see......the countdown to her apology begins now......

And the next one on the march to the Guillotine? Jerry Seinfeld...do you think he will wear the puffy Pirate Shirt when he takes a walk up those steps? Followed by the cast from Friends?
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

Yes....I am....she helped create this world where comics can't be funny....... where some actually take pride in not telling jokes in their act...like that one comedian on Netflix.....
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

She may not....but wait and see......the countdown to her apology begins now......

And the next one on the march to the Guillotine? Jerry Seinfeld...do you think he will wear the puffy Pirate Shirt when he takes a walk up those steps? Followed by the cast from Friends?
It's so entertaining to watch what they created, is starting to destroy them. Get the beer and pretzles and sit back and watch.
It's so entertaining to watch what they created, is starting to destroy them. Get the beer and pretzles and sit back and watch.

I can't wait till the mooselimbs they love so much start voicing their opinions about gay marriage and women's "equality".

Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

She may not....but wait and see......the countdown to her apology begins now......

And the next one on the march to the Guillotine? Jerry Seinfeld...do you think he will wear the puffy Pirate Shirt when he takes a walk up those steps? Followed by the cast from Friends?
It's so entertaining to watch what they created, is starting to destroy them. Get the beer and pretzles and sit back and watch.

The surprised look on their faces when they talk amongst themselves...

"but....but.....they were only supposed to punish the people we don't like...they weren't supposed to target us with the very hate we use to target the people we hate....."
This is all just an adjustment. Some people went a little overboard in the attempts to protect peoples feelings. Its just a learning process until equilibrium is realized.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

She may not....but wait and see......the countdown to her apology begins now......

And the next one on the march to the Guillotine? Jerry Seinfeld...do you think he will wear the puffy Pirate Shirt when he takes a walk up those steps? Followed by the cast from Friends?
people who are worth millions of dollars may not care as much as you think they do..
As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.
And she shouldnt as his her right to free speech.

But these deplatforming Nazis are not targeting her so much as they are targeting her sponsors and managers above her in her network who can pull the plug.

It wont take a very long time for the criticizing to heat up her management who will want it all to go away by having her issue an apology. If she wont, then she becomes a nonTeam Player and that is worse than the SJWs harping about her as far as her career goes.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure Ellen will do just fine. But I also bet she thanks you for your concern.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

Yes....I am....she helped create this world where comics can't be funny....... where some actually take pride in not telling jokes in their act...like that one comedian on Netflix.....
Comics can't be funny? Really, Guy, where did you read that? Breitbart?
As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.
And she shouldnt as his her right to free speech.

But these deplatforming Nazis are not targeting her so much as they are targeting her sponsors and managers above her in her network who can pull the plug.

It wont take a very long time for the criticizing to heat up her management who will want it all to go away by having her issue an apology. If she wont, then she becomes a nonTeam Player and that is worse than the SJWs harping about her as far as her career goes.
She is openly gay and she is NOT going to be "deplatformed" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. And quit with the Nazi bullshit. I just finished a book on what the Nazi's did. No one should be calling anyone in this country a Nazi unless they are openly waving a swastika flag.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

Yes....I am....she helped create this world where comics can't be funny....... where some actually take pride in not telling jokes in their act...like that one comedian on Netflix.....
Comics can't be funny? Really, Guy, where did you read that? Breitbart?

They won't go to college campuses., Seinfeld, Chris Rock a lot of big names state they won't go to campi anymore because they can't tell the jokes they want to tell.......one nut job on Netflix said she wasn't going to tell jokes anymore...
Ellen is a Far Left Democrat, and Obama lover. When Obama was in office she said she was APOLTICAL, but had him and Michelle on many times, and just gushed over them. She was also a HUGE HILLARY SUPPORTER. Now that Trump is in office she says she can never have him on. So, double standard, hypocrite as usual for Democrats.

She deserves anything she gets form the Left. They can all rot in HELL.
Ellen Degeneres has come to the defense of a heretic...and for this she will never be forgiven....she too must now walk up the steps to the comedians Guillotine....

I hope she enjoys the world she has helped to create.....

It will be fun to watch her walk down the street as the left wingers say "Shame.....Shame.....Shame...."

WATCH: Here's Ellen's Interview With Kevin Hart That's Triggered Backlash Against Her

As highlighted by The Hollywood Reporter, DeGeneres' defense of Hart has prompted backlash from LGBT activists, including some who appear to be (former) fans, who are unwilling to forgive Hart and now blame Ellen for being "in his corner."
I'm sure you're enjoying her being criticized, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit.

Yes....I am....she helped create this world where comics can't be funny....... where some actually take pride in not telling jokes in their act...like that one comedian on Netflix.....
Comics can't be funny? Really, Guy, where did you read that? Breitbart?

They won't go to college campuses., Seinfeld, Chris Rock a lot of big names state they won't go to campi anymore because they can't tell the jokes they want to tell.......one nut job on Netflix said she wasn't going to tell jokes anymore...
I'm sure they won't starve. I'm glad to know what you're talking about though. It sounds like the kids' loss, to me.

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