Elisabeth Warren Flip Flop: I Never Claimed to be Cherokee, Oh Wait I Sure Did!

Plagiarized old recipes? Well DUH! And they think 1/32 is right. At any rate she thought it was true- so that's NOT a lie.

The dupes hear lies all the time- they seem to have forgetten what a lie IS! LOL
Plagiarized old recipes? Well DUH! And they think 1/32 is right. At any rate she thought it was true- so that's NOT a lie.

The dupes hear lies all the time- they seem to have forgetten what a lie IS! LOL

Lighten up, Francisco.
okay, so she's not really 1/32 cherokee, and she plagiarized the recipes she contributed to *pow wow chow*. for most people, that would be a lifetime's worth of really stoopid shit, but with lieawatha, there's always more.

this one may actually be my favorite.

“I was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey,” Warren told an audience at the Chicago Humanities Festival in 2011, in a video posted on the CHF website. When asked how Warren knows that, her campaign said: “Elizabeth was making a point about the very serious challenges she faced as a working mom — from taking an all-day bar exam when she was still breast-feeding, to finding work as a lawyer that would accommodate a mom with two small children.”

Winnie Comfort of the New Jersey Judiciary, which administers that state’s bar exam, said there’s no way to verify Warren’s claim. Comfort said women have been taking the New Jersey bar exam since 1895, but she’s not aware their nursing habits were ever tracked.

i'm not sure which is funnier, that she thought this was an achievement of some sort, or the now standard *clarification* from her alleged campaign.

you go, girl!

Liz Warren just won’t commit - BostonHerald.com

Methinks you need to better keep abreast of current events.
okay, so she's not really 1/32 cherokee, and she plagiarized the recipes she contributed to *pow wow chow*. for most people, that would be a lifetime's worth of really stoopid shit, but with lieawatha, there's always more.

this one may actually be my favorite.

“I was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey,” Warren told an audience at the Chicago Humanities Festival in 2011, in a video posted on the CHF website. When asked how Warren knows that, her campaign said: “Elizabeth was making a point about the very serious challenges she faced as a working mom — from taking an all-day bar exam when she was still breast-feeding, to finding work as a lawyer that would accommodate a mom with two small children.”

Winnie Comfort of the New Jersey Judiciary, which administers that state’s bar exam, said there’s no way to verify Warren’s claim. Comfort said women have been taking the New Jersey bar exam since 1895, but she’s not aware their nursing habits were ever tracked.

i'm not sure which is funnier, that she thought this was an achievement of some sort, or the now standard *clarification* from her alleged campaign.

you go, girl!

Liz Warren just won’t commit - BostonHerald.com

Methinks you need to better keep abreast of current events.

meknows you're speaking out of your rectum.

They TOLD her she was the first DUH. AND WHO THE FEQ CARES? Only pub dupes distracted from the fact they're the tools if the greedy rich, who rip off America EVERY DAY! See my sig- IMPORTANT stuff YOU don't know, and hateful BS you DO. Arrrrgh...pub dupes!!
They TOLD her she was the first DUH. AND WHO THE FEQ CARES? Only pub dupes distracted from the fact they're the tools if the greedy rich, who rip off America EVERY DAY! See my sig- IMPORTANT stuff YOU don't know, and hateful BS you DO. Arrrrgh...pub dupes!!

no one told her shit, you fucking idiot.

they don't track it.

for whatever reason, she lies about really stupid shit.

calm down, for chrissakes, you fucking loon :lol:
And yet thousands of morons will still go to the polls in November and cast a vote for that dumb bitch. Scott Brown is far more representative of the state than she would ever be.
okay, so she's not really 1/32 cherokee, and she plagiarized the recipes she contributed to *pow wow chow*. for most people, that would be a lifetime's worth of really stoopid shit, but with lieawatha, there's always more.

this one may actually be my favorite.

“I was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey,” Warren told an audience at the Chicago Humanities Festival in 2011, in a video posted on the CHF website. When asked how Warren knows that, her campaign said: “Elizabeth was making a point about the very serious challenges she faced as a working mom — from taking an all-day bar exam when she was still breast-feeding, to finding work as a lawyer that would accommodate a mom with two small children.”

Winnie Comfort of the New Jersey Judiciary, which administers that state’s bar exam, said there’s no way to verify Warren’s claim. Comfort said women have been taking the New Jersey bar exam since 1895, but she’s not aware their nursing habits were ever tracked.

i'm not sure which is funnier, that she thought this was an achievement of some sort, or the now standard *clarification* from her alleged campaign.

you go, girl!

Liz Warren just won’t commit - BostonHerald.com

Thanks for the laugh it was a son of a bitch of day that really helped.
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25 years ago, when she took the test, SOMEBODY running it told her that. Her FAMILY told her she was 1/32 NA, etc- so she believed that stuff- NO LIES, and only dupes giva a SHYTTE. What about Pubs who lie NONSTOP about policy that ruins YOUR LIFE, ferchrissake? How dumb can you get?
Elizabeth Warren's legacy is for those seeking to get the benefits of affirmative action based on ethnicity, race, or religion. Pick a body part (e.g. Cheek Bones) and map it to a minority (Native Americans). If anyone questions you on it, tell 'em Pa-Paw said it was so.
She's a crackpot worse than Sharon Angel AND a pathological liar to boot, but the Obama Fluffers will defend her to the death

That's funny
She's not lying, dupes...LOL

well, yeah, she is. it's all documented. no indian heritage, plagiarized recipes, bogus claim to be first at something no one keeps track of-she's as full of shit as a christmas goose.

you can continue believing otherwise, but unless you live in massachusetts, you don't matter.

actually, you just don't matter, period.

More conspiracy theories plz
Elizabeth Warren's legacy is for those seeking to get the benefits of affirmative action based on ethnicity, race, or religion. Pick a body part (e.g. Cheek Bones) and map it to a minority (Native Americans). If anyone questions you on it, tell 'em Pa-Paw said it was so.

I bet Obama did the same thing while getting his education, he probably claimed he was born in Kenya. By election time he will likely be a Cherokee.
25 years ago, when she took the test, SOMEBODY running it told her that. Her FAMILY told her she was 1/32 NA, etc- so she believed that stuff- NO LIES, and only dupes giva a SHYTTE. What about Pubs who lie NONSTOP about policy that ruins YOUR LIFE, ferchrissake? How dumb can you get?

if i tried really hard, i could get to maybe 5% of where you are.

keep swinging, corky

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