Election Officials Play Death Threats From trump Followers

Nope. All debunked lies made up by people who make their living preying gullible fools like you. Sorry. You are a mark, and you are deluded. You areembarrassing yourself, and all that you have proven is that you have a mind handicapped by cultism that can easily be molded and stomped on to believe any fantastic lie that aligns with your childish political fetishes.
In court of public opinion they aren’t lies.
Two wrongs don't make it right, Trump asslicker.

Enjoyed the riot on Jan 6, didntcha? Members of your party of no goods who had THEIR asses on the line that day have redeemed themselves now that they're back to kissing Trump's ass who started it all, right doofus?
Trump didn't start jack shit. Debating an issue with a moron like you is a complete waste of time. All you do is lie.
When did that happen. On the other hand, there have been numerous occasions when a gan of progs showed up at the door of well know conservatives to harass them and threaten them

Progs have already normalized it, you fucking moron.
It happened in Florida which you won't see covered on Fox aka the Trump/ Fascist propoganda network.
How'd you like to be a school board member & have some right wing retard dressed in camo show up at YOUR door & threaten your life over a fucking mask, idiot? You assholes want to normalize that kind of behaviour because a lot of it is on behalf of that ex game show host jerkoff that you elected to run this country.

Enjoy that shit sammich & cry along with your cult because he had his ass beat.
That person should be arrested. But people should be allowed to express their opinions at school board meetings. Mutually exclusive. I do not have a cult. I do have an opinion that I am allowed to share without pussies like you flaking out and calling the FBI. Dumb leftist

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