Election Fraud For $ale Or Rent???


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I don't really know if election fraud is for $ale or rent. I do know that election fraud has quite the history globally & in our USA election fraud goes back quite a ways. What I am sure of though is that election fraud taps the entire spectrum of human emotions. Like zero/nadda emotions are missed among the general & hapless constituency, not to mention the main actors in the show which are the profe$$ional poliician$ themselves; greed, group identity, anger, fibs to outright bald faced lies, finger pointing, misinformation, kick 'em while they're down, assault to assassinations, vulnerability, stoking/enraging, blackmail, threats, politician idolatry, god complex, status hounding, ballot stuffing, threats of suicide, egging on, hatred, narcissism to the extreme, insult to injury, social positioning & the list goes on & on. All of the before mentioned are caused by emotion.

The human condition(human nature) appears to be the driving force for the above mentioned with domination the vehicle of choice & the god complex the expected end result. If one thinks that our current day American constituency & profe$$ional politician$ are as corrupt as humanity can get you are incorrect. History shows us that modern day American politics are just a continuation of what has been the 'norm' in American politics for a long time. So sit back, relax & get your thoughts/goals in order before the bell rings for the next round! The below links more than prove that the insanity of modern day politick'n is no different than the insanity oy yesteryears political insanity. Tears For Fear nailed it; "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"!

The first two sentences in the below link tells the story!

Great program on voter fraud on Sharyll Attiksons Full Measure program. A lot of arrests, when you listen to the Ivory Tower people you would think it did not exist at all. A lot of arrests and prison time, I was not aware of but suspected and I guess we all did.
I saw a few minutes of a C Span program with NPr female prog interviewing five people in the voting process. Only one was Republican. The NPR lady Prog and a NEW Mexico election lady Prog when talking suppressed a little laughter on a comment. The New Mexico lady Prog on voting did make one comment of truth. Transients have entered the state. And that means for all of us an infection of turning red states blue. These people believe that nirvana is coming with Progressive Socialist hegemony. If that were true we would not e having this inflation right now. Inflation designed to take more resources from people. Designed to make tens of millions of people poorer to help pay the bills.

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