Elderberry Banditos are back!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
we have an elderberry bush that the Cedar Waxwings LOVE....almost all of the berries are gone, from all the birds feeding off of it....the Cedar waxwings are on their way out of town...heading south....I see them in May, when all the wild apple and wild plum trees are in bloom, and then I don't see them all summer...so they must head in to Canada....? but on their way back down south for winter, they always stop by and eat the apples and these elderberries.

here is the elderberries a week earlier:





The Cedar Waxwings do the same thing to my Mary Potter Crabapple pretty much annually.

They hang around here for the summer then come about now, they flock together and en mass eat every tiny brab apple on my tree.

I LOVE it!

When one sees sometime hundreds of these marvelous birds on ONE TREE?

THAT is very cool.

On a related note, this year for some reason the crows have discovered my pears.

Holy smokes can those birds rip up a harvest!

I estimate they tore into 25% of the pears on the tree.

I don't really mind because to a large extent I grow these trees for the wildlife, but this is the first year that the crows seem to have noticed this crop.
There were abundandt blackberry bushes in our backyard where we lived in the boonies. I always wanted to pick them clean but the Mrs. said save some for the wildlife.

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