Eisenhower's 'Operation Wetback' Is A Go: Trump Announces New Special Deportation Task Force


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Trump brought up President Eisenhower tonight when it came to deporting these illegal bastards that have broken our laws. What Trump is planning is Ike's successful 'Operation Wetback' deportation program on steroids. It's going to be bold. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to feel a sense of pure patriotism to see these illegal wetbacks and their kids rounded up and taken deep into Mexico. Tonight I feel so proud to be an American thanks to Donald Trump and that rousing patriotic speech he gave tonight. God bless him and God bless America. This has been Steve McGarrett, White American patriot of European heritage.

Trump Announces New Special Deportation Task Force -- May Even Deport Hillary Clinton! (VIDEO)
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deporting hillary sounds good, there's got to be a way to make that happen.
Watch the outcry... He just made it front page for a couple of weeks again. They will not talk about his immigration plan but Clinton's deportation.. hahaha...
Trump brought up President Eisenhower tonight when it came to deporting these illegal bastards that have broken our laws. What Trump is planning is Ike's successful 'Operation Wetback' deportation program on steroids. It's going to be bold. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to feel a sense of pure patriotism to see these illegal wetbacks and their kids rounded up and taken deep into Mexico. Tonight I feel so proud to be an American thanks to Donald Trump and that rousing patriotic speech he gave tonight. God bless him and God bless America. This has been Steve McGarrett, White American patriot of European heritage.

Trump Announces New Special Deportation Task Force -- May Even Deport Hillary Clinton! (VIDEO)
Their kids are little American citizens. They aren't going anywhere. Neither are their parents.
Trump brought up President Eisenhower tonight when it came to deporting these illegal bastards that have broken our laws. What Trump is planning is Ike's successful 'Operation Wetback' deportation program on steroids. It's going to be bold. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to feel a sense of pure patriotism to see these illegal wetbacks and their kids rounded up and taken deep into Mexico. Tonight I feel so proud to be an American thanks to Donald Trump and that rousing patriotic speech he gave tonight. God bless him and God bless America. This has been Steve McGarrett, White American patriot of European heritage.

Trump Announces New Special Deportation Task Force -- May Even Deport Hillary Clinton! (VIDEO)

But how will he convince President Clinton to do such a thing?
I liked Donald Trump tonight. I'm into details and his immigration speech provided enough for me to get comfortable with how he views many measures in dealing with the situation. He reminded me of Ross Perot, but without the charts.
I liked Donald Trump tonight. I'm into details and his immigration speech provided enough for me to get comfortable with how he views many measures in dealing with the situation. He reminded me of Ross Perot, but without the charts.
Another famous loser, and lunatic.
This is nothing short of nazism but with a glided age twist of loserterian crap.
It's not nazism. It's patriotism, constitutionalism and nationalism all wrapped up together called pure Americanism.
Trump brought up President Eisenhower tonight when it came to deporting these illegal bastards that have broken our laws. What Trump is planning is Ike's successful 'Operation Wetback' deportation program on steroids. It's going to be bold. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to feel a sense of pure patriotism to see these illegal wetbacks and their kids rounded up and taken deep into Mexico. Tonight I feel so proud to be an American thanks to Donald Trump and that rousing patriotic speech he gave tonight. God bless him and God bless America. This has been Steve McGarrett, White American patriot of European heritage.

Trump Announces New Special Deportation Task Force -- May Even Deport Hillary Clinton! (VIDEO)
Actually in this video he only promised to round up those who have committed crimes here beyond the crime of illegal immigration. To get rid of the rest of them, he will enforce existing laws such as E-Verify and exercise executive authority to deny federal funding to any organization or political entity that does not verify persons are here legally before offering services. By taking away from them all the things they came here for, he will take away all reasons for remaining and most of them will leave voluntarily.

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