Egyptian TV Host Pokes Fun at American Quelling of Ferguson Protests


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Egyptian TV Host Pokes Fun at American Quelling of Ferguson Protests

The Egyptians elect a member of the Muslim Brotherhood as their POTUS and yet their fucking News anchors have the nerve to give US shit about Ferguson.

Fuck him.
I suppose I should find some consolation in the fact that its not just our media that spins shit for political reasons, but I find it sad that the rest of the world sees this shit and thinks that is the way of things in this country. It saddens me further still, though, that American's themselves believe our country to be that way. On the one hand I understand because our media is completely messed up, on the other it shows underlying evidence that faith in the system has been lost. Which raises the question of, if, indeed, the desire to remain under that system has waned as well, and further, how the system will be altered and modified to suit current opinions.

Division is on constantly at the forefront of many American's minds and I worry about where that thinking will ultimately take us. I do not relish the thought of losing "America" but I have no choice to see that this is no longer the "America" I grew up with. Frankly, it upsets me that I even have these thoughts at all. I wish we could go back to a time when compromising to make it work was more important than not compromising for political gains.
Egyptian TV Host Pokes Fun at American Quelling of Ferguson Protests

The Egyptians elect a member of the Muslim Brotherhood as their POTUS and yet their fucking News anchors have the nerve to give US shit about Ferguson.

Fuck him.

You do realize that Morisi, the Muslim Brotherhood backed President, was deposed last year, and the current President, Abdel el-Sisi was strongly opposed by the Muslim Brotherhood? (That was rhetorical..I'm pretty sure you did not realize that. But now you do.)

What goes around comes around. This is why Obama is being mocked over Ferguson. Because Obama never shuts his yap about how protestors are dealt with abroad.

After all Obama had a fit over the way Mubarak was handling protestors and helped depose him and put the MB in power AND Egyptians absolutely detest the US for giving them those assholes and hate Obama for his puppet Morsi.

And Obama didn't like the way Gahdafi was treating his protestors, so Obama helped overthrow his regime and turn Libya into a dogs breakfast.

This administration is currently trying to help the opposition overthrow Assad because Obama and crew don't like him either. Assad isn't inclusive enough for Obama. Neither was Maliki.

Assad hasn't embraced his terrorist foes errrrrrrrrrr opposition enough for Obama.

Oh and lets not forget Obama and Kerry and every one else and their mother wringing their hands over 70 deaths in Maidan Square and backing the coup that over threw Viktor Yanukovych and gave the Ukraine a civil war.

A civil war that has seen the thugs in Kiev kill over 2,500 Ukrainians in the east. Mainly civilians.

Hell's bells I made a joke on the board wondering which foreign leader was going to demand regime change in Washington over Ferguson.

Obama is fair game to the rest of the world because he's always yapping off about every other leader around the globe.

Too funny.

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