CDZ Effects of Climate Change?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.

Climate change laws have caused massive dis and misinvestment with more to come.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.

Climate change laws have caused massive dis and misinvestment with more to come.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.

How specific u looking for? Ice loss is the usual dramatic thing because its visual. The difference between 31.5 F and 32.5 is more dramatic than 58.5 and 59.5 lol.

If we are looking for PERSONAL experiences....It is warmer, look where I can plant them Acer palmatums now! I'd bet its a mix of good ol fashioned greenhouse warming and suburban heat islands. Magnolia grandiflora grows better in developed areas here than out in the country.

What's it costing us? Probably costing folks living on low lying islands more. Lord forbid we do anything to ignorant and they sue us. 100, 120 years post WWII we may be unable to ignore the world's edicts.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.
Good luck. Ever notice how it;s always ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred years down the road that this cataclysmic event will happen? Well, people have been saying that for ten, twenty, thirty or more years, and they have ALL been wrong. The reason is that they are using faulty "science" for the basis of their predictions. It's all politically motivated. Heck, according to some, the earth has warmed 0.7 degrees celsius in 100 years. That's slower than some estimates for the era just after the last ice age. The fact of the matter is, and I dare anyone to try to prove me wrong, we simply do not have reliable data over a long enough period of time, to know much of anything about the cyclical nature of global climate (aside from the fact that it exists).

So, good luck finding anyone who can honestly answer your questions in such a way that "proves" global warming is man-made in any way. I seriously doubt you will be able to find an honest person who can show that humans have even accelerated any predetermined warming.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.

Climate change laws have caused massive dis and misinvestment with more to come.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.

How specific u looking for? Ice loss is the usual dramatic thing because its visual. The difference between 31.5 F and 32.5 is more dramatic than 58.5 and 59.5 lol.

If we are looking for PERSONAL experiences....It is warmer, look where I can plant them Acer palmatums now! I'd bet its a mix of good ol fashioned greenhouse warming and suburban heat islands. Magnolia grandiflora grows better in developed areas here than out in the country.

What's it costing us? Probably costing folks living on low lying islands more. Lord forbid we do anything to ignorant and they sue us. 100, 120 years post WWII we may be unable to ignore the world's edicts.

I haven't seen the rest of the world doing much to stop GW. Yeah, they're pretty good at demanding our money to pay for them to enact programs to stop or slow GW, ideas that won't do diddly squat. The Paris Accords were not about doing anything about GW, it was about redistribution of wealth.
I believe the Great Courses "Chaos" DVD set can only be bought second hand now but here's the down and dirty any data set has one and only one "horizon of prediction" Since weather and climate use all of the same data sets their horizon of prediction is the same. A volcanic eruption anywhere in the northern hemisphere will cause reduced temperatures to some degree everywhere in the Northern hemisphere, as in the Hawaiian eruptions is making the whole hemisphere cooler but mostly on the west coast of the US.
The latest report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program warns of future economic losses from Climate Change, but fails to establish a causal connection to any current economic losses (such as from hurricanes and wildfires).

My questions are:

1. What "climate change" are we now experiencing and what is causing it?

2. What economic losses are we now experiencing from "climate change?"

I would appreciate any specific answers you can provide.
The French are protesting and borderline rioting about gas prices that are the equivalent of over $7.00 a gallon, brought about by the adherence to the foolish Paris climate accords....If one cannot see how driving up the costs of just getting to and from your job won't have deleterious economic consequences, then you're serious detached from anything resembling reality.

While that's not from the climate itself changing, it is from foolhardy politicians forming policy around a pseudo-scientific hoax.

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