Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism

That doesn’t change generic broadbrushed hate. FYI...all conservative religious sects treat women as second class citizens.

Not like Islam does. As Sam Harris stated "Islam is the motherhood of bad ideas".

There are 53 Mostly Muslim countries (60% or more) can you name one on par with say the UK or the US in terms of social policies?
Let’s rephrase that. Can you name any country in history where religion is government that embraces our social values? The problem isn’t Islam it is religion in government. It always sucks for women and religious minorities throughout history.

In Islam women are treated as property. That was not the case in ancient Western Europe where women were queens. I agree that you need separation of church and state but Islam on top of treating women like garbage, hate dogs, kill gays, hate Jews and Christians, kill you for drawing pics of Mo. It is a primitive and dangerous ideology. Again can you name one mostly Muslim country that has social values that are expected in today's modern westernized world? There is not ONE. There are 53 of them. Coincidence?

The one Jewish nation is in fact tolerant, a democracy, a military power and economically strong.
In ancient Western Europe women were property, Jews were frequently expelled, subject to pogroms and restrictions and periodically killed.

You have dodged my question. I answered yours. In a conversation it is polite to answer each other's questions. Islam again is very tough not to judge very negatively. My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys. Treat their women as 2nd class. Both had arranged marriages.
Probably depends on who you know and where they are from.
Not like Islam does. As Sam Harris stated "Islam is the motherhood of bad ideas".

There are 53 Mostly Muslim countries (60% or more) can you name one on par with say the UK or the US in terms of social policies?
Let’s rephrase that. Can you name any country in history where religion is government that embraces our social values? The problem isn’t Islam it is religion in government. It always sucks for women and religious minorities throughout history.

In Islam women are treated as property. That was not the case in ancient Western Europe where women were queens. I agree that you need separation of church and state but Islam on top of treating women like garbage, hate dogs, kill gays, hate Jews and Christians, kill you for drawing pics of Mo. It is a primitive and dangerous ideology. Again can you name one mostly Muslim country that has social values that are expected in today's modern westernized world? There is not ONE. There are 53 of them. Coincidence?

The one Jewish nation is in fact tolerant, a democracy, a military power and economically strong.
In ancient Western Europe women were property, Jews were frequently expelled, subject to pogroms and restrictions and periodically killed.

You have dodged my question. I answered yours. In a conversation it is polite to answer each other's questions. Islam again is very tough not to judge very negatively. My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys. Treat their women as 2nd class. Both had arranged marriages.
Probably depends on who you know and where they are from.

One from India. The other from Pakistan. Good guys. Not radical. But...they see women as 2nd class citizens.
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

No mystery at all. Why? (RHETORICAL)

It was the UN that divided Palestine into three areas of occupation in the Armistice Agreements. That has always been a mystery.

Because it is inaccurate. The Armistice Agreements were made between the parties to the conflict.

The agreements where NOT between the UN and any party to the conflict. The UN only participated in as much as it helped to facilitate the mediation process between the parties. I would be very interested if you could produce an Armistice Agreement between the UN and any party to the 1948-49 conflict.

The Armistice Lines were the agreed upon track of the FEBA (Foward Edge of the Battle Area) with each party. The Armistice Line did not represent any final political subdivision of the territory. It was an agreed upon cessation of hostilities between the engaged forces.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You've made this accusation several times.

Israel took Palestinian territory by military conquest.

What territory?

Most Respectfully,
Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You've made this accusation several times.

Israel took Palestinian territory by military conquest.

What territory?

Most Respectfully,
Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

YAWN..., No Israelis in “ Palestine “.
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It is hard saywhen the (so-called) "Nakba" started. BUT, its inception revolves around the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.

Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

The "Nakba" (as invented by Yassar Arafat) is a pro-Palestinian Bedtime Story about the Palestinians that either fled or expelled (depending on who tells the story) of Palestinian from towns and villages during the Arab League invasion.

The political sovereignty extended over the territory may be characterized many different ways; BUT "military conquest" IS NOT accurately one of them. That is simply a misrepresentation of the facts used as a justification to challenge Israeli sovereignty.

Such challenges, of events of 70 years ago, actually serves no useful purpose other than to extend and prolong the conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. This is a continuation of promoting the "Arab Palestinian Everlasting Conflict;" the policy of "no negotiation."

Most Respectfully,


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RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It is hard saywhen the (so-called) "Nakba" started. BUT, its inception revolves around the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.

Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

The "Nakba" (as invented by Yassar Arafat) is a pro-Palestinian Bedtime Story about the Palestinians that either fled or expelled (depending on who tells the story) of Palestinian from towns and villages during the Arab League invasion.

The political sovereignty extended over the territory may be characterized many different ways; BUT "military conquest" IS NOT accurately one of them. That is simply a misrepresentation of the facts used as a justification to challenge Israeli sovereignty.

Such challenges, of events of 70 years ago, actually serves no useful purpose other than to extend and prolong the conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. This is a continuation of promoting the "Arab Palestinian Everlasting Conflict;" the policy of "no negotiation."

Most Respectfully,

He knows all about the Partition Plan. It amuses me how he can so vehemently deny it
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It is hard saywhen the (so-called) "Nakba" started. BUT, its inception revolves around the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.

Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

The "Nakba" (as invented by Yassar Arafat) is a pro-Palestinian Bedtime Story about the Palestinians that either fled or expelled (depending on who tells the story) of Palestinian from towns and villages during the Arab League invasion.

The political sovereignty extended over the territory may be characterized many different ways; BUT "military conquest" IS NOT accurately one of them. That is simply a misrepresentation of the facts used as a justification to challenge Israeli sovereignty.

Such challenges, of events of 70 years ago, actually serves no useful purpose other than to extend and prolong the conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. This is a continuation of promoting the "Arab Palestinian Everlasting Conflict;" the policy of "no negotiation."

Most Respectfully,

He knows all about the Partition Plan. It amuses me how he can so vehemently deny it
Sure I know about the partition plan. It was rejected and the Security Council did not implement it. It didn't happen. It is meaningless to even bring it up.
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It is hard saywhen the (so-called) "Nakba" started. BUT, its inception revolves around the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.

Haven't you heard of the Nakba? Of course not. Israeli propaganda (your only source of information) Doesn't believe that happened.

The "Nakba" (as invented by Yassar Arafat) is a pro-Palestinian Bedtime Story about the Palestinians that either fled or expelled (depending on who tells the story) of Palestinian from towns and villages during the Arab League invasion.

The political sovereignty extended over the territory may be characterized many different ways; BUT "military conquest" IS NOT accurately one of them. That is simply a misrepresentation of the facts used as a justification to challenge Israeli sovereignty.

Such challenges, of events of 70 years ago, actually serves no useful purpose other than to extend and prolong the conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. This is a continuation of promoting the "Arab Palestinian Everlasting Conflict;" the policy of "no negotiation."

Most Respectfully,

He knows all about the Partition Plan. It amuses me how he can so vehemently deny it
Sure I know about the partition plan. It was rejected and the Security Council did not implement it. It didn't happen. It is meaningless to even bring it up.

You’re right.., The U.N. Did not recognize Israel on May 14, 1948. Keep telling yourself that. :iyfyus.jpg:
Still have nothing to say about the No
Israelis Allowed Apartheid Policy and we are Supposed to take you SERIOUSLY??? :iyfyus.jpg:
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is another one of those fallacies you keep repeating.

Sure I know about the partition plan. It was rejected and the Security Council did not implement it. It didn't happen. It is meaningless to even bring it up.

The Security Council was never intended to implement it. So in a sense (a very very small sense) you are correct.


• "the (UN Palestine) Commission; which shall act in conformity with the recommendations of the General Assembly, under the guidance of the Security Council."
• "The mandatory Power shall not take any action to prevent, obstruct or delay the implementation by the (UN Palestine) Commission of the measures recommended by the General Assembly (A/RES/181 II).​

• The Commission shall instruct the Provisional Councils of Government of both the Arab and Jewish States, after their formation, to proceed to the establishment of administrative organs of government, central and local.

• When the independence of either the Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in this plan has become effective and the declaration and undertaking, as envisaged in this plan, have been signed by either of them, sympathetic consideration should be given to its application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.
• "The (UN Palestine) Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution (A/RES/181 II) of last November 29 has been implemented."​

It did not matter IF the Arab Palestinians rejected the Recommendation. The Security Council was aware of the facts and decided not to intervene in the Steps Preparatory to Independence. This again is a false challenge to question the legitimacy of Israel.

You will notice that in A/RES/67/19 4 December 2012, Status of Palestine, in which the UN decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in theUnited Nations, the General Assemble also Recalls its Resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947. It is simply ludicrous to suggest you can simply "say it ain't so" and it is undone. You can't do that any more than you can un-hear something. To say "It didn't happen. It is meaningless to even bring it up" is just fallacious.

Most Respectfully,
• "the (UN Palestine) Commission; which shall act in conformity with the recommendations of the General Assembly, under the guidance of the Security Council."
• "The mandatory Power shall not take any action to prevent, obstruct or delay the implementation by the (UN Palestine) Commission of the measures recommended by the General Assembly (A/RES/181 II).

Recommends to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;
Didn't happen.
That doesn’t change generic broadbrushed hate. FYI...all conservative religious sects treat women as second class citizens.

Not like Islam does. As Sam Harris stated "Islam is the motherhood of bad ideas".

There are 53 Mostly Muslim countries (60% or more) can you name one on par with say the UK or the US in terms of social policies?
Let’s rephrase that. Can you name any country in history where religion is government that embraces our social values? The problem isn’t Islam it is religion in government. It always sucks for women and religious minorities throughout history.

In Islam women are treated as property. That was not the case in ancient Western Europe where women were queens. I agree that you need separation of church and state but Islam on top of treating women like garbage, hate dogs, kill gays, hate Jews and Christians, kill you for drawing pics of Mo. It is a primitive and dangerous ideology. Again can you name one mostly Muslim country that has social values that are expected in today's modern westernized world? There is not ONE. There are 53 of them. Coincidence?

The one Jewish nation is in fact tolerant, a democracy, a military power and economically strong.
In ancient Western Europe women were property, Jews were frequently expelled, subject to pogroms and restrictions and periodically killed.

You have dodged my question. I answered yours. In a conversation it is polite to answer each other's questions. Islam again is very tough not to judge very negatively. My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys. Treat their women as 2nd class. Both had arranged marriages.

"My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys" this what their wives look like? seriously.

i know the same muslims you know.

"great guys."

ohhhhhhh yeah.......

They're.Grrrrrrrrrreeaat !

Not like Islam does. As Sam Harris stated "Islam is the motherhood of bad ideas".

There are 53 Mostly Muslim countries (60% or more) can you name one on par with say the UK or the US in terms of social policies?
Let’s rephrase that. Can you name any country in history where religion is government that embraces our social values? The problem isn’t Islam it is religion in government. It always sucks for women and religious minorities throughout history.

In Islam women are treated as property. That was not the case in ancient Western Europe where women were queens. I agree that you need separation of church and state but Islam on top of treating women like garbage, hate dogs, kill gays, hate Jews and Christians, kill you for drawing pics of Mo. It is a primitive and dangerous ideology. Again can you name one mostly Muslim country that has social values that are expected in today's modern westernized world? There is not ONE. There are 53 of them. Coincidence?

The one Jewish nation is in fact tolerant, a democracy, a military power and economically strong.
In ancient Western Europe women were property, Jews were frequently expelled, subject to pogroms and restrictions and periodically killed.

You have dodged my question. I answered yours. In a conversation it is polite to answer each other's questions. Islam again is very tough not to judge very negatively. My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys. Treat their women as 2nd class. Both had arranged marriages.

"My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys" this what their wives look like? seriously.

i know the same muslims you know.

"great guys."

ohhhhhhh yeah.......

They're.Grrrrrrrrrreeaat !

I am on your side man. They are good guys but they are very Americanized.
We know the target and extent of your hate.
It is no different than your own anti-Muslim hate.

Anti Radical Islam. Don't play coy.
For some.

For others it is all the same. Dont pretend otherwise. It is like the those who claim they don’t hate Jews...just Zionists. A pretty way of trying to hide anti-semitism or anti-Muslim hatred.

Radical Islamists treat women as 2nd class citizens, hate gays and pretty much anyone not Muslim. Pretty easy to hate. Jews don't blow you up for drawing pics of Moses.

That doesn’t change generic broadbrushed hate. FYI...all conservative religious sects treat women as second class citizens.

You never answered my question. You dodged with your own questions, which I answered. Incredible.
RE: Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The is a request and NOT a requirement.

• "the (UN Palestine) Commission; which shall act in conformity with the recommendations of the General Assembly, under the guidance of the Security Council."
• "The mandatory Power shall not take any action to prevent, obstruct or delay the implementation by the (UN Palestine) Commission of the measures recommended by the General Assembly (A/RES/181 II).

Recommends to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;
Didn't happen.

The Part I-B STEPS PREPARATORY TO INDEPENDENCE, A/RES/181(II) 29 November 1947 made the UNPC the action arm for the Security Council. Absent guidance to the contrary, the UNPC directed implemation procedures.

Again this is some subterfuge to challenge the legitimacy of how the State of Israel, via self-determination, established self-governing institutions.

It did not require a decree or approval by the Security Council, but was self-actualization. If you read the string of reports from the UN Palestine Commission that covered issues of food, transportation banking, tax revenues, a postal system system --- and everything in between, you will see that it was not a spontaneous process. It was a well thoughtout plan that everyone was aware.

It is what it is. You may challenge it all you like, but what happened was a reality, just as todaysMiddle East is a reality.

Most Respectfully,
Let’s rephrase that. Can you name any country in history where religion is government that embraces our social values? The problem isn’t Islam it is religion in government. It always sucks for women and religious minorities throughout history.

In Islam women are treated as property. That was not the case in ancient Western Europe where women were queens. I agree that you need separation of church and state but Islam on top of treating women like garbage, hate dogs, kill gays, hate Jews and Christians, kill you for drawing pics of Mo. It is a primitive and dangerous ideology. Again can you name one mostly Muslim country that has social values that are expected in today's modern westernized world? There is not ONE. There are 53 of them. Coincidence?

The one Jewish nation is in fact tolerant, a democracy, a military power and economically strong.
In ancient Western Europe women were property, Jews were frequently expelled, subject to pogroms and restrictions and periodically killed.

You have dodged my question. I answered yours. In a conversation it is polite to answer each other's questions. Islam again is very tough not to judge very negatively. My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys. Treat their women as 2nd class. Both had arranged marriages.

"My Muslim friends here in the US. Great guys" this what their wives look like? seriously.

i know the same muslims you know.

"great guys."

ohhhhhhh yeah.......

They're.Grrrrrrrrrreeaat !

I am on your side man. They are good guys but they are very Americanized.

"They are good guys but they are very Americanized.."

right. i, i, i ...understand what you mean


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