EDITORIAL: What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege


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Mar 11, 2015
This editorial is in response to a white person who could not understand the concept of white privilege. Why that person decided to ask a black person about it instead of the white person who created the concept once again shows ignorance of an issue and a willingness by some whites to dismiss any thought that perhaps whites have been the prime beneficiary of racial preferences.

EDITORIAL: What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege

by Lori Lakin Hutcherson, GBN Editor-in-Chief

Yesterday I was tagged in a post by an old high school friend, asking me and a few others a very public, direct question about white privilege and racism. I feel compelled not only to publish his query but also my response to it, as it may be a helpful discourse for more than just a handful of folks on Facebook.

Here’s his post:

“To all of my Black or mixed race FB friends, I must profess a blissful ignorance of this “White Privilege” of which I’m apparently guilty of possessing. By not being able to fully put myself in the shoes of someone from a background/race/religion/gender/ nationality/body type that differs from my own makes me part of the problem, according to what I’m now hearing. Despite my treating everyone with respect and humor my entire life (as far as I know), I’m somehow complicit in the misfortune of others. I’m not saying I’m colorblind, but whatever racism/sexism/other -ism my life experience has instilled in me stays within me, and is not manifested in the way I treat others (which is not the case with far too many, I know).

So that I may be enlightened, can you please share with me some examples of institutional racism that have made an indelible mark upon you? If I am to understand this, I need people I know personally to show me how I’m missing what’s going on. Personal examples only. I’m not trying to be insensitive, I only want to understand (but not from the media). I apologize if this comes off as crass or offends anyone.”

Here’s my response:

EDITORIAL: What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege
He's putting up with the fact he can't read the link.
When I first read the title of the thread, I thought IM2 was saying he had a white friend.

Everyone here knows that's an impossibility. ... :lol: :lol:

I guess I married my enemy .
If you can't read the link, you have nothing to contribute to this conversation and you are trolling.

And you will be reported.
Powerful article, that bears repeating.

The author was asked for 10 reasons, here's the first one...

1. When I was 3, my family moved into an upper-middle class, all-white neighborhood. We had a big backyard, so my parents built a pool. Not the only pool on the block, but the only one neighborhood boys started throwing rocks into. White boys. One day my mom ID’d one as the boy from across the street, went to his house, told his mother and fortunately, his mother believed mine. My mom not only got an apology, but also had that boy jump in our pool and retrieve every single rock. No more rocks after that. Then Mom even invited him to come over to swim sometime if he asked permission. Everyone became friends. This one has a happy ending because my mom was and is badass about matters like these, but I hope you can see that the white privilege in this situation is being able to move into a “nice” neighborhood and be accepted not harassed, made to feel unwelcome, or prone to acts of vandalism and hostility.
  • Thanks
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I have to admit I never realized not being in prison or having a criminal record was a privilege.
I have to admit I never realized not being in prison or having a criminal record was a privilege.

At least 95 percent of all blacks meet that criteria. However whites commit more crimes and it's been proven that blacks get convicted for crimes whites don't.

That's white privilege son.
At least 95 percent of all blacks meet that criteria. However whites commit more crimes and it's been proven that blacks get convicted for crimes whites don't.

That's white privilege son.
You calling someone you don't know "son" would be like them calling you "boy".

You have no entitlement to insult others unless you agree to be insulted.
I have to admit I never realized not being in prison or having a criminal record was a privilege.

At least 95 percent of all blacks meet that criteria. However whites commit more crimes and it's been proven that blacks get convicted for crimes whites don't.

That's white privilege son.

Why can't it just be black inadequacy?
Whites have nothing to do with it.
I have to admit I never realized not being in prison or having a criminal record was a privilege.

At least 95 percent of all blacks meet that criteria. However whites commit more crimes and it's been proven that blacks get convicted for crimes whites don't.

That's white privilege son.

No it's not it means there are more smart whites then blacks

When I first read the title of the thread, I thought IM2 was saying he had a white friend.

Everyone here knows that's an impossibility. ... :lol: :lol:

I guess I married my enemy .
You arent even good at being a racist LOL what a fuckin loser

That's because I'm not a racist you stupid motherfucker.

I would beg the differ and you are as racist and bigoted as they come and refuse to acknowledge it.

If you are in a interracial marriage then I must ask why you made the choice of marrying a non-black over some of our gorgeous and more stronger black women?

As for white privilege, like Harley said it does not exist any longer but you live in the past and still believe this is the 1950's or worst the 1860's...

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