Economic Treason?


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
Starving the Beast achieves a whole new platitude>

We get that Republicans don’t care about folks like us. We know they are willing to stop Social Security payments, and payroll for the members of America’s armed services rather than raise the debt ceiling. We get it, we really do.

But to tank the American, and likely the global, economy just to give their lame candidate (whoever it might be) a chance at taking down Obama in 2012? Exactly that is starting to look to like their best strategy.

Republican Path to Victory in 2012: Take Down the Economy

comments? potus hopeful palin quotes?
oh wait!.........

. A quarter of Republicans questioned profess to believe that ACORN is definitely planning to steal the 2012 election while another 32 percent think it might be. These numbers are admittedly lower than the 52 percent who, in 2009, went on record accusing ACORN of having stolen the election for Obama, but this should strike a person with normal mental faculties as a mite surprising, given that the organization no longer exists. Similarly, a recent poll of Republicans found that 48 percent of those questioned believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Again, this is almost double the 28 percent who believed it in February, but it is still rather low, given that Hawaii released the president’s long-form birth certificate to satisfy exactly this group of noisy idiots.

The Problem of Republican Idiots | The Nation

But there’s a third reason for Washington’s inaction. It’s not being talked about — which is itself evidence of the problem.

The unemployed are politically invisible. They don’t make major campaign donations. They don’t lobby Congress. There’s no National Association of Unemployed People.
Their ranks are filled with women who had been public employees, single mothers, minorities, young people trying to enter the labor force, and middle-aged men who have been out of work for longer than six months. You couldn’t find a collection of people with less political clout

Robert Reich (Why Washington Isn't Doing Squat About Jobs and Wages)
Oh, good grief. The stupid! It hurts!
Obama has ask for 3 TRILLION in his budget. The dems have proven they will not make any cuts when they whined about 60 billion that wasn't even a cut.

The deficit is out of Control. The dems have no intention of doing anything about it. The Republicans are using what leverage they have to get meaningful cuts.
oh wait!.........

. A quarter of Republicans questioned profess to believe that ACORN is definitely planning to steal the 2012 election while another 32 percent think it might be. These numbers are admittedly lower than the 52 percent who, in 2009, went on record accusing ACORN of having stolen the election for Obama, but this should strike a person with normal mental faculties as a mite surprising, given that the organization no longer exists. Similarly, a recent poll of Republicans found that 48 percent of those questioned believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Again, this is almost double the 28 percent who believed it in February, but it is still rather low, given that Hawaii released the president’s long-form birth certificate to satisfy exactly this group of noisy idiots.

The Problem of Republican Idiots | The Nation

ACORN no longer exists?

They changed their name, stupid.

Community Organizations International
I don't even know why they say there is a debt ceiling because that's just a lie. They just 'raise' it whenever they over-spend . . .which is when? Constantly.

The R's are trying to get some kind of handle on this mess by forcing the D's to cut spending. What part of CUT SPENDING are these morons in DC not getting?

We're out of money and the D's have their heads up their asses and their fingers in their ears saying 'we can continue as we have been and spend, spend, spend!'.

One thing seems clear: America's government is making its economic road harder than it needs to be. Debt problems loom, but there is no immediate fiscal crisis and no need for drastic short-term cuts. When debt issues came up during my trip to China, officials had a consistent message: China is a patient investor. It wants America to take steps toward fiscal sustainability, but it's happy to have this happen over a 5- to 10-year period. By cutting drastically now, America is undermining its economy for no good reason.

Treasury yields tell the tale; they continue to tumble. The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell below 3% on today's bad economic news. Treasury yields have fallen on reduced American economic prospects, but they've also moved down as part of a broad flight to safety. Trouble in Europe and a slowdown in Asia have made the safe haven of American government debt more attractive. Which makes the tussle over America's debt ceiling look even more unnecessarily dangerous. The other consistent message from Chinese officials on debt matters was that any failure to make good on American obligations would be catastrophic. Even a very short disruption in payments, of a week or two, would be totally unacceptable.

Neither Chinese leaders or markets think a disruption is likely. Today's downward move in Treasuries followed on the heels of the failure in Congress last night of a "clean" (that is, without tacked on spending cuts) increase in the debt ceiling. And Congress will almost certainly lift the debt limit. But the decline in Treasury yields indicates the nature of the fire with which legislators are playing. If Congress called into question the safety of the one safe asset for which markets have an almost unlimited appetite, all hell would break loose.


BY THE end of October China's foreign-exchange reserves are likely to top $1 trillion, twice their level two years ago and more than one-fifth of global reserves. This handsome sum would be enough to buy all the gold sitting in central banks' vaults (indeed, twice over) or almost all of London's residential property.

I don't even know why they say there is a debt ceiling because that's just a lie. They just 'raise' it whenever they over-spend . . .which is when? Constantly.

The R's are trying to get some kind of handle on this mess by forcing the D's to cut spending. What part of CUT SPENDING are these morons in DC not getting?

We're out of money and the D's have their heads up their asses and their fingers in their ears saying 'we can continue as we have been and spend, spend, spend!'.


The Republicans too have yet to come up with negotiable spending cuts, other than Ryan's "plan" which is dead in the water. Something acceptable will be resolved, but right now the status is that proverbial Mexican standoff.
The bars in red and pink are the real treason:

The Republicans continue to demand spending cuts only; the Democrats are agreeable to spending cuts but rightfully claim that tax increases are also needed to see any measurable drop in the deficit. Republicans seem to think they can chip away at budget items and it will make a difference, but it really won't. Too bad our esteemed USSC decided that the line item veto was unconstitutional, or we might be much further along in this process.

One compromise might be a tax increase on millionnaires/billionnaires but with an expiration date (just like the tax cuts had expiration dates).
Starving the Beast achieves a whole new platitude>

We get that Republicans don’t care about folks like us. Lie We know they are willing to stop Social Security payments, link?and payroll for the members of America’s armed services rather than raise the debt ceiling. lie We get it, we really do. No, actually you don't have a single clue.

But to tank the American, and likely the global, economy just to give their lame candidate (whoever it might be) a chance at taking down Obama in 2012? Exactly that is starting to look to like their best strategy. actually, doing the hard work to save the economy long term is the plan. Obama is killing his own chance.

Republican Path to Victory in 2012: Take Down the Economy

comments? potus hopeful palin quotes?

Seriously, form your own opinion based on some facts.
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Oh goody. Let's punish investment capital so that we can create even less jobs.

All increasing taxes on the very wealthy will do is drive them to lower tax jurisdictions.

Bono and U2 moved out of Ireland to avoid taxes. The wealthy here will do the same to avoid high U.S. taxes.
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oh wait!.........

. A quarter of Republicans questioned profess to believe that ACORN is definitely planning to steal the 2012 election while another 32 percent think it might be. These numbers are admittedly lower than the 52 percent who, in 2009, went on record accusing ACORN of having stolen the election for Obama, but this should strike a person with normal mental faculties as a mite surprising, given that the organization no longer exists. Similarly, a recent poll of Republicans found that 48 percent of those questioned believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States. Again, this is almost double the 28 percent who believed it in February, but it is still rather low, given that Hawaii released the president’s long-form birth certificate to satisfy exactly this group of noisy idiots.

The Problem of Republican Idiots | The Nation

No bias in that link :cuckoo:

ACORN simply changed it's name.

But there’s a third reason for Washington’s inaction. It’s not being talked about — which is itself evidence of the problem.

The unemployed are politically invisible. They don’t make major campaign donations. They don’t lobby Congress. There’s no National Association of Unemployed People.
Their ranks are filled with women who had been public employees, single mothers, minorities, young people trying to enter the labor force, and middle-aged men who have been out of work for longer than six months. You couldn’t find a collection of people with less political clout

Robert Reich (Why Washington Isn't Doing Squat About Jobs and Wages)

Your lack of historical knowledge is telling.

Only FDR was able to get re-elected with UE over 7%.

And Obama lacks too much to walk in his shoes and there's is far to much media coverage to cover his lack of skills.
Oh goody. Let's punish investment capital so that we can create even less jobs.

What are they investing in to create jobs? If they were, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

They are sitting on cash due to uncertainty. Making Higher Taxes Certain will drive that capital overseas.

Corporate profits rose 29% in 2010, the fastest growth in 50 years. You mean with those kinds of numbers they're still whining that their fat-cat deal on corporate tax writeoffs might go away? Ironically, if American businesses expanded IN AMERICA thereby creating jobs, those greedy bastards might just realize that their profits would rise exponentially.

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