eavesdropping on obamacare

That is seriously all you bring to the discussion? I guess that means you are conceding every point I made and the only thing you have is to call me "Francis". That is tremendously weak.

You had points? Who knew!

Two posts, two personal attacks. Is that what you are all about?

Only when someone new insists on being an ass. Well, an especially big ass.


Here, you want something on topic? Okeedokee...

Syrenn, that is a sad tale indeed. I imagine there are many similar stories being told nation wide, too bad they can't be gathered together and shared. While I have no reason to doubt you, or the veracity of your story, let me point out to you that there will be some jack-holes who will insist you're full of shit and demand links for any, what they consider, credible discussion.

That said, if your story is indeed true, the one can only hope that what is wrong with Obamacare will be put right.

Of course, when you have talk show hosts knob-gobbling the President and proclaiming the entire nation grateful for the ACA... Well, I wouldn't get my hopes up...

There ya go sport!
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Bluesman I hereby anoint you dumber than TM and I didn't think that possible.

All that and you still haven't included one on-topic phrase?

I am new here. Is this how it works? A bunch of bullshit and no content?

Many repub-voters here are still sore from the shellacking they took in '12 :( so they retaliate on easy targets (new people w/ low rep) Sad.
R.D. said:
Got links for those opinions, sparky?

You want a "link" for my "opinion"? I just gave my opinion and the link would be located in the address bar of your browser. If you want to claim that the Obama-haters cared more about the 4 dead Americans than they cared about attacking Obama, then say so if you think it is credible. The right wingers all supported the invasion of Iraq and are not calling for investigation about the over 4 thousand dead Americans because of a republican mistake. Now that Obama is in office, they all of the sudden care about dead Americans? It doesn't take any sort of link to realize that right wingers do not care about the financial problems of the people who do not have insurance. It is republican policy that they remain uninsured. Therefore it is bullshit to assume that they care about the people that they cite when attacking Obama or his policies.
You want links to her eavesdropping.

So you should have no problem linking your opinions.

Your rules, sparky?
miss white oprah steps out of the tavern to post a thread and what is the gist of it? An (supposed) anecdotal rw partisan hack thread.

STFU dottie....your post is a fail...

BTW ??? for you...

Love your avi , curious about it running around a block!
It would seem the corners would poke you and I'm very concerned of the potential of possible injuries you may incur.


Many repub-voters here are still sore from the shellacking they took in '12 :( so they retaliate on easy targets (new people w/ low rep) Sad.


This adds what to the topic my dear?
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You had points? Who knew!

Two posts, two personal attacks. Is that what you are all about?

Only when someone new insists on being an ass. Well, an especially big ass.


Here, you want something on topic? Okeedokee...

Syrenn, that is a sad tale indeed. I imagine there are many similar stories being told nation wide, too bad they can't be gathered together and shared. While I have no reason to doubt you, or the veracity of your story, let me point out to you that there will be some jack-holes who will insist you're full of shit and demand links for any, what they consider, credible discussion.

That said, if your story is indeed true, the one can only hope that what is wrong with Obamacare will be put right.

There ya go sport!

No. I am not asking for something that by your admission originated in your imagination. I was asking for real content but if that is beyond what you can provide, then I thank you for giving it a try.
Two posts, two personal attacks. Is that what you are all about?

Only when someone new insists on being an ass. Well, an especially big ass.


Here, you want something on topic? Okeedokee...

Syrenn, that is a sad tale indeed. I imagine there are many similar stories being told nation wide, too bad they can't be gathered together and shared. While I have no reason to doubt you, or the veracity of your story, let me point out to you that there will be some jack-holes who will insist you're full of shit and demand links for any, what they consider, credible discussion.

That said, if your story is indeed true, the one can only hope that what is wrong with Obamacare will be put right.

There ya go sport!

No. I am not asking for something that by your admission originated in your imagination. I was asking for real content but if that is beyond what you can provide, then I thank you for giving it a try.

You get lost easily, huh?
R.D. said:
Got links for those opinions, sparky?

You want a "link" for my "opinion"? I just gave my opinion and the link would be located in the address bar of your browser. If you want to claim that the Obama-haters cared more about the 4 dead Americans than they cared about attacking Obama, then say so if you think it is credible. The right wingers all supported the invasion of Iraq and are not calling for investigation about the over 4 thousand dead Americans because of a republican mistake. Now that Obama is in office, they all of the sudden care about dead Americans? It doesn't take any sort of link to realize that right wingers do not care about the financial problems of the people who do not have insurance. It is republican policy that they remain uninsured. Therefore it is bullshit to assume that they care about the people that they cite when attacking Obama or his policies.
You want links to her eavesdropping.

So you should have no problem linking your opinions.

Your rules, sparky?

Are you not capable of an adult discussion with out the silly names?

Also, it is it beyond your reading comprehension level to understand that I am specifically pointing out how weak it is to post what someone "overheard". Anyone who is keeping up with political discussions in these types of forums knows that the right has offered some stories about this topic that turned out to be bogus. I already provided one example in an earlier post. It isn't valid to give up on that and then just move on to stuff people "overheard". If you don't comprehend why that is weak, then I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain it to you.
Only when someone new insists on being an ass. Well, an especially big ass.


Here, you want something on topic? Okeedokee...

Syrenn, that is a sad tale indeed. I imagine there are many similar stories being told nation wide, too bad they can't be gathered together and shared. While I have no reason to doubt you, or the veracity of your story, let me point out to you that there will be some jack-holes who will insist you're full of shit and demand links for any, what they consider, credible discussion.

That said, if your story is indeed true, the one can only hope that what is wrong with Obamacare will be put right.

There ya go sport!

No. I am not asking for something that by your admission originated in your imagination. I was asking for real content but if that is beyond what you can provide, then I thank you for giving it a try.

You get lost easily, huh?

Why are you focusing so much on me? I am not the liberal strawman. If you want to debate with me then you actually have to say something. Personal attacks that focus on me are just another way of declaring surrender. Therefore, I accept your surrender and give you permission to go bother someone else.
You want a "link" for my "opinion"? I just gave my opinion and the link would be located in the address bar of your browser. If you want to claim that the Obama-haters cared more about the 4 dead Americans than they cared about attacking Obama, then say so if you think it is credible. The right wingers all supported the invasion of Iraq and are not calling for investigation about the over 4 thousand dead Americans because of a republican mistake. Now that Obama is in office, they all of the sudden care about dead Americans? It doesn't take any sort of link to realize that right wingers do not care about the financial problems of the people who do not have insurance. It is republican policy that they remain uninsured. Therefore it is bullshit to assume that they care about the people that they cite when attacking Obama or his policies.
You want links to her eavesdropping.

So you should have no problem linking your opinions.

Your rules, sparky?

Are you not capable of an adult discussion with out the silly names?

Also, it is it beyond your reading comprehension level to understand that I am specifically pointing out how weak it is to post what someone "overheard". Anyone who is keeping up with political discussions in these types of forums knows that the right has offered some stories about this topic that turned out to be bogus. I already provided one example in an earlier post. It isn't valid to give up on that and then just move on to stuff people "overheard". If you don't comprehend why that is weak, then I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain it to you.

Bogus? Like if you like your health care plan you can keep it? Like we've got to pass this so we can find out what's in it?
The entire thread is based on hearsay. :zzz:

Syrenn heard it, she found it worth mentioning, she mentioned it.

Were people allowed to talk about things like this before the internet without being heckled about their sources?

Heckling by definition is an interruption from an audience member.

This is supposed to be a discussion forum where people talk about things. It isn't heckling to point out that it is weak to use hearsay instead of providing an actual source. It would be more honorable to just concede that it is weak to post hearsay instead of digging in and asking everyone to simply drink the right wing Kool-Aid and magically understand.

If Sarah Palin was giving a speech to a group of right wing ideologues and used hearsay and someone asked her about it in the middle of the speech, then it would be heckling. If they posted about it online, then they would just be exercising free speech.
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You want links to her eavesdropping.

So you should have no problem linking your opinions.

Your rules, sparky?

Are you not capable of an adult discussion with out the silly names?

Also, it is it beyond your reading comprehension level to understand that I am specifically pointing out how weak it is to post what someone "overheard". Anyone who is keeping up with political discussions in these types of forums knows that the right has offered some stories about this topic that turned out to be bogus. I already provided one example in an earlier post. It isn't valid to give up on that and then just move on to stuff people "overheard". If you don't comprehend why that is weak, then I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain it to you.

Bogus? Like if you like your health care plan you can keep it? Like we've got to pass this so we can find out what's in it?

I didn't make any such statements so I have no responsibility to defend them. Besides, they do not address what I said. When you respond to just one word out of an entire paragraph, that really isn't a valid response. Otherwise it would make sense for me to start talking about football because you included the word "pass". Please just do better in your next post. I don't have the energy to keep explaining things like this.
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Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

It is impossible to know what happened when you don't know what insurance he had before and what he has now. Switching insurance when you are sick is dangerous because it is hard for most people to know what is or isn't covered.

Market economics rely on the purchaser having good information. Sounds like this person didn't even know enough about the plan they were purchasing to know how or if it covered the treatment they knew they were going to need.

If you didn't throw out the baby you wouldn't have to blame the bathwater.

Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

So instead of coming up with something that can be objectively reviewed, you are interjecting something you "overheard". This is a typical Obama-hater tactic.

You could ask the roommate what the conversation was about if you like. After all, they had a lot of time to discuss how fucked up life can be with cancer and why the government should get out of the insurance business.

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